The toughest man in the city

Chapter 626 Deep City Routines

Chapter 626 Deep City Routines

Li Xiao swears that this is the first time he has dealt with the traffic control seriously after returning to China for more than a year.

On a hot day, under the scorching sun, he still came to the parking lot to patrol and check so dedicatedly. Was he ashamed not to cooperate with the work?

He stepped out of the car and spread his hands innocently.

"Sorry, I didn't bring it."

"Driving without a license, parking illegally, fined two thousand, detained for seven days, and the car was towed away."

"Hey, comrade, you can't be so hasty. I didn't bring it. You can check that I have a driver's license. Besides, this is a parking lot. Why did I park illegally?"

At any rate, Li Xiao was also a driver for Mr. Ning, so he could not have other things, and it was impossible not to have a driver's license.

Besides, he stopped the car... Hey, no, what's going on!
Li Xiao raised his eyes and looked around, completely confused at the time.

This car borrowed from Shilan made him drive here early in the morning, and he clearly remembered that it entered the parking lot on the ground. At that time, there were dozens of cars parked here. next to the parking space.

But now, there is a large open space around, and there is no car.

The neat parking space marking line disappeared, and the entrance and exit of the parking lot disappeared. A sign was erected next to his parking space, which clearly stated "No Parking".

what the hell?

My person did not cross, but my car did?

"The system shows that your driver's license has been revoked. If you commit a crime knowingly, you will be fined [-] and detained for [-] days. Wait a minute, I will call a colleague to pick you up."

Comrade traffic management is very polite, they obviously want to detain Li Xiao, but they even use the word "receive".

This made Li Xiao wonder for a while whether the other party invited him to dinner instead of putting him in confinement.

Well, these are not important.

The important thing is, Li Xiao really can't figure out why the parking lot is gone.

Who can make the above-ground parking lot along a not-so-main street in Jinghua disappear in just one hour?
It must be the people he offended.

But those people are rich and powerful, so the first way to retaliate against him is to tear down the parking lot and sentence him to illegal parking?
Li Xiao was a little confused.

He had thought about the scene where the sniper locked his head the moment he walked out of the gate of Huasheng Company, but he never thought about the current situation.

What about trouble?

At the moment of confusion, a tow truck and a police car drove over.

"Mr. Li, please."

"No, comrade, wait..."

"Resist arrest and be detained for 30 days."

Before finishing a sentence, Li Xiao's treatment was directly upgraded.

Any fool can see that this is a way for those people to retaliate against Li Xiao, but he still doesn't understand what is the point of using this method.

Seeing that the traffic control comrades on the opposite side took out their handcuffs, Li Xiao subconsciously pushed the opponent's hand away.

"Comrade, you are wrong..."

"Assaulted the police, imprisoned for half a year. Parking along the street and square along the street at No. 36 Chonghua Road, there is a situation!"

The traffic controller on the other side almost told the truth, but thanks to his quick response, he changed his statement, and didn't pay any attention to Li Xiao at all, and shouted into the walkie-talkie.

Immediately afterwards, two more cars drove over quickly, and four or five uniformed comrades with serious expressions stared at Li Xiao coldly.

What more can he say.

It is estimated that if you say a few more words, life imprisonment will come out.

"Okay, I will cooperate, and I will go with you."

Li Xiao obediently stretched out his hands.

Since you can't figure out what kind of routine those people are doing, then follow the opponent's routine.

Isn't it just detention? There are a lot of TV shows where a few good players are arranged in the detention room to kill so-and-so.

If those people thought that Li Xiao could be dealt with in this way, they would be too naive.

With a pair of handcuffs on his hands, when he was about to take the initiative to sit in the car, a group of people suddenly appeared around him.

Li Xiao didn't know who those people were, and he didn't even have the slightest impression, but their appearance refreshed Li Xiao's three views again.

"Let go of our boss Li!"

"Whoever dares to arrest our boss, we will fight him tooth and nail."

No. 30 The strong man shouted at the top of his voice, his voice was so loud that even the horns of passing cars were suppressed.

The people who came shouted slogans and looked like they wanted to rescue Li Xiao. When they got here, they formed an encirclement circle and blocked all the way out.

Those comrades in uniform took their time and picked up the walkie-talkie to call for support.

When the matter developed to this point, Li Xiao was still in a daze, but soon, he vaguely understood what the other party's routine was.

The hustle and bustle here attracted countless onlookers, and in the blink of an eye, a surrounding circle was formed on the outer periphery. Who has seen this kind of obstructive and arresting scene?

More and more people.

That is, two or three minutes later, two convoys drove over on both sides of the road.

On one side were those who came to support after hearing the call, and on the other side were media reporters carrying various camera equipment.

If you say that they were unprepared, no fool would believe it. When the reporter arrived at the scene, the camera first pointed at Li Xiao, and he began to tell the story with a really eloquent voice.

"Friends from the audience, a major incident occurred on Chonghua Road. Mr. Li Xiao, the chairman of the well-known entrepreneur Xiaolong Company, was suspected of traffic violations. During the handling process by the traffic management comrades, he was worried about unidentified persons and refused to accept the handling. This kind of incident is simply unheard of, if such a person can still become a well-known public figure, then is there any order in our society?"

Li Xiao could hear the reporter's words.

Everyone present could hear it.

Moreover, if there is no accident, countless people will know the name Li Xiao within half a day.

Even with this name, all that is known is that this guy dared to lead people to openly confront the power department.

Killing is nothing more than nodding.

And what Li Xiao will encounter, before he dies, he will be the first to ruin his reputation!

Openly resisting arrest and gathering crowds to make trouble, these two crimes are put on the head, is that a joke, especially in Jinghua, the central city of the country, where such a situation has arisen.

Who can keep Li Xiao?


Li Xiao couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding.

This is worse than killing him. It directly leaves him with no living space at all. He can't argue with it. In the end, he can only lose everything and die with hatred.

This wave of routines, he can't think of it even if he is killed.

No, now is not the time to admire others, he should think about how to resolve the crisis.

It can't really be taken away like this, and a hundred mouths can't tell clearly.

Looking at the countless camera lenses around him, Li Xiao's thoughts changed sharply, and he suddenly showed an incomparably bright smile.

"Everyone, welcome everyone to pay attention to the upcoming movie "The Strongest Man in the City" invested and produced by Xiao Long Company!

After the words fell, he turned his head and got into one of the police cars.

At this moment, he had to reconsider what kind of weird tricks his opponent had.

(End of this chapter)

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