The toughest man in the city

Chapter 605 Your Daughter Is Not Your Daughter

Chapter 605 Your Daughter Is Not Your Daughter
Li Xiao also wanted to be more domineering.

For example, like King Zhaoyang, the head of the district was embedded in the wall.

It's a pity that he's not so enchanting yet, so he can only use the girl on the sick bed as a threat in a very ungentlemanly way.

The head of the district went berserk immediately.

"Let go of my daughter, or I'll tear you to pieces! And those hostages, none of them will be left!"

"No, first, don't worry, I don't mean to hurt anyone. You can use Ning Xiaoxi's blood to save your daughter, or even save anyone here. But you must not give it to her."


This questioning was not from the head of the district, but from King Zhaoyang, who was furious and sternly asked.

"Why don't you let me get Ning Xiaoxi's blood?"

The king was very sad, it was the first time for such a proud person to put down her figure, and "play" with Li Xiao in such a down-to-earth manner.

That's right, in the eyes of the king, everything is just for fun.

But Li Xiao actually wanted to obstruct her, how could she bear it.

Li Xiao really couldn't hear the anger in the king's tone, which contained too much resentment of being hurt. He shrugged helplessly: "Ask me, I still want to ask you, why do you insist on Ning Xiaoxi's blood?" .”

This question is very pointed, and it is one that King Zhaoyang will never answer.

However, after a moment of silence, King Zhaoyang still spoke, and instead of answering, asked: "If I say that I am also in danger of life and need Ning Xiaoxi's blood to save my life, would you give her blood to me? "

This question was asked to test Li Xiao's heart.

"Okay, I said blood can save people, but it can't be given away."

"Then if you saved me, Ning Xiaoxi has to die. I need her whole body's blood, do you still agree?"

This is no longer a test of the heart, this is a torture of the soul.

The point is, Li Xiao is still very confused.

Are you familiar with each other? Why do you have to let Ning Xiaoxi die in order to save you?

"That won't work."

Li Xiao shook his head without the slightest hesitation. At this moment, the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees.

King Zhaoyang slowly nodded his head as if he had suffered an emotional blow: "Okay, I'll kill Ning Xiaoxi now, I'd rather not have her blood than let her live!"

The king of Zhaoyang who was in a daze had murderous intent.

She couldn't get close to Ning Xiaoxi, but that didn't mean that bullets couldn't get close to that woman. Li Xiao's answer without hesitation just now made her feel that the whole world was dark, as if there was no fun in living anymore.

Li Xiao was all hairy at the time.

What kind of thinking circuit is this woman, don't you know that everything is negotiable.


"Why, do you think you can stop me?"

"No, what I mean is that if you really need special blood to save your life, you don't have to go to Ning Xiaoxi. You can use mine. My blood type is also very special."

Li Xiao said whatever came to his mind.

No way, he can't stop King Zhaoyang, if this enchanting woman really decides to kill Ning Xiaoxi, no one in the world can stop her.

The only way to do this is to think of a roundabout way to temporarily stabilize the opponent.

In fact, this also shows how much Li Xiao subconsciously loves Ning Xiaoxi, and he is willing to use himself to change that woman's way of life.

It's just that his words fell into the ears of the king, and it was a completely different understanding.

"Are you willing to save me with your blood?"

"I would like to."

"Even if it drains all the blood from your body?"

"That's not... let's do it, don't talk about learning the whole body, you've beaten me to ashes, as long as it can help you, I can do anything."

Li Xiao cursed inwardly, my life is not my life, if I am not afraid of death, why should I live so hard.Anyway, it won't lose two pieces of meat to write a check with empty mouth, so let's stabilize this enchanting woman first.

But he didn't know what kind of feeling his words had brought to King Zhaoyang.

It's like an infatuated woman who has been waiting for a thousand years, just waiting for an echo, and finally hears the warm words she most wants to hear.

The king was only touched at that moment.

That is to say, the mask covered her expression, otherwise, if Li Xiao could clearly see the sudden tenderness on her face, he would definitely collapse on the spot.

A ghost woman is suddenly gentle to you, are you dead or not?

The atmosphere in the room was a bit weird, and the person who collapsed the most was the District Chief.

This is his territory. Two inexplicable guys suddenly appeared in her daughter's boudoir. One of them pointed a gun at his daughter's head. He had gone berserk.However, the other two didn't care about his feelings at all, they were still here, here... Why did they feel like they were flirting and scolding to show their affection!
The district chief really used 12 points of strength to suppress the urge to fight to the death.

"You two, have you talked enough? Can you let my daughter go first and let me call someone to treat her?"

Hearing this, Li Xiao touched the tip of his nose and looked at King Zhaoyang.

"Do you still want Ning Xiaoxi's blood?"

The king's mood improved a lot, and he snorted coldly with disdain: "I don't want it this time, but next time, no one can try to stop me."

I was moved just now, but the king will never forget the plans of the Zhaoyang kings for thousands of years. Ning Xiaoxi's blood is still necessary, but today I am here to give Li Xiao a gift.

Li Xiao relaxed and shrugged indifferently.

Who cares when the next time is, anyway, as long as she goes out from here, Ning Xiaoxi will be protected by the Ning family. I believe the Ning family has more experience in protecting Ning Xiaoxi than him.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and took back the gun.

At that moment, Ou Shoufei rushed over, Li Xiao dodged subconsciously, and the two of them shifted.

The head of the district stood firmly in front of his daughter, his face finally regained some color, and he looked at King Zhaoyang with hope.

"Your Majesty, is it okay to use that Ning Xiaoxi's blood and infuse it directly into my daughter's body?"

"Yes, yes, but I must remind you that if your daughter survives a direct blood transfusion, it may not be your daughter."

"What do you mean?"

The head of the district asked in astonishment.

Zhaoyang Wang Aojiao turned his head, disdainful to say a word.

The scene was a little stiff, and the district capital couldn't help casting a look at Li Xiao for help.

Li Xiao is still very innocent, and I don't know the king well, so I can't control her.

But this information is very surprising, why Ning Xiaoxi's blood is transfused into someone else's body, that person may not be that person anymore.

After a moment of silence, District Chief gritted his teeth and decided to save his daughter first regardless of the outcome.

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door and a shout, which made the three people in the room stunned for a while.

"Master District Chief, someone came outside and said they brought the antidote to the plague virus."

"Let them in!"

The district chief's heart has experienced too many ups and downs today, and he can no longer control his emotions, yelling for people to come in.

The door opened.

Then the people who walked in made Li Xiao doubt his life again.

(End of this chapter)

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