Chapter 647

Everyone thought that Li Xiao invited those big shots from the Football Association, the Blue League, and the Olympic Organizing Committee just to cut the ribbon for his opening ceremony.

This face is already big enough, after all, these people cannot be invited by anyone casually.

Fang Yuan felt that the boss took things to such an extent that it was completely beyond her imagination.

She is satisfied.

I can't wait to start the Kaiye ceremony immediately, so that the whole world can witness the establishment of a health industry chain.

But the fact is that after Sister Yi personally greeted the big guys, she directly led them to experience fitness services under Li Xiao's arrangement.

Yes, people come to experience the service.

Didn't say ribbon cutting.

Li Xiao didn't mention the opening ceremony at all.

Even if you beat Fang Yuan to death, you wouldn't believe it. Those big bosses were sweating after exercising. They wiped their faces with towels and went to cut the ribbon for them.

and so……

"Isn't this our ribbon-cutting guest?"

"Who said they should cut the ribbon. The opening of our Xiaolong Club is said to be small, and it is a business to support the family. If it is large, it is a major event that benefits the country and the people. How can the ribbon-cutting guests be casual."

What Li Xiao said was a matter of course.

Fang Yuan almost passed out on the spot.

This is called being casual, so explain what is not casual.

Not only Fang Yuan needed Li Xiao's explanation, but those young masters also wanted an explanation.

Is it still open?

Who is Li Xiao waiting for?
"Oh, no need to guess, it must be that Princess Kaili again. Li Xiao has no other skills, he can only rely on women. My news has been confirmed, Kaili and Queen Isa's motorcade has arrived in Qinghe. And ,besides……"

Long Zicheng glanced at Duan Jiu, but did not continue.

But anyone can guess that the Persian saint is also here.

Before, everyone would be shocked, but now it doesn't feel so strange at all.

What's more, after Li Xiao has done so much, he still needs a woman to support him. Everyone present is ashamed of him!
Not long after, an extremely luxurious ceremonial convoy appeared in sight, and all the people in the imagination appeared.

But the real situation has changed dramatically.

After Princess Kelly, Queen Isa, and the Persian Saint came out of the motorcade, it didn't end. There were other women appearing.

The appearance of these people caused the expressions of these young masters to undergo another earth-shaking change.

"Why, how come it's them!"

Ye Lingtian was beyond words shocked.

In contrast, Xiao Long's company was paralyzed in surprise.

Princess Kelly, they have met real people. It is the first time that Queen Isa and the Holy Maiden of Persia have met, but it is not surprising that they have similar identities to Kelly.What really made them at a loss was the female relatives who accompanied these few.

Have you watched the TV news?

Have you seen CCTV Morning Post on your mobile phone?

The "ladies" who always appear together whenever they visit abroad are now really appearing in front of them.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

What are the identities of the Princess of Europe, the Saint of Persia, and the Queen of England? When visiting Qinghe, no one is allowed to accompany them. It is necessary for ladies to accompany them!
Li Xiao looked at a group of people around him whose legs were about to go limp, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Look at these guys, they all look like they have never seen the world, ladies come to our Xiaolong fitness club to experience the ladies' fitness services, is there anything wrong?

Especially Fangyuan, back then you designed a service project specifically for VIP-level ladies, why are you so timid now.

"Sister Yi, go ahead. The guests coming this time are more distinguished. To show respect, the general manager of Xiao Long Company came out to greet you. That is a must. By the way, bring the most elite female fitness instructor in the club with you. We must let Guests feel welcome and at home.”

Sister Yi didn't dare to delay, so she walked away quickly.

It seems to be a normal arrangement, but don't you, Li Xiao, feel guilty?

When these important people arrive, shouldn't you, the boss, go out to greet them in person?
Forget it, don't care about these details.

Anyway, Fangyuan now has a feeling, satisfied, very satisfied, very satisfied!
If it is these rich people plus princesses, queens, and saintesses, cutting the ribbon and unveiling the plaque for Xiaolong Company will definitely be more powerful than the previous batch.

"Boss Li, let's start our opening ceremony quickly."

Fang Yuan was so excited that he even changed his address to Li Xiao.

But Li Xiao had an expression on his face that he didn't want to be beaten, and he asked back like he was ignorant of an ignorant boy: "What to start, the real VIP hasn't arrived yet."

"The real VIP? Not here yet!"

Fang Yuan's voice was broken.

These ladies who are here at this moment are not considered real VIPs, so explain to me what is expensive!

When Li Xiao had no time to explain these, the phone rang suddenly, and he held it to his ear to answer.

Chen De, who had disappeared since just now, said, "Boss, the car is here."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Li Xiao responded, put down the phone and walked outside.

Not long after walking, he felt something was wrong. Looking back, the management personnel of Xiaolong Company, headed by Fang Yuan, followed his footsteps.

"What are you doing with me?"

"Li Xiao, what did you say you were going to do?"

"I'm going to pick them up. I've been begging my grandpa and grandma for the past two days to come forward and say all the good things in person. When the invited distinguished guests arrive, of course I have to go and greet them in person."

It was okay that Li Xiao didn't speak, but what he said could make people breathless.

You didn't show such solemnity before, but now you have to greet those who come in person.

What kind of identity should that be?
Everyone didn't bother to ask questions, so they poked their heads out of the window and looked outside the clubhouse.

On the main road towards the main entrance, the honor guard motorcade of Kaili and her party hadn't left yet, and they didn't see any bigger battles.

Turning around to look for Chen Defa, he saw the guy at the hidden side door. There were not many people around Old Chen, and he was facing a lonely bus.

"Li Xiao, don't tell me, the VIP in the car is the one you want to greet in person."

"Then I told you, that's right, the VIP guests are in the car. If everything goes well, those people will cut the ribbon and unveil the plaque for our opening ceremony. Go to work, and the opening ceremony will be held in two hours. By the way , don’t follow me, it will affect the mood of the distinguished guest, then you are asking me!”

Putting down these words, Li Xiao turned his head and left.

Fang Yuan and the others looked dazed, and then they poked their heads out of the window, looked at the side door, and saw clearly who got off the lonely bus.

Everyone's face is paralyzed, so, is that a VIP?

No one could have imagined who the person Li Xiao invited to really set the world today, even the many young masters of the Aristocratic Family Alliance, couldn't keep up with his thinking rhythm.

They didn't know the situation inside Xiao Long's clubhouse, but just based on what they saw, they already had a deep sense of powerlessness towards Li Xiao.

"You guys think, how can we still play now? If those ladies really cut the ribbon for Li Xiao, we will completely lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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