Chapter 704

This is not to say that the level of special warfare in the East Square is very low, but that these carefully selected non-staff personnel all have great potential, even if it is a huge potential that even Zhao Shen and Guo Lin can't compare to.

Success does require hard work, but it is undeniable that talent is also an important factor in determining success or failure.

Li Xiao's monstrosity is obvious to all.

As for Lian Jing and the others being qualified to be in the same team as Li Xiao, there was a reason for that.

The talents of these people have completely surpassed ordinary people. Once they really grow up, what they can do is beyond the reach of ordinary special forces members.

Just after Li Xiao disappeared, the three of Lian Jing stopped and quickly searched for a cover to hide.

Then the three looked at each other, Zhang Boshu picked up the infrared binoculars, looked for the point designated by Li Xiao, and quickly glanced at it.

Is there two seconds before and after?


However, what Zhang Boshu said shocked Lian Jing and Han Dali as companions.

"Lian Jing crawls forward for 30 meters, one o'clock, and shoots at a 50-degree angle. Han Dali moves forward [-] meters, in the same direction, and shoots at a [-]-degree angle. Simultaneous fire can kill the enemy together."

Zhang Boshu's brain is like a computer drawing. In this short period of time, he made a comprehensive simulation of the whole situation and expressed his judgment.

Don't ask why he is so sure that this method can be successful.

It was his brain. After entering the state, the conditioned reflex told him the answer.

Li Xiao also heard these words, but he only felt one thing, which was ridiculous.

Having lived so long, he has never heard of anyone who can judge the shooting angle with the naked eye.

If the observer on the other side said this, he would still believe it. After all, he has professional equipment in his hand, and even customs and air resistance can be perfectly marked.

What does Zhang Boshu have?
He was just an infrared telescope. Were you playing games, or were you playing football and scoring a goal?

Li Xiao felt that the matter was unreliable, but he didn't say much, and followed those "rookies" to toss, anyway, it took 3 minutes.

As long as the time passes, they can't even do this thing, our boss Li will act on our own and won't take them to play.

Looking up at the big tree where he was hiding, he jumped up, grabbed the branch that was protruding, turned up, lowered his head slightly, and blocked the entire camera lens with his entire face for the third time.

"Come, come, let's talk about fifty cents while we have time."

When this word got out, the faces of everyone in the command office turned black.

Not to mention those foreign friends who have gambled their future and fate for this operation, even Long Gao is now wondering what he has done in the past period of time?
They actually watched Li Xiao run for an hour.

That's right, those people who paid the most attention to all of Li Xiao's movements always positioned the big screen in front of him on Li Xiao's body, and then watched that guy run wildly under the night under the leadership of the aerial drone.

Watching a small movie with no plot, at least there is a scene change.

Li Xiao doesn't have anything here, everyone is sleepy, okay?

Now the other party jumped out again, saying that they are talking about fifty cents, who is in the mood to talk to you?

Of course, even if they were in that mood, the reality couldn't allow them to have a real conversation with Li Xiao. The only thing they could do was to listen to that nasty guy rambling on by himself.

"I've just been thinking about what this operation is about. If it was purely an internal selection, there is no need to engage in such a big battle. Don't think that I didn't see the blockade in the waters around Niutou Ridge, that kind of The lockdown obviously doesn’t allow anyone to leave here.”

As soon as these words came out, who could imagine the mood of the people at the command office.

Chadman slapped the table and glared at him: "Long Gao, what do you mean? Why is there a blockade? Didn't we agree that we can freely participate in this operation?"

Angrily questioning, in return Long Gao looked at him like an idiot.

Even though she didn't intend to tell anyone about the peripheral arrangements, now that Li Xiao has explained the mystery, he doesn't mind being known by these people.

only because……

"Mr. Chadman, don't forget what this place is. I have been very kind to you to get you involved. Who told you that I would let your people leave easily? I said it a long time ago, you do To make a decision, you must have the awareness to bear the loss. I will not interfere with everything on Niutou Ridge, and if you get out of that island, it depends on your fate!"

These words overwhelmed everyone present, and they were really breathless.

The reason why they were so excited just now was not because they were full of confidence in the people they sent.

But this confidence is based on the condition of basic equality. There are individual teams fighting in Niutauling, and their people are also fighting alone, and they are not afraid at all.

As a result, there is still a heavily armed blockade on the periphery, isn't it obvious that they will never return.

If they knew this was the case, how could they easily send someone there.

Is it too late to withdraw now?
As if knowing what they were thinking, Long Gao chuckled softly: "Your people haven't entered the blockade yet, I have no objection to withdrawing early. However, as I said, there is only one chance. Don't grasp it this time In the future, if anyone dares to have thoughts about Li Xiao and Ning Xiaoxi, they should consider the consequences of angering us!"

"Okay, Long, this is what you forced us to do. Originally, we thought of ways to be softer. But this time, I'll tell you the truth. We have suffered losses, and we will definitely not make it easier for you!"

The arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

People like Chadman couldn't ignore Li Xiao's threat and Ning Xiaoxi's temptation, so they could only continue with the previous actions, but the action plan would definitely change. Before, they only targeted Li Xiao alone, but now they will target everyone on the island.

I don't believe that Long Gao and the others are not afraid of losses.

"Haha, I'm sorry, we don't want to have losses, but we are never afraid of losses. Our people don't like to be provoked, but they are never afraid of provocations. Don't say harsh words. Let's see who wins in the end!"

The room fell into a brief silence again.

Li Xiao didn't know what kind of accident he had caused, so he continued on his own: "Who is not allowed to leave the outer blockade? It must not be us, which means there will be some real enemies Show up. They are definitely allowed to come. I am more curious about why they come, what is there, or who is attracting them, no, is it you?"

Li Xiao was like Sherlock Holmes possessed, staring straight at the camera in front of him.

"I know that you people are watching. I also know that the only thing that can attract you is resources. Life ore resources are what you want most, so..."

The words of the conclusion have not yet been spoken.

The sudden gunshot interrupted even Li Xiao's train of thought.

(End of this chapter)

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