Chapter 599
Its daybreak.

The low hill where the statue of the God of Life was originally enshrined in Shuilong Port was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. Hundreds of people lay on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Surrounding them, there are countless guards holding guns and pointing their guns at them. As long as the district chief gives an order, they can kill all those who have destroyed their beliefs.

The head of the district stood at the place where the statue of the God of Life collapsed, staring at the statue with only the body left, with a gentle smile on his face that remained unchanged throughout the year.

After a long time, more than a dozen guards came back here carrying the statue's head.

The leader looked sad, and said in a miserable voice: "Master, let's erect the statue first."

"no need."


"The God of Life will never give up on those she favors, nor will she favor those she gives up on. Since we are abandoned, no matter how many times we stand up, we will still fall down."

The head of the district waved his hand, and left the place with heavy steps.

The people who were carrying the head of the statue looked at each other in blank dismay, really not understanding what the district chief meant.

The district chief was not in the mood to explain so much, walked to the front of the hostage crowd, and said slowly with a gentle smile on his face: "Everyone, raise your heads."

No one acted, and the many surviving hostages who had been frightened for a long time did not have the strength to raise their heads.

The head of the district drew his gun and pulled the trigger.

"I'll make you look up!"

After the words fell, many guards raised their feet and kicked those people, wailing all over the place, but they managed to let the district chief see everyone's faces.

"Everyone, it is human instinct to survive. I can understand everything you did last night. But as the leader here, I must give an explanation to my subordinates. Tell me, who came to save you. Don't lie, I Knowing that he or they are still here, even more likely hidden among you, ready to give me more 'surprises' at any time. Let him come out and I can let you off."

The district head's tone was calm.

In fact, at a time like this, he is already more sorrowful than heartbroken, and it doesn't make much sense to kill anyone or not.

Even if all the hostages ran away last night, it would not affect all his next actions.

He was just simply curious about who did what he felt was a miracle.

Unfortunately, no one spoke.

It was completely dark at that time, and most people didn't even know what happened, so they were pulled out of the room and went with the flow.

Who organized all this?
There is only a woman with fiery red hair in my impression, but that woman has gone to nowhere.

"Hehe, don't tell me, will you?"

The head of the district shook his head helplessly: "It's okay, let's take our time, I believe that person will come out. I remember telling you that the hotel you stayed in before was full of bombs. Now, there are more than 50 bombs there." Your people, setting off fireworks for you is a gift to welcome the appearance of heroes."

After finishing the words, the District Chief took out a remote control and aimed it in the direction of the Seaview Hotel.

His eyes swept across the audience, and he waited for a few seconds, but he was completely disappointed when he still didn't see anyone taking the initiative.

"You also gave up those who were infected with the plague. It seems that my daughter is really impossible to live. God of life, your giving up makes me unwilling!"

It's hard to describe the district chief's current mood.

He is an emotional person, a person who likes to connect everything to imagine.

The fate of more than 50 hostages in the Seaview Hotel was the same as that of his daughter. If those people could survive, he would still believe that his daughter was still alive.

If those people die, it can only be further proof that the fate of the daughter cannot be changed.

Looking up at the sky, with a sad face, he pressed the controller button without hesitation.


Press twice more.

He almost broke the controller, but the expected "fireworks" just didn't appear.

After a while, a person ran over sweating profusely.

"My lord, we just discovered that all the explosive devices in the hotel have been dismantled."


The district chief didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It took his men a whole day just to plant those bombs, waiting for a certain critical moment for an earth-shattering response.

In the end, they didn't even have a fart, so they were all dismantled?
Who is it? Saving people is not enough, you still have time to defuse bombs!
"Ha, good, good!"

The head of the district said hello twice, and suddenly pulled a micro punch from the people around him, turned his head and pulled the trigger, the bullets poured out, and hit the ground around the hostage circle, splashing countless dust, which caused even more trouble. Countless panic screams.

"Let that person come out, come out for me! If I don't kill him, I want him to tell me whether you people can die and whether my daughter can be saved!"

The head of the district went crazy.

He wanted all the hostages to die with his daughter, but more than half of them ran out.

He wanted the Seaview Hotel to set off fireworks, but he couldn't even see a spark.

Then he wants his daughter to live, God, or someone, can let him down too.

Kachacha, the shuttle emptied the bullets, threw away the micro-charger with a flick of his hand, turned around and pulled it from another person.

"Come out and tell me whether my daughter was saved or not, and why you can save these people but not my daughter."

The muzzle of the gun was raised, and this time it was aimed directly at the person.

Among the crowd, a cold light flashed in Li Xiao's eyes, and the hand hidden in his cuff also tightly grasped the gun left by the demon snake.

In such a chaotic moment before, the entire mountain was surrounded, and even the cliffs were blocked by helicopters in the air. No matter how powerful he was, it was impossible for him to escape, and he could only stay with all the hostages.

The original plan was to find an opportunity halfway, and escape halfway while these people were escorting the hostages.

Who knew that the head of the district had gone mad, so I planned to find him here.

There is no doubt that the opponent will shoot and slaughter next, so he can only do it here.

He can knock out the opponent's weapon with one shot, then rush over as fast as he can, and control the district leader, he can do it.

No one should have guessed Li Xiao's actions.

The head of the district on the opposite side didn't think too much, he just wanted to vent his inner pressure.

Seeing that both sides are about to explode.

Suddenly, a cry erupted from among the hostages.

"I know!"


The head of the district suddenly raised his arm, the muzzle of the gun shot into the sky, and stared at the source of the sound.

Li Xiao also turned his head in astonishment, looking at the person who spoke.

Ye Lingtian!
The youngest of the Ye family, with a gray head and a dusty face and several gray footprints all over his body, stood up tremblingly with his hands raised high.

He couldn't take it anymore, he didn't want to die here.

"I know that the person who came to save us last night is called Li Xiao. I also know that there is someone who can save your daughter. Among the people who came this time, there is a woman named Ning Xiaoxi, who is known as the "blood of the precious blood." body, her blood can definitely save people. I saw Li Xiao throwing Ning Xiaoxi into the sea, you should go find it now, there should be still time."

Ye Lingtian spoke these words extremely fast, and sold out Li Xiao and Ning Xiaoxi.

(End of this chapter)

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