Chapter 688
Li Xiao also stayed here alone for too long, so it would be interesting to see something different.

He thought it was weird enough for someone to compete with the helicopter for the sake of face, but as more and more people followed, and various unexpected scenes appeared, he lamented his ignorance.

After reaching a certain level, there were still some people who swayed and tricked a group of "people with lofty ideals" to attack the guards on the high wall together, planning to rebel and escape.

Of course, the solution is also quite wonderful.

One by one was hit with a stun gun, and they convulsed for a long time, and they all lay down on the ground and behaved.

This night was definitely the most colorful one since Li Xiao came here.

When it was daylight, there was finally no helicopter to send people back.

The entire square was full of noise and noise, and after a rough estimate, there were still 500 people.

There are mostly men, but of course there are also women.

Twenty or thirty female compatriots gathered together and naturally formed a small group. Two or three who tried to get close to the past were all beaten down collectively, so no one would look for trouble at such a time.

After tossing all night, those people are also a little tired.

It was a little quieter in the square.

Immediately afterwards, around the high wall, more than a dozen searchlights swirled and shone in unison, dispelling the last trace of darkness between the sky and the earth.

Then one person stood on the high-strength platform, raised the loudspeaker and shouted in a loud voice: "Quiet the fuck!"

Li Xiao was very doubtful whether the man standing on the platform did it on purpose.

When you meet so many unruly guys, you can curse at them as soon as you open your mouth. It’s no wonder that those people can be quiet. The most intuitive expression is that the more you hate them, the more they scold you than you.

The square, which had been quiet for a while, was now filled with scolding again.

However, soon, Li Xiao knew what they wanted to do.

Ten snipers instantly appeared on the high wall, each with a sniper rifle, they spotted the loudest shouters in the square, and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

After a few gunshots, the specially made electric current bullets attached to some people accurately.

The effect was very good, and the audience fell silent in an instant.

No matter how rebellious and rebellious people are, they are not fools. They know that being shocked by electric shocks is uncomfortable, but if they still want to experience it, then they will not be sent here.

The person in charge on the platform was very satisfied with this effect, and coughed lightly: "I won't say any more polite words, and you people don't deserve my politeness. You only need to know one thing. After a month, here There are 532 people in total, and only [-] people will be left. The rest will go back and forth. Now, everyone will find their own accommodation, change into uniforms, and gather here an hour later."

After saying this, all the searchlights were turned off at the same time.

The manager turned his head and left.

Even Li Xiao was a little messed up by the breeze.

Do you want to be so hasty?

Tossing the whole night just to say such a sentence?

Wait, let those people arrange their own accommodation?
Li Xiao suddenly realized something was wrong, and turned around to look at his room.

The standard room setting for two people, air-conditioning, TV, refrigerator, etc. are all available, especially in the refrigerator, there are all kinds of cold beer that he specially bought for people.

When he first came here, he was the only one in the entire West Plaza, and it was not his choice as to which room he wanted to live in.

There are five floors up and down in this dormitory, the first floor is the worst. It is directly the setting of the Datong shop, and the upper floors are the standard rooms for eight people, six people, four people, and finally the standard rooms. There are also obvious differences in the registration of the interior decoration.

Of course Li Xiao would choose the best one.

But now he is not alone, there are more than 500 guys with unknown origins and a little grumpy temper, let them choose the room by themselves, who doesn't know to choose the one that looks more comfortable.

At that moment, the scene of hundreds of people blocking the door and barging their teeth and claws to let him out inexplicably appeared in Li Xiao's mind.

What about trouble?

Even if it's in jail, it's not like you play like this.

Just as the ominous premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a local guard stepped in, stood at attention with a snap, and put a standard uniform on the table beside the door.

"Your number 001, change your clothes immediately, and pack your personal belongings by the way. Of course, if you are sure that you can still live in this room, you don't have to pack it up."

After saying this, the other party turned and left.

Li Xiao didn't refuse to change clothes or something, after all, he planned to perform well and become the final candidate.

But the room...

There was a commotion outside the window again, and the team of hundreds of people approached the dormitory building without order.

Li Xiao suddenly missed the time when he was the only one in the past, loneliness is nothing, at least he should be quiet.

This is good, from this moment on, don't even think about having a pure time.

It's impossible to let him out of the room, so it would be good to choose a more suitable roommate.

It would be the best choice if you could share a room with an eye-catching beauty.

Li Xiao hurriedly changed his clothes, reached out his hand to explore the badge numbered "001" on his chest, but was full of anticipation for what would happen next.

So many people must be fighting for the room, eating melon seeds, watching a good show that can beat out the brains, it feels very good.

Grab a bench and sit in front of the window. At this height, you can see the scene in front of the building door.

Just as he imagined, the fight had already started before everyone entered the door.

Throughout human history, all the battles from ancient times to the present are inexplicable.

Just like in front of you, no matter where these hundreds of people came from, no matter what they did before, after coming here, like Li Xiao, they didn't get any news.

They don't even know what their fate will be in the future, but it is very clear that people have to sleep, and civilized people cannot use the sky as their seat and the earth as their mat, and they must have a bed for sleeping.

In order to grab a bed, it is normal to turn into a barbarian and fight.

The chaos downstairs continued, and Li Xiao upstairs was watching a play.

In the East Square Command Center building separated by a wall, Zhao Shen frowned as he looked at the images transmitted back from the surveillance equipment.

"What's the situation with this group of people this year? They're all like this after entering the door, are they all brainless? What I want is an elite, not a reckless man who only knows how to solve everything with his fists. Go, Tell them, if you haven't chosen a place within 10 minutes, leave immediately. And Li Xiao, don't let him watch the show either. Throw him down and stir up trouble."

Li Xiao definitely couldn't hear Zhao Shen's words.

However, his innate vigilance made him vaguely realize that there are villains trying to harm me!

(End of this chapter)

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