The toughest man in the city

Chapter 515 I'm Not Stupid

Chapter 515 I'm Not Stupid
No one has ever really cared about Li Xiao's life experience.

At least after Li Xiao returned to China, no one he came into contact with, no matter how good the relationship was, never asked about his previous life.

But as long as it is human, who has no childhood.

In Li Xiao's memory, only childhood was truly carefree.

"It should be a picturesque place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. I don't remember the specific name, but I know that it is the source of Sanjiang, the source of all life and culture in China."

Sanjiangyuan is a magical place.

The two mother rivers of China originated here, and then gave birth to a national culture of thousands of years.

But in such an important place, there is a gap in the historical record.

It seems that since there are written records, the introduction of Sanjiangyuan has been extremely scarce, and only such a sentence has been mentioned in the legend passed down by the old people.

"The real dragon comes from the dragon's veins, and the dragon's veins in the world come from Kunlun. The potential dragon raises the emperor, and the son of the sky drinks from the source of the three rivers."

If you look into it seriously, it is also related to the theory of Fengshui secrets of the Chinese dynasties.

The true dragon is a mountain, which is related to the general destiny of the country, and the hidden dragon is water, which is related to the master of the world.

As long as you grasp these two points, you can achieve the throne and stabilize the country.

Why did those emperors in ancient times rack their brains to win over strange people and strangers to find geomantic treasure lands?

It's a pity that the general trend of the world will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time.

No one can really see through the secrets of the sky. The only thing that can be regarded as a rule to follow is that the places chosen by the royal tombs of the past dynasties are all surrounded by mountains and rivers. gas.

Li Xiao lived in that source of life in his childhood.

He couldn't remember many things clearly. The only thing he had a vague impression of was a pair of masters and masters who were better than their parents.

His master taught him boxing and kicking since he was a child, and his wife taught him how to read and write.

In the first few years, life was fairly stable, with a family of three guarding a small farmhouse.

But later, someone moved in to be his neighbor, and that peaceful life was gradually broken.

The first person to move in was an old man, a very stern old man, who treated his master and his wife very badly. He even vaguely heard the old man saying that he wanted to push him into the river and drown him.

However, master and wife were very respectful to the old man, and they listened to what the other party said.

Then, the old man really took him up the mountain, found a deserted place, and threw him into the river.

However, Li Xiao was not drowned, but learned to swim.

It was also the old man who taught him the first time he came into contact with firearms. It was also from the day he learned marksmanship that he called the old man "uncle".

The old man said that he was Master Li Xiao's godfather, so Li Xiao should call him godfather as a matter of course.But the old guy said he didn't dare to be his grandfather, and it was nice to call "Master".

Forced by the other party's power, Li Xiao changed his tune.

Ever since he changed his tune, the development of things was completely beyond Li Xiao's understanding.

The uncle's wife moved in soon after, claiming to be the godmother of the teacher's wife, and asked him to call him "grandmother".

Grandma loves her very much, and always brings him all kinds of delicious snacks that he has never seen before.

After having grandpa and grandma, it didn't take long before there was second master, second grandma, and then seventh master and seventh grandma.

Li Xiao can't figure it out until now, how come there are so many idle old men and old ladies, who obviously have a good life outside, but they insist on going to that place where no shit, and be his neighbors, and all of them Walk around him.

Of course, there are benefits to the arrival of these people.

At least from these people, Li Xiao knew that the world is not only mountains, rivers, forests, beasts and birds, but also high-rise buildings, cars and airplanes, and some gorgeously dressed children who occasionally go to live with him for a few days.

He doesn't like those children, they always bully him one by one.

In the end, he was still beaten until he cried for his father and mother, and went back to complain to his uncle and grandma, and then he was beaten again.
You said, what are they trying to do, they owe it to be beaten, right?

In his life, he was so peaceful that he was so noisy. In retrospect, it was probably before he was 12 years old.

And after the age of 12...

"I do not remember."

Li Xiao raised his head and thought for a long time, then shook his head vigorously, and looked at Qing Wu opposite.

He is now sober, but many memories are blank, as if he has a feeling of Alzheimer's, the long-term memory is getting clearer, and the short-term memory, or many things after he grows up, he can't remember at all .

Qing Wu smiled, reached out and touched his bald head.

The feel is slightly worse than before, and the short hair is very irritating.

"Don't force yourself if you can't remember, it will get better slowly, there must be a process. At least, you have remembered who I am, haven't you?"

"You are Qing Wu, my woman. You told me this."

Li Xiao is really upright when he speaks. I wonder if such words will hurt a woman's heart.

However, Qing Wu is also used to it.

If Li Xiao had a conscience, she wouldn't have been taken away by the king. For so long, he didn't want to look for her.

Qing Wu raised her hand and slapped Li Xiao on the forehead.

"Whether I told you or you remembered it yourself. As long as you remember that I am your woman, it will be fine. Men should listen to women, you understand."

"Hehe, women have to listen to men. I just can't remember some things, it doesn't mean I'm stupid."

"You... OK, whatever you say is what you say. Wait, I'm going to cook."

Qing Wu stood up in embarrassment, turned her head and went into the kitchen.

Strictly speaking, a whole week has passed since Li Xiao fell into the Yellow River.

During this week, Qingwu lived very comfortably.

The king, who was supposed to return on the third day, did not show up as scheduled, and no one knew where the king had gone, which gave Qing Wu more opportunities to be alone with Li Xiao.

He listened to Li Xiao talk about what he remembered every day, and his life was fairly peaceful.

I really hope this situation can continue.

However, Shi Lan, Lu Caixiu and the others, who are also the envoys of the king, really don't want to continue such a life without a master.

Back then, when the king gathered them together, he only arranged for three days after Li Xiao was caught. It was agreed that after three days, the king would return and continue to give them other tasks.

As a result, a week has passed, and no one has appeared.

More importantly, these few of them did not fully complete what they were supposed to do.

Outside the villa where Li Xiao lived at the moment, a car was parked in a car, Shi Lan was stroking her forehead in distress.

"Haven't you contacted the king yet? We don't have much time. The people below have reported that those people are about to come here. We alone can't stop them from rescuing Li Xiao. Let's change places."

(End of this chapter)

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