The toughest man in the city

Chapter 591 Precious Blood Body

Chapter 591 Precious Blood Body
Ning Xiaoxi tossed and tossed and fumbled not once or twice.

Since the woman in white clothes suddenly appeared last time and saved them from disaster, and made the people here treat them differently, Ning Xiaoxi has become more and more confident.

I don't know how many escape operations have been carried out by fooling the people around me.

As a result, without exception, they were caught back without running a few steps away.

Sister Yi and the others were numb. They always felt that even if they were killed by a single shot, it would be better than being together with Ning Xiaoxi every day.

I can't help it, I'm tired.

Even Fang Qing, who is serious about one thing, couldn't help but say at this moment: "Xiao Xi, can you see if this works, we will accept our fate. Even if we die in the end, we will die quietly, okay?"

Having said this, it is enough to show how helpless everyone is towards Ning Xiaoxi.

But who is Ning Xiaoxi? The less anyone believes in her, the more she wants to prove that she is right.

She rolled her eyes at Sister Yi and the others, snorted coldly, "Women's opinion", and then turned to look at the men in the room.

"Chu Lingfeng, Ye Lingtian, and you, Long Zicheng, are you men? Don't you feel ashamed to be here waiting for rescue every day?"

As I said long ago, among the people who lost contact this time, most of them were core personnel from major families. It happened that the people who appeared here were basically Li Xiao's acquaintances.

No matter what conflicts everyone had in the past, they were all internal disputes. In the final analysis, they were all children of big families, and they had to help each other when they went abroad.

What's more, in the current situation, facing an isolated population, the boundaries between countries will be cancelled.

Ning Xiaoxi seemed to regard herself as the leader and summoned all the people from the same camp to her room, just to form a "self-rescue alliance".

It's a pity that her charisma is there, but her organizational skills are still a bit lacking.

The key is that if you just shout to save yourself, there is no plan at all. No one can play with you, and you will die if you play.

"Ning Xiaoxi, please rest. I always feel that you are always tossing and turning these days. The purpose is to let us people be your shields and risk our lives to protect yourself."

Ye Lingtian said a word in a muffled voice.

Ning Xiaoxi was all hairy at that time.

"Ye, what do you mean? I am thinking about everyone's life. Who do you think I am. Besides, if you start saving yourself, everyone will be in danger. Why do you think I can live?"

"Just because someone came to save you two days ago!"

Ye Lingtian roared angrily and turned back, even if the others didn't think about targeting Ning Xiaoxi, they couldn't help feeling a little doubt in their hearts.

They are all children of aristocratic families, who are not the elites that the family focuses on cultivating. After coming out this time, the strength of the bodyguards around them is not too bad.

But everyone else was in danger and precarious, only Ning Xiaoxi had an accident here.

Someone appeared here, and even hugged her life, making her superior to others when facing the local aborigines.

Why would Ning Xiaoxi receive preferential treatment under the same status?

In the past, if everyone didn't think about this issue, it was because they actively ignored it and didn't want to get into trouble. Now when their own lives are threatened, who cares so much? Just say what you have to say.

Ye Lingtian stared at Ning Xiaoxi with cold eyes, and said word by word: "Don't think we don't know, you Miss Ning was a special person when you were born. Ask those present, who hasn't heard the older generation talk about you question. You are an ordinary person, why can you be called the body of precious blood?"


"I can't explain it. I don't want you to explain it. Anyway, the reality is in front of you. Even if everyone here dies, you can't die, because your life is more valuable than ours."

Ye Lingtian's tone was not kind, and while his eyes rolled wildly, he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

He slapped his thigh fiercely and shouted: "I understand. I said you, a young lady who was not even allowed to leave the house before, how could you come to such a place so easily this time. Did someone find out that your blood It is the key to solving the plague here, thinking of asking you to be their savior? Yes, it must be so, if you become the savior, then you can exchange for the endless life stone mines here. And..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Lingtian wanted to continue, but Chu Lingfeng interrupted him with a roar.

"Brother Ye, it's fine to be clear about some things. There's no need to say it at this time. If you say it, it may not save your life, and it may make you die faster, do you understand?"

"Chu Lingfeng, what's your attitude? Both sides are dead, let me tell you what's wrong. Aren't you going to get engaged to that girl from the Duan family? What are you doing here protecting Ning Xiaoxi? Don't forget, she used to be my His fiancée, who later became Li Xiao's concubine, has nothing to do with you."

"Ye Lingtian, are you a mad dog biting people? Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

Obviously they were discussing how to save themselves, but this disagreement, how could the style of painting suddenly turn into internal strife.

The others rushed to pull Ye Lingtian and Chu Lingfeng away.

Ning Xiaoxi was even more annoyed by their behavior of ignoring her.

"Shut up! I'm talking about self-help. Let's escape together. Can you respect me?"

"Hehe, Ning Xiaoxi, what do you have to respect. If you really want me to listen to you, you can go to their district chief and tell them that your blood can save them all. No matter whether it can be done or not, give Let's fight for some registration opportunities, and I think highly of you..."

Before Ye Lingtian finished speaking, a slap was slapped on his face.

Su Manyu shook her sore wrist from the shock, and stared angrily at the past.

"No matter how unreliable Xiao Xi is, she still thinks about all of us. You are a waste of life who just wants to wait for others to save you. Living is a waste of time. Xiao Xi didn't get engaged to you, then she did the most correct thing Choose. You are a shame in our family circle!"

"I'm ashamed?"

Ye Lingtian received a slap in the face for no reason, and was suppressed by Chu Lingfeng. He was unable to fight back with his hands, and his words were unforgiving at all.

"Call me ashamed, let's see what dirty things you have done. A woman who is engaged to another man is unclear, so I am ashamed to say me here. The big hat on Brother Long's head was given to you. of."

As soon as these words came out, Long Zicheng over there not only had a green head, but also a green face.

"Ye Lingtian, why don't you talk about me, isn't it bad enough for me to be hurt by you?"

"Okay, stop arguing, let's talk about self-help now."

"Save yourself, I think you should commit suicide, it's easier."

No one knew what was going on, a group of princes and young ladies all lost their high standards, and they were arguing like street hooligans.

There was chaos in the room for a while, until a burst of applause came from the door.

"Haha, I didn't expect to see a good show here."

The cold voice made everyone stop abruptly and shudder involuntarily.

They were no strangers to the person who spoke, and it was that person who caused them to fall into the current situation.

The district chief of Hongyuan District is here.

(End of this chapter)

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