Chapter 617
Shilan is here.

The boss of Fenghua Club personally came forward at this time to resolve the matter, which surprised everyone present except Li Xiao.

Fenghua Club has been open for so many years, and these people here come here almost every day to have fun, and most of them have never seen the true face of Boss Shen in Lushan.

Even in the past year or so, Huasheng and Fenghua have had dozens of conflicts, large and small, and several times they even almost smashed the door of the clubhouse.

Boss Shen just sits behind the scenes and has never appeared once.

But today, things obviously haven't made a big deal.

That's right, in the eyes of those dudes, this matter was not a big deal at all.

At most, it was a group of people fighting on the first and second floors, and a kid came up to the third floor to block Ye Lingkong's door.

The scene has not deteriorated at all, it is even peaceful.

At most, a vase was broken, and the "leader" fainted. How could Boss Shen come forward in person?

Everyone stared at the past.

Those who have never added the beauty Boss Shen are naturally amazed by Shilan's beauty.

Those who met Shi Lan secretly guessed what was the reason for this Boss Shen to come forward in person.

That is to say, Li Xiao observed meticulously, looked at Shi Lan walking slowly through the crowd, frowned slightly, and subconsciously asked without waiting for the other party to approach: "Are you sick?"

A question with a little concern.

Li Xiao felt that this couldn't be more normal.

He and Shilan are also acquaintances. During the time when he lost his memory, he often fought psychological battles with Shilan, and this woman escorted him all the way to Jiangnan.

Not exactly friends, but never had any conflicts.

Isn't it normal for an acquaintance in the true sense to care casually.

But such a simple sentence, falling into Shilan's ears, made her almost unable to stand upright, completely involuntarily showing the fragility that a woman should have.

Too many things have happened recently. Even she herself cannot tell what kind of hardships Shilan has experienced.

It's not just that she is haggard, but none of the people around her has ever expressed concern for her.

Even Secretary Bai, who has been with her for more than ten years, has never expressed sincere concern.

Shilan thought that there was no such thing as emotion that had the slightest connection with her in the whole world, but she never expected that it was Li Xiao who showed concern for her.

For a moment, she wanted to throw herself into Li Xiao's arms and cry, to relieve the pressure in her heart.

Of course, this is only for a moment.

Moments later, Shilan's expression was cold: "I'm fine, you have something to do. Come upstairs with me, and we have something to say in private."

After finishing her words, Shilan turned her head slightly and looked at the "leader" who was still lying on the ground. It was difficult to identify the other person's identity from the blood on her face, not to mention how rich her expression was.

"Xiaobai, take Mr. Liang to the hospital and tell the Liang family that I can sell the store in Xizhimen to them."

The first half of the sentence is easy to understand, but the second half is thought-provoking.

Is there a connection between sending people to the hospital and selling or not selling the store?
It didn't happen before, just because Li Xiao abolished Mr. Liang in the Fenghua Club, the two things had to be connected inevitably.

In a short period of time, Shilan immediately thought of a way to prevent the Liang family from taking revenge on Fenghua Club and madly taking revenge on Li Xiao because of Mr. Liang's serious injury.

It is not only self-protection, but also Li Xiao.

Secretary Bai nodded in agreement, and then arranged for someone to carry that Mr. Liang away.

Shi Lan also turned her head to look at the others, took a deep breath, and said a few words to calm the situation.

But at any time, there will never be a shortage of people who destroy harmony and harmony, especially in this clubhouse where the smog and moths gather.

"Wait, put Liang Yong down!"

A drunken shout resounded throughout the corridor. Ye Lingkong, who had been hiding in the room for a long time, Ye Ershao finally showed up at this time.

What was Ye Lingkong doing during the past time?
He was dazed and panicked.

A half-dead man, with his head halfway down his neck, rushed towards him like a cannonball.

If it wasn't for the quick response of the bodyguards around him, who pulled him aside in time, his current fate would definitely not be much better than avoiding Mr. Liang in front of him.

It was the first time in his life that he came into such close contact with death, and Ye Ershao, who didn't take human life seriously at all, was frightened. He washed his face with cold water a dozen times, smoked four or five cigarettes with refills, and sat on the sofa again. I shivered for a while,
By this moment, Second Young Master Ye was completely awake.

All panic is gone, only unquenchable excitement.

It's so exciting, it's never been as exciting as before, I almost died.Ye Ershao has experienced everything in his life, but the only thing he has not experienced is death.

If he could, he'd like to do it again.

"You, yes, it's you. Come pick Liang Yong up and hit me!"

Ye Lingkong has appeared, and the two sentences before and after have really refreshed the values ​​​​of all normal people.

Especially Li Xiao, after he calmed down a bit, his mind changed. When he didn't see Shilan, he still thought that no matter who the owner was, he would close the club completely.But when he really saw the delicate and sick Shilan, his heart softened again, and he only wanted to let Shilan solve this matter, which is always right.

But he never expected that after Ye Lingkong appeared, he pointed at him and made such a weird request.

Just a little dazed, Second Young Master Ye waved someone to carry the security team leader who had been unconscious for a long time out of the house.

"If Liang Yong doesn't go well, you can use this again. If it doesn't work, the one you're carrying is also fine. Come on, hit me, hit me with someone, it was too exciting just now, give me something more exciting of!"

"Why don't you do it? Is it because you are not stimulating enough. Shall I throw another woman downstairs so that you can stimulate too?"

Ye Lingkong's tone was like exchanging toys with a kindergarten friend.

But he is an adult, what he wants to exchange is a person, a life, is there any humanity?
"Second Young Master Ye is drunk, take him home. From now on, Ye Lingkong is not allowed to step into the gate of Fenghua Clubhouse."

Shilan spoke.

Even if she didn't know the whole incident, she could still guess that the person who angered Li Xiao must be Ye Lingkong, and the only way to calm down as quickly as possible is to send the second young master away as soon as possible.

But she wanted to calm down, but Ye Lingkong might not be as she wished.

"You want me to go? Yes, kill me, kill me, and let someone carry me out. If you can't kill me, then break this kid's legs. No one dares to make trouble on your Boss Shen's site. Just break someone's leg. The rules are farting? Then you should close the door as soon as possible!"

Ye Lingkong babbled.

What followed was that the children of the aristocratic families who were watching the fun led people to block the corridor, blocking Shi Lan and Li Xiao together.

Today, between Li Xiao and Ye Lingkong, there must be someone who goes out sideways!

(End of this chapter)

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