The toughest man in the city

Chapter 607 The Forgotten Air Raid

Chapter 607 The Forgotten Air Raid


"Fu Qingcheng, have you lost your mind? You came all the way here to take advantage of me?"

Li Xiao's face turned green.

He just subconsciously repeated a word with doubts, but Fu Qingcheng nodded without hesitation.

This made him feel more humiliated than sending wreaths and burning the factory.

Fu Qingcheng twitched the corner of her mouth, full of helplessness.

These days passed, after going through the initial joy and excitement, and then worrying about gains and losses, until now, she was calm enough to face Li Xiao.

But she just forgot that Li Xiao didn't have the slightest mental preparation, and based on the relationship between the two before, it was very real for Li Xiao to have this kind of reaction.

"It's okay, son, I know it's difficult for you to accept it for a while. I also want to prove myself in this way this time. Son, do you know..."

"I have no idea!"

Li Xiao ran away on the spot.

"You try to call me son again. Believe it or not, I will beat people, I will really kill people!"

Li Xiao has never experienced anything in his life, but he has never experienced the situation in front of him.

Suddenly a woman appeared and asked him to call his mother, which had already exceeded the limit of his psychological endurance.

This woman is Fu Qingcheng, so she is challenging his limit.

The other two sitting next to him.

Demon Snake opened his mouth wide, his face was full of astonishment, he had known Li Xiao for so many years, this was the first time he saw his close relatives, but this scene was not normal.

As for King Zhaoyang, if the mask is taken off, everyone can see the king's happy smile like a child.As I said earlier, His Majesty likes to see Li Xiao go crazy, he had a lot of fun today, His Majesty is very happy.

Of course, if Li Xiao really made a move to fight Fu Qingcheng, King Zhaoyang would definitely stop him.

It was the king who planned all this and gave Fu Qingcheng the opportunity to know who his own son was. The purpose was definitely not to watch Li Xiao beat his mother and be punished by heaven.

Fortunately, Li Xiao was only mad for a moment, then slowly regained his composure, glaring at Fu Qingcheng viciously.

"This joke is not funny at all. If you dare to say that in the future, I will really beat you to death!"

"Son, cough, Li Xiao, I know it's difficult for you to accept it for a while, but I'm telling the truth. Is there a red birthmark on your foot? That's proof, and I have it on mine too."

Fu Qingcheng's heart was about to break.

Originally, it might not be particularly difficult for mother and child to recognize each other, but because of what she did before, Li Xiao's resentment towards her reached the extreme, creating many psychological barriers out of thin air.

It's all her own fault, she doesn't blame Li Xiao for his attitude, but what needs to be made clear must be made clear.

Bending down to take off his shoes, he stretched out his showy feet slowly, showing the two women next to him without hesitation in front of Li Xiao.

Extending from the toes, about an inch long, the flame-like red marks came into view vividly.

With a buzzing sound, Li Xiao's whole head was about to explode.

That's right, the exact same mark is also on his feet.


"Fake, impossible, impossible, Fu Qingcheng, if you dare to pretend to be my mother, I will kill you!"

Li Xiao has never told anyone about his feelings about his relatives. He has actively avoided this topic for more than 20 years.

There is no other reason, every abandoned child will leave his loved ones in the darkest corner of his heart, Li Xiao's dark side is as terrifying as his sunny side.

He didn't want to admit anything, he just wanted to deny it all.

The figure flickered and rushed towards Fu Qingcheng with a huge killing intent.

With a bang, Fu Qingcheng flew out before he touched a single hair.

King Zhaoyang stood in front of Fu Qingcheng, his voice under the mask was a bit cold.

"Li Xiao, she's telling the truth."

"I do not believe!"

Li Xiao roared angrily, his complex emotions turned into boundless anger, as if he wanted to burn everything.

It's not a description, but there is really an illusory flame burning around him.

King Zhaoyang was astonished, he didn't expect Li Xiao's mood to change so violently that it could trigger the eruption of the special existence in his body.

This was the first time the king encountered this situation, and she didn't know how to deal with it. The Zhaoyang kings of all dynasties had never recorded such a thing.

She subconsciously pulled Fu Qingcheng back quickly.

Li Xiao couldn't be stimulated anymore, if he continued to stimulate like this, either Li Xiao would burn everything, or he would burn himself to death.

Demon Snake also stood up, looked at Li Xiao who was so unfamiliar with some panic, and subconsciously wanted to get closer.

But as soon as he took two steps, he felt an unbearable scorching heat rushing towards his face. There was no wind on the flat ground, but it seemed like a substantial heat wave was coming.

Everything in the house was blown away, and the snake didn't even dare to say a word. It stepped on the table and flew out of the room with its strength.

It was also the moment she left, Li Xiao roared like a demon god descending into the world.

The terrible voice was heard throughout Shuilonggang, and everyone looked up at the tallest building in the central area.

It seems that there is a fire in the sky.

No, there was really a skyrocketing fire, but it was not in the center of Shuilonggang, but it was spreading from the coastline to here.

"Enemy attack!"

A cry woke everyone up, and the piercing air defense sirens resounded throughout Shuilonggang.

The long-planned carpet bombing by the outside world has finally affected this place that has been isolated from the world for thousands of years.

Half an hour ago, the air attack had already started. Our sea fortress has reached the final stage of deterrence. It is really impossible to forcefully compete with more than 20 other regions. We can only withdraw all our personnel within the Amazon range.

And the coast where the outside world has a single line connection with the Hongyuan area has also been evacuated long ago.

After the intensive bombing lasted for half an hour, the outside world could no longer see the ground situation clearly, only thick smoke and fire covered the sky.

The strong biological magnetic field, just like the beautiful ecological environment decades ago, couldn't stand the invasion of modern humans at all, and finally broke a huge hole, allowing the fire to spread in.

The sirens echoing over the flood source area lasted for less than half a minute, and the first round of bombing that could enter here exploded with power.

The first thing to be affected was precisely the short mountain where the statue of the God of Life was located.

Flying Fish, Man Bull and the others were running wildly, not even daring to turn their heads. They had already heard the news of the bombing from Mole, but they forgot all about it after a day of tossing around.

I hope the special biomagnetic field here can block it for a while, otherwise, everyone will die.

In the building in the center of Shuilonggang, the sound of a huge explosion had already spread here, and the flames soaring into the sky shone unobstructed.

Li Xiao, who was like a demon god, seemed to have only an instinct to respond to strong stimuli. He turned his head violently, smashed open the window glass, and rushed towards the place where the flames and explosions were the most violent.

King Zhaoyang was slightly startled, and pushed Fu Qingcheng to the Demon Snake with his hands.

"Take care of her."

Before the words fell, the king chased him out.

(End of this chapter)

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