The toughest man in the city

Chapter 673 Special Quality Inspector

Chapter 673 Special Quality Inspector

No one can enjoy absolute freedom, even a guy like Li Xiao whose single-body ability has surpassed the limit of human beings must live within certain rules in order to survive.

It is precisely because he deeply understands this truth that he tries his best to do what he thinks is right.

It is also because of this that he can live happily for a long time.

It wasn't until he met Ning Xiaoxi that his rhythm of life was completely disrupted.

A few days ago, Chong Guan became angry and became a beauty, which made him really fall into the quagmire and couldn't extricate himself.

He was mentally prepared, even if he was sentenced to a serious crime of injury and suffered a few years in prison, he would understand.

It just couldn't understand the situation at this moment.

He is a man, there is an essential difference between a man and a woman, why is he locked up with a group of female prisoners?
What's even more strange is that several women in the same city as him completely ignored the biggest issue of gender difference, and after making eye contact with each other in front of him, they were actually discussing a rather sensitive topic.

"The time limit for this task is three days. We will try our best to gain the trust of the target person, even if it is death, we must help the target leave the Red River Prison. Remember, no one will cooperate with us. During the whole process, we may encounter Life is in danger. But, even if it is death, the target must be tricked into giving key information before dying. Now, start checking the equipment on your body."

The head of the female prisoner had a stern face, especially when he was speaking, the long scar from his forehead to the center of his brow was drawn, like the third eye of Erlang God.

Li Xiao had no doubts that the scar was real.

Judging from his experience of walking on the edge of life and death for many years, the scars took no more than a month to form.

And that weird angle was definitely not caused by external force, but by self-mutilation.

A woman, a fair-looking young woman, what is the reason for her to be so cruel and make such a disfigured behavior to herself.

If it's just one, it's fine, the other two turned their heads and didn't shy away from the presence of this man, Li Xiao, who lifted up her clothes and checked her body from head to toe for the hidden panoramic video equipment. trauma.

One was three gunshot wounds to the back.

The other didn't have any obvious scars, but the opponent's movements were a little slow, and he had suffered injuries that ordinary people couldn't understand, so it was right.

Who are these people?
No matter how vicious gangsters are, they don't have the look like you.

The key point is that they spoke and behaved like well-trained secret agents just now.

Could it be that she pretended to be like this for a special mission?
Li Xiao was dumbfounded for a long time, subconsciously shrank into the corner of the carriage, and coughed lightly: "That..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, three pairs of eyes and six icy eyes instantly fell on him.

Li Xiao is going to doubt life, okay?

He has a brain and can imagine certain things, but he really can't figure out who made this arrangement and why he was involved.Please talk about things if you have something to do, don't give any psychological preparation, just do things directly, okay!
Li Xiao opened his mouth, really wanting to ask clearly what these three women were going to do and whether they needed his help.

But he couldn't open his mouth, he made a little noise, like being stared at by a lioness, the feeling of three women pounced on him and tore him apart.

Quite a scary journey.

Li Xiao didn't even know how he got through. The only thing that made him feel relieved was that from the words of the three women opposite, he knew where he was going.

Red River Prison.

A first-level security women's prison located above the East China Sea and completely isolated from the outside world.

It took twelve hours to drive from Qinghe to Honghe Island.

When Li Xiao was pulled down from the car, he always felt as if he had passed away.

Within the eyes, I can't see a man, all of them are women, or the kind of terrible women that you don't know how evil hides under the frailty.

He is like an egg that has been misplaced in the basket. He was thrown into the snake's nest and stayed with the hatching beautiful snake. But when the nest hatches successfully, he will become the food of all other species.

"Name, Li Xiao. Number 17135. Huh? Why is it a man!"

The manager of Honghe Prison who was in charge of the reception said something in a tone of astonishment, which made Li Xiao feel as if he heard the sound of nature.

I finally met the normal one, and finally found out that he was a man.

Darling, let me go, I don't want to come to such a ghostly place.

Even if you throw me into the snake's nest, it's better than here.

"Report to the inspector, No. 17135 Li Xiao belongs to special personnel, and is required to be temporarily detained in the local cell."

The person who transported Li Xiao and others here said these words.

Afterwards, the female inspector who was about to yell to send Li Xiao away, had an extremely weird smile on her face.

"It's from the prison cell? Well, I heard the chief inspector jokingly said before that some special people can only be taken care of by sending them to me. I still don't believe it. It turns out that they really have prepared for it a long time ago."

While talking, the female supervisor carefully looked around Li Xiao, and said coldly: "I will give you this chance, if you have the ability to escape from me, then no matter where you go, I will be with you Together."

Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

That was a complete bewilderment.

Who knows you? You say this as if you are confessing your love when we meet.

The key is, can you look at the surface of the sea and observe your dignity? Your confession will make people feel scared, okay?

Li Xiao couldn't hold back any longer, shook his body violently, and pushed away two steps.

"Wait, tell me clearly, what is going on, why did you send me here?"

"Number 17135, you seem very unhappy. Let me tell you, you should be honored to be sent to Honghe Prison."

The Red River Prison was not established for a long time, at most two years, but after it was completed, the title it won was not easy, it was said to be the most impenetrable prison in Asia and Europe.But it is such a place that can severely punish crimes, but it is defined as a female prison, and it is completely ignored.

Such a result is completely inconsistent with the original intention of the designer who presided over the construction of this prison.

Especially the female inspector general who was sent here to preside over the work, she didn't want to see such a powerful place buried, and she made many applications to standardize the management of Honghe.

It's a pity that things have been delayed again and again until some time ago.

The inspector general responsible for the management of Honghe half-jokingly said that in order to prove the value of Honghe, some commendable achievements must be made.If you can take care of some special people, it is not impossible to agree to their applications.

I thought it was just a joke, but I didn't expect Li Xiao to be sent here not long after.

To put it bluntly, Li Xiao's role here is to test the solidity of Honghe.

But Li Xiao still wants to ask, who told you that I am here to be a quality inspector?

(End of this chapter)

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