Chapter 56

When the kitchen knife flipped a few times in the air, brushed against Li Xiao's ear, and nailed hard into the door frame.

Li Xiao's mood completely changed.

He admits that it is really unreasonable to deliberately look at Ning Xiaoxi's jokes like this.But who made this young lady want to use him as a shield and get angry at him for no reason.

Everyone hurts each other, and no one needs to blame anyone.

But the problem is, I can't take a joke, use force directly, and don't care about the consequences, and actually use all my strength to throw a kitchen knife.

How does this count?
At that time, Li Xiao was totally defenseless.

If it wasn't for his good luck and Ning Xiaoxi's aim was a bit off, the kitchen knife would not have been nailed to the door frame, but cut into his skull.

If he died for no reason.

The result was nothing more than a few fake tears from Ning Xiaoxi, and then Lin Huahua who rushed over quickly packed them up and transported them out, and dumped his body in the wilderness overnight. From then on, there was no such person as Li Xiao in the world.

Don't say he's making random guesses.

How could a young lady like Ning Xiaoxi surrender herself and accept legal sanctions if she accidentally killed someone?Even if she was willing, Ning Guanming would not agree.


This is the sorrow of Hongguoguo.

In Ning Xiaoxi's eyes, Li Xiao was just a dispensable bodyguard, and by the way, cooking was better, so after losing face, he didn't care if he killed him directly.

Didn't you see the disappointment in the woman's eyes when she found out that the kitchen knife failed to hit the target?

At this moment, Li Xiao realized how stupid he was.

They watched Ning Xiaoxi rush up, punching and kicking him, but just stood there motionless.

Ning Xiaoxi swung for a long time, her wrist was a little sore, and only then did she realize that something was wrong.

Why didn't Li Xiao hide?
When beating him before, he was like a loach, always able to dodge just right, why didn't he dodge this time?
Ning Xiaoxi was a little confused, subconsciously withdrew her hands, and looked up.

In the dimly lit living room, a pair of eyes gleaming with coquettish red light seemed to be burning with endless anger.

Ning Xiaoxi was terrified, backed away in panic, accidentally tripped on the sofa stool in the living room, fell hard and sat on the sofa, curled up into a ball, not daring to make any unnecessary movements.

"Li, Li Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

In the empty living room of the villa, Ning Xiaoxi's trembling questioning echoed, and... Li Xiao gritted his teeth hard as if he was suppressing something, making strange creaking noises.

"Kill her, kill Ning Xiaoxi! She doesn't care about your life or death, why should you care about her, as long as you kill her, no one can stop us, the whole world is ours!"

The demon in his body was roaring, and this voice had accompanied him for more than 20 years, but it never resounded in his mind as frequently as in recent days, always urging him to kill Ning Xiaoxi.

Li Xiao didn't know where this voice came from.

Even now, he is always afraid that there is another thing with thought in his body.

He didn't know if this kind of thing happened to everyone, or if it was just him.

The only thing he can be thankful for is that every time he encounters a life crisis or a drastic change in mood, the thing in his body can always help him survive safely.

And he also relied on strong willpower to forcibly suppress the other party every time that thing tried to control him and do some bad things.

"No, I can't kill her!"

Li Xiao gritted his teeth and growled out these words, turned around sharply, and rushed out the door.

The whole villa area seemed to be echoing with howling like a beast.

Ning Xiaoxi huddled on the sofa, trembling for a long time, and finally regained some blood on her face.

What happened to Li Xiao?
He just said he couldn't kill him.

Is he going to kill me?

A dark cloud covered the sky, and the soft moonlight disappeared.

Li Xiao didn't know how long he had been running, until his lungs were almost exhausted, he finally stopped, took advantage of the opportunity and lay down on the weeds in the wilderness, panting violently.

It was finally suppressed.

Every time he confronts the demons in his body, he will always consume a lot of energy.

He just wants to have a good sleep now, and sleep in the dark.

As for Ning Xiaoxi... No matter, if during the period when he was away, a killer happened to come to the door, it could only be Miss Ning's bad luck.

Who let that eldest lady throw a kitchen knife and chop people casually, if Li Xiao's life is really so worthless in her eyes, her life really doesn't know Li Xiao to care about.

Breeze rises.

A newspaper that someone discarded casually rolled over, as if the heavens couldn't bear to see him lying on the ground like this, trying to help him find some bedding.

For this, Li Xiao thanked God very much.

But please God, can you stop covering people's faces with waste paper?
Li Xiao pulled it casually, wanting to ball up the newspaper and throw it flying.

Halfway through the action, he suddenly stopped, just because of the large photos of beauties printed on the color pages of newspapers, it really made people unable to take their eyes off.

"Reward announcement.

Kelly Green Onassis, Princess of the Royal Greek Family, was accidentally lost during a trip to China in January. I hope someone in the know can provide reliable clues to find her. Thank you very much. "

"Hehe, are the current liars so clever that they can make the headlines of the newspaper, post photos of foreign girls, and deceive people? How about the Greek royal princess? How could such a person get lost accidentally? Who do you think it is?" Is the puppy lost?"

Li Xiao smiled disdainfully.

I just feel that the content in the newspaper looks similar to the small advertisements for "seeking a child with a lot of money" posted on the telephone poles. Even the pictures of beauties on it are like photos of foreign models randomly taken from the Internet.

It's a pity that the beauty's face was picked off by some unqualified guy.

However, this girl's figure is really sexy.

Come on, I'll give you a chance to sleep with my brother all over the place.

He directly put the newspaper into his arms and closed his eyes safely.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a woman's scream suddenly broke out. Although the sound was not loud and seemed like an hallucination, Li Xiao still used his powerful hearing ability to clearly distinguish the panic conveyed in the scream, and at the same time judged that The source of the sound was on the other side of the hillside he wanted to use as a bed.

The night was dark and windy, and the woman screamed.

What does this mean? If you think about it with your toes, you can guess that something unscrupulous is happening.

"Hey, can't you let people calm down for a while?"

Li Xiao sighed, Carp stood up straight, and ran towards the place where the cry broke out just now.

He wants to see who dares to disturb his good rest time.

Like a ghost, it quickly shuttles through the jungle in the suburbs.

Not long after, a corpse lying in a pool of blood forced him to stop abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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