Chapter 699
After receiving rigorous training in Nansha Plaza for a month, the three of Han Dali have achieved a radical transformation.

Even if they have never experienced any such tasks before, during the training, the coaches' simulated explanations made them fully mentally prepared.

Of course, when it comes to practice, it is inevitable that you will be a little nervous.

However, Li Xiao's words made all the tension of the three of them dissipate, and the rest was speechless.

What does it mean to be watched by tens of millions of people?

"Li Xiao, it doesn't matter what you did before or what kind of experience you have. At least now we are a team, and we are here to carry out life-and-death missions. Please focus on it. You were making movies at the time, and There are cameras following and broadcasting all of our situation?"

As the world testified, Han Dali just made a simple analogy.

After all, they are athletes. When participating in international competitions, cameras will be pointed at them. The feeling Li Xiao described was exactly the same as when he first came to the stage to compete.

However, that situation quietly went away two years ago when he accidentally killed someone.

It's even more impossible to appear in this situation, that's right.

Lian Jing and Zhang Boshu were too lazy to talk to Li Xiao.

When they were preparing before, the inner turmoil caused by writing the suicide note has not calmed down yet, they can only force themselves to calm down.

Afterwards, Zhang Boshu was the first to enter the role, taking out the map he was carrying and spreading it out.

"Let's specify an action plan and route first."

Following the words, Han Dali and Lian Jing moved forward, but suddenly a hand was pressed on the map.

"Wait first!"

Li Xiao raised his hand to silence the people around him, glanced around, and finally settled on a coastal reef, and walked over.

In the eyes of others, it is just an ordinary shore reef.

Li Xiao's serious expression made it easy for people to think that he had discovered the enemy's situation, but in fact, who would take an ordinary stone as the enemy's situation.

Unable to understand Li Xiao's actions at all, he could only look at him, bent down, and leaned his whole face close to the stone.

At the same time, the TV and computer screens in front of countless people were all occupied by a big face.

Long Gao, who was familiar with all of Li Xiao's files at the Jinghua General Command Office, raised his hand to cover his eyes at that time.

The entire Niutouling Island, I don’t know how many such cameras have been set up secretly, just to record everything that happened on the island. I wanted to go to the team that carried out these arrangements, but I swore to him that even the people who participated in the setup in advance , I can't even find out where the camera lens is.

The results of it.

Li Xiao and the others had just landed on the island, and before they even took a step, they discovered the hidden equipment.

What's going on here?

In case that guy Li Xiao becomes addicted to playing, he will destroy all the hidden devices along the way, how can he record it?

Long Gao feels broken.

The rest of the people in the room were extremely flustered, especially the many foreigners. Many of them had a very deep understanding of Huofeng a few years ago, and some of them had even dealt directly with Huofeng and suffered at the hands of Huofeng.

Li Xiao leaned in front of the camera lens at such a close distance, his eyes were burning, it gave them a terrifying feeling of being watched by a demon.

At that moment, these people's legs trembled, and they subconsciously wanted to flee the scene.

Fortunately, after realizing that this place is thousands of kilometers away from Li Xiaozu, they relaxed.But without exception, they all began to worry about another thing.They all made important arrangements and sent elite personnel to Niutauling.

Its purpose is nothing more than to take this opportunity to deal a heavy blow to Huofeng.

But in the face of such a vigilant Huofeng, they really couldn't be sure whether their elite men could deal a blow to Li Xiao.

They are afraid that they will be the last to be hit.

The atmosphere in the command office was somewhat depressing. The mood of the people who had just come to watch the show as it was a good show was completely dissipated by Li Xiao's "death stare".

In contrast, in other places, those ordinary people sitting in front of the TV and computer, how can the mood at this moment be explained by "complexity".

Everyone thought they were watching a documentary, at least in the first few minutes, when the Zodiac made its grand debut with the fully armed squad, everyone began to look forward to the next plot.

But the reality is that the main show didn't even start, and the "actor" took the initiative to take a long close-up shot.

What's going on here?

Even everyone in Xiaolong Company, including Sister Yi, felt embarrassed for Li Xiao at this moment.

Anyway, let us get used to the tense atmosphere, that's good, it's obviously a serious matter, after meeting Li Xiao, why is it so full of funny atmosphere?

It seemed that the whole world fell silent together. After more than ten seconds, Li Xiao tilted his head and backed away a little.

"This is not the animal world. No matter who you are watching, remember, where I am, it will definitely be unsuitable for children."

The voice fell, and with a snap, the camera lens hidden inside the boulder shattered.

All images are plunged into darkness.

No one could have imagined that this would happen.

The normal TV channel was switched to other locations at the fastest speed. In the whole Niutauling, not only the four people like Li Xiao, but also dozens of other scattered teams of special forces members were performing completely different tasks.Even if Li Xiao is never filmed, it will not make the audience feel boring.

But such a psychedelic start is like pouring a basin of cold water on the heads of all enthusiastic people.

At the Niutauling landing point, Li Xiao threw his father's discarded camera equipment into the water, and when he turned around, he could see three shocked faces.

Han Dali and the others really couldn't imagine that there could be something recording their every move in this place.

"Li, Li Xiao, how did you find out?"

"It doesn't matter how I found out. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that I have a feeling that this mission is very special, and the situation is more complicated than I imagined. This is an exercise that may kill people."

Years of experience of walking on the edge of life and death told Li Xiao that things were far from as simple as he imagined.

At least, with Zhao Shen's reminder before landing on the island, he just regarded it as an exercise and didn't have any worries at all.But standing in this place, the invisible pressure told him that the drill was still a drill, and a real war could also break out during the drill.

Looking up at the three people around him, his expression was unprecedentedly serious: "Dali, Boshu, Lianmei, are you really ready? Send a signal now, and you can go back. But if you choose to stay, then give it to me." I have the confidence to hand over my back to you."

(End of this chapter)

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