Chapter 545

Li Xiao set out from Jiangnan with two important tasks on his shoulders.

One is to find Su's mother who wants to make herself disappear completely.

The second is to completely complete the tasks that he has not completed before.

To be honest, he was more inclined to find Su's mother first, and then consider other issues.

Because not only Team Guo wanted to find out what happened to Li Xiao during the days when he disappeared, but he also wanted to ask Mother Su face to face whether it was Su Manyu who was by his side those days.

In fact, all you need to do is to ask Qing Wu about these questions, and you will have a definite answer.

But who made Qing Wu refuse to tell the truth, even if she was out of the king's control, Qing Wu would not want to do anything that might affect the king's plan.

Li Xiao doesn't like to persecute anyone, so he can only trouble himself.

Fortunately, the gods favored him, and the two unrelated tasks that he shouldered all pointed to the same place, Persia.

According to Guo Lin's investigation, the last time Mother Su appeared within the controllable range was boarding an ocean-going cargo ship at Jiangnan Port.

The place where the freighter finally stopped was Persia.

The mother who used to run around for her daughter, by accident, put herself in it. She just wanted to stay away from everyone she knew, so that those things that violated the principles of ethics would not affect her at all when she left. to her daughter.

Going abroad is a good choice.

But she didn't expect that after secretly paying a large amount of travel expenses to the chief mate of a freighter, she successfully boarded that ship, instead of receiving VIP treatment, she became a prisoner instead.

Those villains didn't touch her, not because she wasn't attractive enough, but because they kept her and let her be more useful.

The Holy Land Group tried their best, and she was the only woman who was looking for a life-saving woman with special life blood all over the world.

If it weren't for worrying about mistakes in the middle, they could only take a boat to the Persian port and drive for more than ten hours to send people to their destinations.

Those villains can't wait to send Su's mother to the contacts of the Holy Land Group to get a lot of rewards and spend time and money.

Fortunately, there was such a time difference that Li Xiao had enough leeway to carefully understand the situation he was about to face.

In the Ji Hotel room less than one kilometer away from the Persian Holy Land Castle, Li Xiao met the connector arranged by the Longyuan troops.

Since the Zi-[-] satellite was found last time, a special unit of the Longyuan Army has come to Persia to lurk, only to find the culprits who conspired and deal a heavy blow.

Don't think that once the Zi-[-] satellite is retrieved, everything will be fine.

Some people make mistakes and must accept punishment.

It's a pity that it is not easy to break through the blockade and enter the Holy Land Group to assassinate some people.

Tried again and again, all failed, making the team wish they had to count the losses to complete the task. At this time, Li Xiao was sent here.

The person in charge of the joint actually didn't like to see Li Xiao. The appearance of this guy meant that the superior was dissatisfied with their work and was blaming them for not being able to complete the task after several months had passed.

But the matter has reached this point, and there is resentment in my heart, which cannot solve any problems.

He must follow the order and do his best to assist Li Xiao.

"The deployment map of the Holy Land Castle is here. We have tried several times before. No matter how we break through from any direction, it will trigger the alarm inside the castle. The only way to bypass the alarm is to take the underground river. Our people are still nearby Conduct surveys, and we will definitely find a suitable entry route before this evening."

The soldiers of the Longyuan army are here, but they are not idle, risking their lives to perform tasks, even digging pits and wells.

Perhaps if Li Xiao came a day later, their work would also have a breakthrough.

It's just that it's useless to say those things at this time.

"I don't know if our previous temptations have aroused their vigilance, or they have other plans. In short, the defense inside the castle is much stronger than before. In addition, the spies we placed inside, according to Come back with news. Their Saintess Gulina was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​the castle and replaced by an unidentified person who stayed in the castle, and the level of danger was very high according to visual inspection."

It's really hard for these people to sneak their own people into the castle.

It was also that excellent lurker who sent back very important information.

The appearance of the witch and the imprisonment of Gulina are all unexpected factors that may cause the mission to fail.

Li Xiao originally just listened quietly, until the connector said the name "Gulina", he raised his brows slightly.

It was a bit of an impression, and it was still a very deep impression.

He is used to this feeling now, but anyone who can make him have a special impression, he must pay attention to it no matter what, maybe those people are the key to his complete recovery of memory.

The connector didn't notice the change in his expression, and continued to say: "The secondary task assigned by the superior is to ensure Gulina's safety as much as possible. If there is a chance, it is best to bring her out safely. Of course, the main goal It’s better to kill those important people. In addition, we found that there are some special innocent people inside the castle.”

Although some things are said to deliberately raise the suspicion of someone, I have to admit that the special soldiers of Longyuan Force are unparalleled in terms of information collection.

They even investigated some pregnant women in the castle.

It was also this news that connected with the person Li Xiao cared about the most.

"If our guess is correct, the Ms. Tranquility you are looking for is also on the way here. Once she comes here, the other party is likely to do something we cannot predict to all innocent people."

"and many more!"

Li Xiao finally interrupted the other party: "You said that Tranquility will be classified with those pregnant women, that is to say, she is also pregnant?"

"This, we don't know."

The connectors were very helpless, that is, when Li Xiao was coming, they were asked by their superiors to pay attention to the situation of Tranquility. They were able to know the approximate time when the other party was sent through information collection, and they had done their best.Could it be that Li Xiao still asked them to investigate whether a woman they had never seen before was pregnant?

Li Xiao didn't force the other party to tell him the exact answer.

He was just sure that under the current circumstances, Mother Su could not be harmed no matter what.

Whoever dares to hurt Su's mother, he will let the other party's whole family be buried with him.

"Thank you, I will act tonight."

"Well, tell me about the specific action plan, and we will make preparations."

"You don't need to prepare, just support from outside. I'll go by myself tonight."

When Li Xiao said a word, the connector's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Is this guy crazy? He has to complete the task alone when he arrives. Who gave him such confidence to seek death?
(End of this chapter)

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