Chapter 66
"Li Xiao, let's cook."

In the kitchen with the door closed, Ning Xiaoxi pointed at the large bag of various ingredients and gave orders.

However, no outsider's gaze was on her anymore, so it's no wonder Li Xiao could listen to her orders.

"Tired, don't do it."

Li Xiaoshi calmly sat down on the small bench, with his head resting on the stove, looking like an old man.

Ning Xiaoxi's originally good mood suddenly turned gloomy.

"Li Xiao, I can't speak well, am I? I'll give you a salary of [-] yuan a month, and ask you to cook for me."

"Yes, Miss Ning, you paid me my salary. But those goods outside didn't give me. Why should I cook for them? Whoever invites them will do it. I'm tired and need to rest."

"You, fine, I do it and I do it!"

Ning Xiaoxi couldn't command Li Xiao, but luckily went to battle in person,
The dignified Miss Ning, who is in charge of the huge Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Group, can manage hundreds of people in an orderly manner. How could it be difficult for her to find all kinds of ingredients in the small kitchen.

"Li Xiao, just wait. When I cook a sumptuous meal, you won't be able to eat even one bite."

"Hehe, the food you make is worse than pig food, only a fool will take a bite."

Li Xiao rolled his eyes in disdain, lowered his head and kept searching among the pile of things Cheng Cheng bought, and soon found two bags of instant noodles, not to mention how happy he was.

Secretary Cheng is truly considerate. He is so considerate when shopping. I won’t worry about being hungry tonight.

He chuckled, hid the two bags of instant noodles in his arms, and watched Ning Xiaoxi turn the originally clean kitchen into a horrible battlefield.

A full hour.

Chu Lingfeng and the others outside chatted awkwardly in the living room for a long time, their faces stiffened from laughing, and finally waited until the kitchen door opened.

At that moment, a strong burnt smell permeated the entire villa.

You don't even need to think about it, you know what they will face next.

The four of Chu Lingfeng were stupefied, and then Li Xiao, who was wearing a two-layer mask, rushed out of the kitchen with a large tray, cracked a few times, and put the four trays of what the hell they were. , put it on the table.

"Dear distinguished guests, please enjoy the sumptuous dinner prepared by Miss Ning herself."

After a muffled sentence, Li Xiao ran away from the dining table as if fleeing for his life, and huddled in the far corner of the living room, quietly heating hot water, not wanting to look over there.

Chu Lingfeng and others sitting on the sofa really wanted to turn around and leave immediately to avoid the horror they might encounter next.

But the next moment Ning Xiaoxi came out of the kitchen with a gentle smile and said softly, "Everyone, come and eat."

Everyone, including Chu Lingfeng, did not dare to act rashly.

Only by suffering through hardships can one be a master, as long as Miss Ning can be assured, marry her, and then the sea and the sky will be brighter, and you can roam freely.

Isn't it just for eating? Ning Xiaoxi can't poison her, so what are she afraid of?

One word, go!

Chu Lingfeng is worthy of being a dragon and phoenix among people. He adjusted his mood in a short period of time, directly blocked the strange smell all over the room, and walked forward with a smile like a gentleman.

"Miss Ning has a heart, and she cooks for us with her own hands. It's really lucky for three lives. Miss Ning, please sit down."

Caringly opened the seat for Ning Xiaoxi, and the two sat down together.

Of course the remaining three were not to be outdone, and racked their brains one by one to say some words of thanks, and all sat at the dining table.


"Eat, what are you doing just watching, eat."

Ning Xiaoxi looked at the young masters who were reluctant to move their chopsticks for a long time, and asked with some doubts.

Chu Lingfeng twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment: "Ha, it's Miss Ning's dish, it's so delicious, I can't bear to destroy such a delicious food that looks like a work of art."

With just this one sentence, there are three other young and old as a foil, and they can be regarded as realizing how far they are from Chu Lingfeng, who is among the dragons and phoenixes.

Look at other people, who are talking nonsense with their eyes open, and they don't even blush and pant.

This skill is incomparable, incomparable.

As if they had been inspired, the three of them began racking their brains to say some complimentary words.

Ning Xiaoxi was finally happy.

"Then eat it quickly, no matter how good the dish is, its value can only be shown after eating it."

"That's right, then I'm not going to be polite."

Chu Lingfeng picked up the chopsticks, all the muscles in his body tensed, and his dantian sank. He didn't care what the raw material of the dish closest to him was, he picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.


The handsome and handsome Chu Lingfeng, who could be called magnificent, had a distorted expression that was scarier than a devil at this moment.

The sudden change of expression scared the other three young and old almost to the ground.

But soon, Chu Lingfeng's face returned to normal, as if he was enjoying himself, he chewed carefully, and it took him half a minute to swallow the first bite of food.

"Yes. Not bad, Miss Ning is worthy of being a virtuous and virtuous person. The dishes made here are also the world's delicacies. Everyone, let's try it together."

Young Master Chu stretched out his hand as an invitation.

The three of them were dumbfounded.

Could it be that this dish just looks bad and tastes delicious?

When they were doubtful, the three of them swung their chopsticks together and each chose a plate...

"Uh, uh! Delicious, delicious!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Ning's craftsmanship is simply better than the world's top chefs."

"Oh my god, I really, really have never eaten something so delicious"

All kinds of compliments, as if they don't need money, came out of the mouths of several young masters, but their expressions obviously carried a distorted sense of enjoyment, okay?

What's more, what's the matter with pouring water into their stomachs one by one in a hurry?

Ning Xiaoxi couldn't see the meaning of so many expressions on her own. She only knew that she was cooking for the first time and was praised so much. She just felt elated and extremely happy.Taking advantage of the situation, he turned his head and cast a proud look towards Li Xiao who was in the corner of the living room.

It seemed to be saying, how about it, the dishes I cook are delicious, and I don’t need you anymore.

Li Xiao was also very confused.

Trembling, he put down the freshly boiled hot water, and carefully moved towards the dining table. Seeing Chu Lingfeng and the others smiling and discussing with each other how delicious the dishes were, he began to doubt life.

He was in the kitchen and saw Ning Xiaoxi use vinegar as soy sauce and salt as vegetables.

Can the food made under such circumstances be really delicious?
If it was delicious, who would be foolish enough to eat instant noodles.

"Ahem, Miss Ning, can I, can I have a bite?"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ning Xiaoxi could reply, Chu Lingfeng and the others almost shouted in unison: "Okay, Brother Li, you come to eat too, good things can't just be enjoyed by us."

The young and old who wanted to tear Li Xiao apart before now showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

Li Xiao panicked.

But Ning Xiaoxi snorted coldly, and turned her head away: "No, I won't give it to Li Xiao. Who told him that the dishes I cook can only be fed to pigs. You can eat them all, and you can't give them anything. He's left."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Chu Lingfeng and others turned green.

(End of this chapter)

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