The toughest man in the city

Chapter 641 Too Unexpected

Chapter 641 Too Unexpected

As the saying goes, there must be a limit to joking.

Li Xiao's joke this time was a little too big, almost made Fang Yuan fire him as a boss on the spot.

Fortunately, jokes are jokes, when Li Xiao deals with problems, he is still very serious.

Xiaolong's company's entry into the film and television industry is definitely not a casual talk. It was caught in Ye Zhihua's routine before and was almost caught in a crisis of public opinion. It is absolutely impossible for this matter to be easily exposed with a few lies.

Only when the false becomes true can all future troubles be eliminated.

In addition, only by applying for the operation qualification of the film and television industry with great fanfare can the attention of the family alliance be truly attracted, so that he can openly build the plank road and secretly do something meaningful.

Opposite the Xiaolong company headquarters building, the former Hongtai Hotel is now an abandoned building.

At least from the outside, the dream window glass of the entire building was blocked from the inside with blackout cloth, and the door was closed tightly. Is there even a fresh signboard? It is a proper abandoned building.

Three months ago, at the Qinghe bidding meeting, Li Xiao spent over [-] million to buy this place.

Three full months passed without any movement.

It's hard not to make people feel that Li Xiao did a very stupid thing, and spent money to waste.

But if someone can walk into the door of the building, all previous thoughts will definitely disappear.

Who said that the outside looks the same, the inside is abandoned.

Three months is enough for Fangyuan to use the funds promised to her by Boss Li to make this place look brand new.

Li Xiao didn't expect such a surprise. During the meeting in the conference room, he thought that Fangyuan's plan was only in the planning stage. He never expected that this enchanting girl had already started to act, and he just waited for him to come back to complete the final work.

"Li Xiao, this is the fitness club I told you about."

Fang Yuan brought a design drawing and introduced it in detail, and Li Xiao finally understood Fang Yuan's concept seriously.

The concept of fitness clubs does not yet exist in China. Even if we look around the world, some people have proposed it, but due to lack of financial investment, this important link in the health industry chain has not become a reality.

Although it sounds like the flyer gyms that can be seen everywhere on the street, it actually has a completely different level from it.

This is a comprehensive service industry.

Fang Yuan said before that Xiaolong Company took the public welfare route and set up a love fund to make people have money for medical treatment.

The existence of Xiaolong Pharmaceutical is to make people sick and curable.

And the ultimate goal of this fitness club is disease-free fitness.

As the saying goes, live to be old, learn to be old, what is said is that education is a lifelong profession, and the same sports and health are also things that human beings need to do throughout their lives.

Once the Xiaolong Fitness Club is completed, it will cover fitness services for all age groups from infants to the elderly.

Moreover, things like exercise and fitness do not distinguish between social classes.

In Fang Yuan’s words, many gyms target the white-collar workers, and seem to aim to make money, but in fact they completely reduce their ability to make money.

Those who get up early in the morning to practice Tai Chi in the square are not the fitness market?
In the evening, the students who run laps on the school playground have nothing to do with the fitness market?

Is fitness just a few treadmills for people to go up and run for two steps?
Why can't there be sports like golf indoors?

Fang Yuan talked a lot, and Li Xiao's blood boiled when he heard it, but he still couldn't help asking: "You're not a hodgepodge, is anyone willing to come?"

"Wrong, gathering customers with different spending powers together is called hodgepodge. Differentiating different regions is the rationalization of services. We are oriented to all markets, which does not mean treating people equally."

Like all service industries, fitness clubs have regular and VIP customers.

Different customers enjoy different services.

It's like playing a game, different levels give different experiences.

It's because everyone has a comparison mentality. If you see that others are enjoying themselves well, would you mind spending more money?

Fang Yuan knows better than Li Xiao how to grasp the psychology of consumers.

Of course, the above are all to create a good atmosphere for the club, and to make Xiao Long's name famous. If he really wants to make money, he still has to rely on rich people.

Today's rich people know how to take care of their bodies. If there is a place where they can get healthy and enjoy high-level services, they can also contact with people of the same type and achieve more development. Do you think they would like it? Want to come?
Why in major first-tier cities, where every inch of land is at a premium, some people are willing to spend huge sums of money to open up a piece of land to build a golf course? This is because they have spotted the additional benefits of this imported product.

Li Xiao has restrictions here, it is impossible to create a golf course.

But it can open up other sports.

As long as the service is in place, word of mouth spreads in the circle of wives, and a brand effect is formed, do you still worry about making money?
"Okay, Fang Mei, don't talk to me so much, I also have a headache. Just tell me what I need to do next."

"First, in order to prevent people from stealing my planning concept, the exterior decoration has not yet been completed, and it took three days to finish the exterior decoration. Second, choose an auspicious day for the opening and invite opening guests. The very important guests are As soon as people come, everyone thinks we are the kind of bullshit. Third, invite celebrities to do publicity, and heavyweight celebrities are the ones where the celebrities go to the station, and the traffic is constantly rushing."

Fang Yuan looked like he was imagining a bright future.

"As long as these three things are done, Xiaolong Fitness Club will be a phenomenal product. Boss, it's up to you."

Yes, Fang Yuan has laid a very good foundation for Li Xiao, and the next step is to see if he can handle the key issues well.

All employees of Xiaolong Company are waiting to see the boss create a miracle.

At the same time, a group of people were also waiting to see how Li Xiao buried himself in the soil step by step.

In the reception room of a certain property of the Lu family in Qinghe, many elders and young masters of the family alliance gathered together, all of them had rather boring expressions.

In order to deal with Li Xiao, they all put down their work and came to Qinghe together to prepare for a real fight.

In the end, it turned out that Li Xiao was not worth their shot at all.

Fang Qing revealed the news in advance, and later it was proved that Xiaolong Company really intends to enter the film and television industry. Among the many families present, at least three have their own film and television companies, and all of them have cultivated international superstars.

What qualifications does Li Xiao have to say that he can compete with them in this aspect.

Believe it or not, if any one of them uttered bold words, it would make it impossible for him to even start the job fair.

If Li Xiao knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say "I believe it", but then he would also add "Who told you that I am recruiting in the film and television industry?"
Everyone in the Aristocratic Family Alliance was still foolishly waiting to give Li Xiao a critical blow in this regard. Fang Qing suddenly called and asked, "Which of you has ever been involved in the health industry?"

Just this one sentence stunned everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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