The toughest man in the city

Chapter 523 This is a Miracle

Chapter 523 This is a Miracle

Why can't Li Xiao come.

If others don't know, how can Long Zicheng not know?

That guy can't die anymore, if he can still show up here, even if Xiaolong Company declares bankruptcy on its own initiative, he won't dare to continue the competition.

Do living people dare to fight dead ghosts?

Of course, this is just a joke.

Seriously, Li Xiao's inability to be present completely made the people in Xiao Long's company despair.

At this moment, before those who applied for the job were confused, the employees in Xiao Long's company started to riot.

Everyone hadn't seen the boss for a long time, and not many people in the upper management knew about it. Even Cheng Yuliang cast a questioning look at Sister Yi with great doubts.

Today is such an important time, no matter where Li Xiao is, at least he can show his face to calm people down.

That unreliable guy probably really gave up his company.

The more silent Sister Yi and the others were, the more people felt that Long Zicheng was telling the truth.

In this case, if a fool wants to apply for a job there, it is no longer a question of unclear development prospects, but it is a question of no prospect and future at all.

On the third floor of the convention and exhibition center, Fang Qing, who was sitting here, was full of disappointment.

Since before the bidding fair, she and Li Xiao have formed a complementary cooperative relationship. According to the normal rhythm, today's job fair can completely become an important achievement in solving the employment problem of Qinghe people when she was in office, adding to her resume. A bold stroke.

But now, everything is in vain.

Xiaolong's company was weak, so Ye Lingtian and Long Zicheng seized the opportunity. Once they succeeded in buying property in Qinghe and developed, how could they help Fang Qing to improve.

For a moment, Fang Qing wanted to call Sister Yi to remove the recruitment area of ​​Xiaolong Company, so as not to make the situation worse.

It's just that before this thought was put into action, an unexpected phone call came in.

Fang Qing picked up her mobile phone to answer the call, and the expression on her face took a 180-degree turn. When she finally hung up the phone, she stood up abruptly, with an extremely happy smile on her face.

This is a major turning point, and it is an important boost for Fang Qing to make great strides forward.

There is one thing that would be more meaningful if she had to come forward and announce it in person.

"Old Chang, inform all the media to come here immediately, there is big news."

Fang Qing put away her makeup and gave this order.

A few minutes later, the venue, which had faintly returned to its normal rhythm, was shaken again.

All the applicants who entered the venue were shocked to find that reporters from various well-known media had arrived.

It is not surprising that there are reporters in this place. After all, it is a big event, and major issues related to people's livelihood and employment will be paid attention to by the mainstream media.

But the question is, why those reporters didn't pay attention to the noisy place after they arrived, but instead ran to the deserted work area of ​​Xiaolong Company, set up equipment one by one, and aimed at that side?
Such a wonderful scene interrupted the work in other places.

Even Long Zicheng and Ye Lingtian were a little puzzled, and couldn't help but want to ask, the people at Xiaolong's company are having a convulsion, do they still want to announce their bankruptcy in public here?

Others have doubts in their minds.

Sister Yi also had doubts, Ning Xiaoxi and Su Manyu couldn't figure out the situation.

Until Fang Qing walked from behind the scenes to the front desk and stood in front of Xiaolong's company's work area, standing in the sight of everyone, the noisy job fair scene became quiet again.

But all Qinghe locals are more or less impressed with this new beautiful director Fang from the high-tech zone.

During this period, the development that Director Fang brought to Qinghe and the various major municipal construction events he guided ensured that everyone's vital interests were protected.

It's too early to talk about support, but respect comes from the heart.

If Fang Qing wants to promote Xiaolong Company and support the company, maybe she can change something.

However, this does not comply with the rules.

If Fang Qing really did that, it would be hard not to make people suspect that there was some interest connection between her and Xiaolong Company, which would have a great influence on her.

"Brother Long, do you see this?"

"Brother Ye, don't panic, Fang Qing is not stupid. If she really helps Xiaolong Company at this time, I can even bring her down."

Long Zicheng and Ye Lingtian raised their hearts, but they didn't show too nervous.

At such a delicate moment, Fang Qing walked up to the front desk, and she was speechless to elaborate on the polite words at the beginning. She didn't change the topic to the present until the foreshadowing was enough.

"Just now someone was asking where Li Xiao, the boss of Xiaolong Company, went and why he didn't come to the scene. This should have caused a lot of confusion to everyone. Let me explain. There may not be a great chance to appear in the next period of time. Here, I want to say that Li Xiao, as a not-so-well-known public figure, owes everyone an apology."

Fang Qing said this.

Even Sister Yi couldn't listen anymore.

That's right, Director Fang, aren't we in the same camp? How do you cross the river and tear down the bridge?

On the second floor, Long Zicheng and Ye Lingtian's eyes were burning, and they only felt that this was Fang Qing's rhythm of giving up Li Xiao, which was very good and in line with their wishes.

However, they were happy for less than two seconds, Fang Qing's next words made it difficult for them both to breathe.

"Everyone, Li Xiao owes everyone an apology. I will make it up when I have a chance. The point I want to say now is to invite so many media to the scene. What I want to announce is that today, in just ten minutes Before, we Qinghe finally had a local private company listed on the American Stock Exchange, Hong Kong and Shanghai simultaneously. The name of this company is Xiaolong Company!"

After the voice fell, the scene on the big screen in the venue suddenly changed.

A video was played, which was the scene where Xiaolong Company was officially listed on the Great Stock Exchange and issued shares.

Everyone at the scene was suffocated by it, and it was unbelievable that such a thing could happen.

Even the reporters were as excited as if they wanted to take a shot of chicken blood.

This is big news, a big news that can attract countless traffic.

A company that has only been established for less than half a year can be listed on a very large exchange at the same time, and the issuance of shares has shown an incomprehensible crazy upward trend.

how did you do that?
Of course, Li Xiao's third grandmother helped to do it.

The old lady is such a dignified person, she traveled thousands of miles to Qinghe, how could she come here with great fanfare, and then leave quietly without solving any problems.

The third grandma said that if she wants her grandson not to be bullied, it is not just this time, but no one dares to bully him.

Countless exclamations erupted at the scene, and no one cared about the recruitment of Ye Group and Long Group. Everyone flocked to the center of the venue to witness a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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