Chapter 559
Li Xiao didn't want to believe the legend now, but he had to admit that there was always a certain truth to the existence of the legend.

Deep in the Amazon forest, which is a forbidden zone for life, a place completely isolated from the normal human world is surrounded by a special magnetic field.

Once you're in, don't even think about getting out.

Since more than 1000 years ago, some people have mistakenly entered this place. They cannot return to the world where they originally lived, and they can only stay here and continue to survive.

As time went by, more and more people arrived, especially starting in the [-]th century, and the development of shipping made the Amazon no longer just a place where local indigenous people lived alone.

Colonists from the three islands of England, North America, Germany and France, etc., held the banner of promoting the common development of the people of the world, came here, and then could not go back.

They brought strife here, but also brought huge development here.

I dare not say that the level of development is exactly the same as that of the outside world, but at least the architectural style here will not exceed Li Xiao's cognition.

Tian'an Town is a small town established by Chinese immigrants. More than [-]% of the people here have a common ancestor. It is not that they have a common blood connection, but if they don't find a way to gather together, the final end can only be... Other towns were annexed and everyone was displaced.

In recent decades, the number of people coming here has increased sharply, but without exception, they all passed out and were found by local residents and carried in.

Peace-loving survivors in Xanadu will not kill outsiders casually, they will just pull out all valuable things from outsiders and exchange them for supplies.

"The things on you were taken away by Zhang Shuang and the others. They threw you in the town square. I couldn't see it, so I took you home."

The old man who saved Li Xiao had clear eyes when he spoke.

As an aboriginal resident who was truly born and raised here, he has not been contaminated by the secular world, and he has never felt that he can ask for a reward for saving a life.

Li Xiao nodded to say thank you, and while trying to digest these external information, he asked very seriously.

"Old man, in the past half month, has anyone else been here besides me?"

"Yes, many people, many noble-looking people, and many people wearing this kind of clothes like you. However, they all left after waking up, saying that they wanted to leave here and find a way to get out. But... "

The old man didn't say what he said later.

If you think about it with your toes, you can guess that going out from here is extremely difficult. Those who left early, who knows whether they are dead or alive now.

"Then have you seen any of these... er?"

Li Xiao subconsciously fumbled in his pocket behind him, wanting to take out his mobile phone, and asked the old man to identify the photos of Ning Xiaoxi and those people, to see if they came here and where they went.

As a result, the pockets were empty.

Well, just now he thought it didn't matter who that "Zhang Shuang" was, but now, the first thing he did when he came here was to catch that kid and make him spit out my stuff.

Jump out of bed and move your muscles.

Still, this body can make people feel at ease, even if you lose your pants, as long as your fist is there, you are not afraid that those things outside your body will not be found.

"Old man, where is the Zhang Shuang you mentioned?"

With a question, how could the old man opposite him not know what Li Xiao was thinking, so he waved his hand hurriedly.

"Young man, stay safe and don't be impatient. Zhang Shuang is the overlord on this street, and he is very vicious. A week ago, there was also a person who wore the same clothes as you. He wanted to ask him to get back the things, but Zhang Shuang punched three times. Get down on the ground and throw it under the cliff outside the town."

Li Xiao is not the first person to come here. Let’s not talk about the past, let’s talk about the recent period.

If other Huaxia soldiers were exiled to this place, they would definitely make the same choice as him, but it is a bit too much to say that people are beaten down three times and thrown off the cliff.

A group of aboriginals isolated from the world, but still a street bully, can have such a great ability, it is a ghost.

"It's okay, old man, just tell me where Zhang Shuang is. Of course, if you don't tell me, I can find and ask myself."

The meaning in Li Xiao's words is so obvious.

The old man let out a long sigh, and pointed to the tallest building in the center of the street.

"Zhang Shuang lives there. Young man, you have to stay in groups. Zhang Shuang has more than a dozen thugs under his command. He also has a very good relationship with Wang Qiang from the next street. The two of them worked together to defeat the defense of the town center. You should be treated politely by the chief. There are more than 30 people who could really beat you to death."

The old man was in a mess when he was concerned, and his speech was a little incoherent.

Li Xiao was very grateful in his heart, and it was rare to be able to express such concern by chance.

However, this old man looks down on people too much, isn't it just thirty or forty young people, it is very difficult to clean up.

"Old man, I've come all the time. Since no one will die in this place, the person I'm looking for shouldn't be in danger. Let's get rid of that bully first, so I can't rub the sand in my eyes."

Li Xiao walked out aggressively, looked for the tallest building in the center of the street, and strode towards it.

Along the way, many small vendors along the street saluted him, and some even whispered with sneering faces.

"Another desperate person wants to ask Zhang Shuang for trouble. How many fists do you think this can last?"

"After a few punches, the result is still the same. The outsiders just don't have a clear mind. If Zhang Shuang hadn't brought them back, they would have died outside. What if they gave away some of their belongings as money to buy their lives? It's so stupid to come to the door. Asking for something is simply ungrateful and you deserve to die.”

All kinds of words came into Li Xiao's ears, which really refreshed his knowledge.

Didn't I say that Zhang Shuang is the bully on this street? Heroes who eradicate bullies are always welcome.

Why does it feel like a badass who doesn't know how to be grateful.

But I have to admit that the rhetoric of "buying life money" is so frankly reasonable.

Especially when he actually stood in front of the tallest building in the center, a little girl made a face at him in front of a house next to him and shouted, "Bad guy, brother Zhang Shuang shouldn't have saved you", Li Xiao was almost on the spot. collapse.

What a wonderful place.

I'm convinced, and I'll leave after taking the phone, and don't want the rest, isn't it okay?

Take a deep breath, collect your emotions, and raise your hand to smash the rolling shutter door along the street.

A moment later, the rolling shutter door slammed up, and a thug poked his head out.


"I'm looking for Zhang Shuang, I want a mobile phone."

"You... ah, Brother Shuang, the kid you brought back yesterday has come to your door."

The thief shouted loudly.

Not long after, a dozen or so people from Hulala rushed down the stairs with sticks in their hands, and they all stared angrily at Li Xiao.

It was these people who stood firm, and the sound of heavy footsteps came from far to near.

Li Xiao looked up, and after seeing clearly what the last person who got down looked like, his feet slipped and he almost lost his standing.

What the hell is that, the most heavyweight sumo wrestler in the world is not as fat as you!

(End of this chapter)

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