The toughest man in the city

Chapter 654 Scum, Deserving to be Killed

Chapter 654 Scum, Deserving to be Killed

Working is a big problem for many people.

But to our boss Li, it really doesn't matter. Even if Cheng Cheng lies at home every day, Li Xiao is willing to pay her wages for the rest of her life.

Besides, Lao Cheng is also a vice president after all, so if he arranges his daughter into Xiao Long's company, does that matter?

But it was obvious that Cheng Yuliang never considered letting Cheng Cheng come to Xiao Long from beginning to end.

This old guy is sure of one thing, and that is to prevent Cheng Cheng and Li Xiao from establishing any contact.

Li Xiao couldn't understand the mood of being a father, but since Cheng Yuliang made such a request, he would definitely do his best to fulfill it.

Isn't it just to be Ning Xiaoxi's secretary? What a problem.

It just so happened that Ning Xiaoxi was also in this hospital. She was busy playing against the Family Alliance before, so she didn't have time to visit Miss Ning. Now that all the dust has settled, it's time to visit.

When you come to the hospital to visit patients, shouldn't you buy some gifts?

Li Xiao felt that it didn't matter whether he bought it or not, as long as he personally showed up, that would be the best gift.

What's the relationship between us and Miss Ning? Do we need those gifts to pretend?

With hands behind their backs, they walked leisurely towards Ning Xiaoxi's intensive care unit.

But as I walked, I felt something was wrong.

The corridor was getting more and more noisy, all kinds of sick doctors were running in one direction in a hurry, and some people could vaguely hear dancing and saying "fight".

Who is fighting?
This is a hospital, is it troublesome?

Li Xiao was full of curiosity, and followed the direction of the crowd.

After going up two more floors, I stepped out of the elevator, and I could clearly hear Lin Huahua's loud shout: "I don't think any of you dare to move!"

What is Lin Huahua doing, it must be Ning Xiaoxi's accident.

Li Xiao was anxious and kept walking, regardless of who was surrounded by the three floors inside and outside. He stretched his arms forward and forcibly parted a passage.

When I walked into the middle of the crowd and took a closer look, I suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded.

Lin Huahua held an IV stent in one hand and stared straight ahead angrily. Three burly men were lying on the ground, clutching their heads and rolling on their stomachs.

It's not that Li Xiao judges people by appearance, it's really the image of those three big men, no matter how you look at it, they don't look like good things.

You said you can't mess with anyone, but you have to provoke this grumpy Captain Lin, who is also a bodyguard after all, and it's easy to deal with a few low-level hooligans.

Seeing Lin Huahua's arrogant expression again, Li Xiao's nervousness was gone.

If something happened to Ning Xiaoxi, Lin Huahua would have died of anxiety, how could he still be showing off his power here.

With his mind calmed down, he was not in a hurry to show up, and just stood there smiling and watching the development of the situation.

The three unknown big men had no chance to speak, but the two shrews next to them, although they were afraid of Lin Huahua, still jumped and shouted: "It's not enough for you to kill people, you still beat us if we ask for an explanation!" Humans, is there any law of nature? Is there anyone in charge? The rich bully others."

Just howling with this voice, how strong is the penetrating power?

I'm afraid the whole hospital will hear it clearly.

Li Xiao frowned, he really couldn't tell that those shrews who started crying without a word seemed like the kind of people who could reason.

The other party's howling made him feel anxious. He looked around and saw that there happened to be someone carrying fruit to see the patient. He reached out and grabbed two grapes, picked a suitable angle, and flicked them with his fingers.

In such a chaotic situation, who can pay attention to all the details.

Anyway, the phantom flashed, and two grapes rushed into the shrew's grown-up mouth with precision.

At this moment, the wailing stopped abruptly, and the two shrews covered their necks and mouths, and began to roll their eyes.

Not to mention the ignorance of the melon-eaters around, Lin Huahua, who was showing off her chivalrous demeanor, was a little panicked.

"What are you doing? Blackmailing people, right? Everyone was watching, but I didn't touch them. The doctors and doctors in the room were saving lives. They insisted on breaking in to make trouble, so I did it. Everyone, testify to me."

Beauty for help, the effect must be very good.

Many people around waved their fists and shouted: "Beauty, don't be afraid, we can all testify for you."

"I'm even recording it, don't worry, it'll be fine."

"This kind of people should be beaten, and it's not an exaggeration to beat them to death! The boss of the beautiful woman kindly paid them to find a doctor and see a doctor for their old mother. They then said that the beautiful woman killed the man. Don't say that the man is not dead yet. Yes, even if something happened, it would be the fault of these guys!"

The hustle and bustle continued.

It made Li Xiao vaguely understand what happened.

The three big men lying on the ground belonged to the same family, and there was no need to tell which of the two shrews was the sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law, because the old women of these people were sick and hospitalized.

As the saying goes, raise children to guard against old age, the old lady's three sons, when they arrived at the hospital bed, none of them came to take care of them, only the youngest daughter was here to take care of them every day.

It was expected that the old lady would need surgery.

But who will pay the 10,000+ surgery fee has become a problem.

Since the day before yesterday, this incident has been known to everyone in the hospital. The old lady and her daughter called the three elder brothers over to discuss the operation fee, but none of them took the money or talked about it, and they insisted on taking their mother. go home.

Picking up the family and leaving, what is the difference between that and waiting to die.

When the daughter disagreed with her life and death and drove away the three older brothers, she made a sign asking for help from kind people, hung it around her neck, and knelt at the hospital door to beg for money.

This is not surprising. If you walk around the big hospitals in various cities, you can always see similar scenes.

And this girl is lucky, just because she is an employee of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, Ning Xiaoxi recognizes her, Lin Huahua also recognizes her, even Li Xiao will be very impressed if they meet each other.When he and Cheng Cheng got orders for Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, he was one of those little sisters who always supported Cheng Cheng.

No one knows how this kind of thing will be handled by other people's bosses.

Now it was Ning Xiaoxi who met her and asked what happened. Without saying anything, she wrote a check for 20 and stuffed it into the little girl's hand.

Treat the disease and save the patient first, and then pay back the money slowly.

It stands to reason that the matter is over at this point, but who would have thought that the three sons of the old lady rushed to the hospital with their families when they heard that a big boss had given them 20 yuan.

It's nothing more than a request.


That was the money for their old mother's medical treatment and life-saving. These people actually asked for a share, but the younger daughter refused to give it. They even stopped the doctor and refused to perform the operation.

Things got louder and louder, leading to the current situation.

Li Xiao really wanted to sigh, "It's been a long time since I've seen you so long ago", there is such a heartless thing in the world.

Lin Huahua's shots are considered light, this kind of person, killing him is not an exaggeration!

(End of this chapter)

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