Chapter 42
These days, when single youths are urged by their families to go on a blind date, they will have two reactions.

Or just refuse directly, saying that I haven't played enough, and the adults in the family are speechless.

Or they just look very interested, and they have to find out what kind of person the blind date is, if they want to find out all the eight generations of ancestors of the other party.

But what kind of reaction is Ning Xiaoxi?

It's up to whoever makes the arrangements, and she doesn't even want to know the details of the process, so she just asked Lin Huahua to help convey the news.

This is a blind date, not a work arrangement.

How can you really just do it casually!
Li Xiao looked at the closed door of the bedroom on the second floor, thought for a long time, and finally just shook his head helplessly, turned and walked out of the villa.

He was just a bodyguard protecting his employer, not the eldest lady's housekeeper, and even intervened in her personal relationship issues.

Everything that has nothing to do with protecting the target should not be within the scope of his consideration.

The night in the villa area was extremely peaceful. The window on the second floor of the opposite villa that he smashed last night had been repaired, but there were still traces of his "fierce battle" with a certain beautiful woman in the courtyard.

During the video chat just now, the "that woman" that Ning Xiaoxi mentioned should be Qing Wu.

Ning Guanming's concern for Qingwu last night was not just a simple relationship between the employer and the bodyguard.

In order to marry such a coquettish woman, Ning Guanming hastily married off his daughter to anyone, what kind of father is he.

Sold her daughter to set herself free?

I still remember when I received the information about the task of protecting the target, it said that Ning Xiaoxi's mother died of dystocia when she was born.

More than 20 years have passed, and a successful man like Ning Guanming has never thought of a sequel. In fact, he can be regarded as a benevolent person.

and many more!

"What the hell am I thinking about Ning Xiaoxi's family issues here?"

Li Xiao was almost being dragged in by himself. When he was on a mission before, he didn't care about his employer's unspeakable secrets. He only cared about whether that guy had done anything harmful.

How come after facing Ning Xiaoxi, he abandoned his usual way of doing things.

"That little girl must have confused my mind and made me forget who I am!"

with a snap.

The lighter flame ignited the red light of the cigarette. After undergoing a self-examination of a cigarette, Li Xiao's eyes regained the sharpness they should have.

It's too late, it's time to go to bed.


"Li Xiao, get up, get up! You are still a bodyguard, don't you know that you should exercise in the morning?"

The girl's energetic shouting woke Li Xiao from his sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ning Xiaoxi in pink sportswear, jumping on the spot as if preparing to run, and Li Xiao felt bad all over.

What's wrong with this girl?

When he was sleeping last night, he looked so depressed that he tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. He was afraid that this young lady would not think about it for a while and would do something bad.

As a result, Ning Xiaoxi slept soundly and soundly for the whole night, fully prepared, and was not affected at all.

Shit, I really eat radishes and worry about nothing, worrying about others all night!

"Go wash up, I'll wait for you in the yard. Sister Lin used to accompany me for a five-kilometer morning run every morning. You can't refuse!"

After Ning Xiaoxi finished speaking, she rushed out of the gate of the villa like a happy pony, facing the morning sun, and performed difficult yoga moves.

Li Xiao was stunned.

I went, I was mistaken, I thought Ning Xiaoxi was fragile, but I didn't expect her body to be so flexible, and she could still exercise every day.

In other words, for a five-kilometer morning run, most men can't hold on to it.

But Ning Xiaoxi looked very relaxed, as if there was a huge power in her small body.

But... what's the use of that, if she really meets a killer, she won't even be able to run away with her slow-moving appearance.

Li Xiao sighed helplessly, followed Miss Ning, and had to pretend to be panting, exhausted, and unable to keep up with the rhythm at all, to make Ning Xiaoxi happy, and Xue Ning who was hiding in the dark by the way .

Being a man is tiring.

Being a good man is even more tiring.

In the green belt of the villa area, Xue Ning was like a wild cat, closely following Ning Xiaoxi who was jogging in the morning.

As an excellent criminal investigator, she has identified her target, and it is absolutely impossible for her to follow her. She was accidentally stopped by Mr. Qian yesterday, but it does not prevent her from coming directly to Ning Xiaoxi's house to start an operation.

From a distance, Li Xiao was as tired as a dead dog, being dragged by Ning Xiaoxi to move.

Xue Ning's mood became infinitely cheerful.

It's really useless for a little waste of firewood to be so tired after running less than two kilometers, and to be dragged by the eldest lady.Another chance, let's see how this policewoman abuses him into a sock!

By the way, where is the fire phoenix?

Does Huofeng have to make a move if Ning Xiaoxi is in danger?
But when will Ning Xiaoxi be in danger?

Xue Ning followed them all the way until Ning Xiaoxi and Li Xiao returned to the villa, but they still found nothing, very disappointed.

Li Xiao, who had already gone into the kitchen to make breakfast, felt quite speechless and annoyed.

When he discovered Xue Ning's existence yesterday, he guessed that it must be the previous two murder lawsuits, which made the police suspect him or Ning Xiaoxi, so he sent someone to follow them.

Li Xiao could understand those people's desire to solve the case, but it didn't mean he could accept being followed with peace of mind.

He was always on guard against the killer who might appear at any time, which was exhausting. He couldn't find out whether it was a killer or a "friendly army" after discovering an abnormal situation.

So last night in front of the Jiangdong Pharmaceutical building, Li Xiao kicked the trouble away without hesitation by borrowing the help of Mr. Qian.

After getting rid of Xue Ning, he just wanted to see how many police forces were deployed to monitor Ning Xiaoxi.

The result... no!
It wasn't until Xue Ning was found again this morning, but there were no other suspicious persons, that Li Xiao finally determined that the stalking was entirely the personal behavior of that little policewoman.

What kind of plane are you doing?

Doesn't that little policewoman have to go to work?

Li Xiao was quite helpless, especially after breakfast, when he drove into the Lincoln car to send Ning Xiaoxi to work, he could see the little policeman riding a motorcycle from a distance, displaying stalking skills that were completely meaningless in his eyes.

Li Xiao felt that Xue Ning couldn't be allowed to continue messing around.

"Miss Ning, have you ever bullied others before?"

Looking away from the rearview mirror, Li Xiao turned his head slightly, looked at Ning Xiaoxi in the right back seat, and asked this sentence softly.

Ning Xiaoxi's eyes widened sharply: "What's bullying, is it fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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