The toughest man in the city

Chapter 393 Changing Li Xiao's Heart

Chapter 393 Changing Li Xiao's Heart

"Muchen, you have to be mentally prepared. On the operating table, this person's life or death will be decided by God, understand?"

Duan Rong locked the operation notice signed by Chu Muchen in the file cabinet, turned around and said this sentence with a smile.

Chu Muchen nodded blankly.

Sister Chen, who has experienced countless ups and downs, is also the first time, as someone's family member, to sign to decide certain things.

She was not used to this feeling, how could she become Li Xiao's family member.

A few days ago, when she brought Li Xiao to Jiangbei, she thought that if that guy could really remove the chronic poison in her body, even if he sliced ​​him up and fried him a little bit, it would be fine.

Li Xiao's life and death were not in her consideration at all.

He never expected that today he would sign and pledge, and decided to let people save that guy at all costs.

Especially when she signed the contract just now, her hands were trembling, and she didn't know what to say.

"Muchen, I'm going to have an operation now, you can wait outside the operating room, I think the first operation won't take long."

It really doesn't take long.

After Duan Rong went there, he directly disemboweled Li Xiao and killed him within minutes. Do you think it was like the TV show, and you need to wait anxiously for more than ten hours.

Chu Muchen really didn't have the energy to think about what kind of conspiracy Duan Rong was playing now, so he nodded dully and walked out with Duan Rong.

It took only a few minutes from the outpatient building to the operating room. At this moment, I saw a group of medical staff pushing a stretcher cart to bring Li Xiao over.

Duan Rong smiled and waved her hand: "Mu Chen, come on, let's take a last look at your little boyfriend."

Chu Muchen took a step forward in a daze, and looked at Li Xiao on the hospital bed.

To be honest, they were really unfamiliar, and they hadn't met a few times in total, and most of the time, it was Sister Chen who had some plans, which were destroyed by Li Xiao, and she wished she could cut him into pieces.

But now, seeing that weak and pale face, Chu Muchen felt heartbroken for no reason.

Sister Tangtang Chen, she has never done anything good to save people in danger in this life, maybe Li Xiao will become the first and only person she has saved in this life.

With that in mind, she turned to look at Duan Rong.

"Third sister-in-law, you must save Li Xiao. It doesn't matter how much you spend. It's really impossible to choose the best organ source. If I die someday, I can transplant my organs to him."

God knows what kind of mentality Chu Muchen has in saying these words.

Duan Rong blinked, and said to herself, I can't see that this bitch Chu is so infatuated. If Li Xiao is really killed, bitch Chu must be extremely sad, there is nothing happier than this.

"Don't worry, Muchen, I will definitely treat your little man well!"

While talking, Duan Rong stretched out her hand to pat Li Xiao's face.

Finally hit it, stretched out his hand for the first time that day, this guy still dared to stare, if he has the ability to stare now.

Li Xiao was already scolding the sky in his heart.

His mind was very clear, and he could clearly hear what Chu Muchen and Duan Rong said, but he just couldn't open his mouth, couldn't make a sound, and couldn't even feel the existence of his body.

Change your sister's organs, I'm fine!

What exactly was Chu Muchen thinking, that he was brought all the way to Jiangbei just to let Duan Rong kill him?

Fortunately, he saved this woman's life last night.

And Duan Rong, who has no hatred in the past and no hatred in the present, is it necessary to punish people to death?

Damn woman, get your dirty hands off, I... wait!
Li Xiao was dumbfounded again.

The two eyeballs turned down involuntarily, and the eyes were full of disbelief. This woman touched me, and I didn't fly out?

I'm ready?
The strange problem of not being able to touch women is cured. It should be because I was scared by that ghost woman last night, which caused the special existence in the body to fall asleep again, and indirectly cured the strange disease that would fly away when touching a woman.

It is impossible to describe how happy Li Xiao is.

The problem that has troubled him for a long time can be regarded as the result. If he had known this, why would he not be able to sleep all night, thinking about life there.

The joy came suddenly, but it was only for a moment.

With Duan Rong waving, the medical staff pushed the stretcher into the operating room, and Li Xiao felt that God was playing with him.

A woman was sent to kill him when he should be most happy.

God is killing me!
With a bang, the spring door of the operating room closed, separating the inside and the outside into two worlds.

Duan Rong smiled and turned her head to look at Chu Muchen: "Muchen, actually I still have something to tell you. Li Xiao's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all rotten, and it would be too much trouble to cure it. It's better to be simple and send He dies, less pain, and less trouble for you. Isn't it?"

"Duan Rong! If Li Xiao dies, I'll let you be buried with him!"

"Hey? Mu Chen, I don't like to hear your words. Any operation is risky. If that guy dies on the operating table, it's his fate. Can you blame me?"

Duan Rong made such a fuss for something, didn't she just want to kill Li Xiao, and see Chu Muchen's extremely sad look by the way.

The initial effect was good, and Chu Muchen cared more about Li Xiao than she could have imagined.

It would be even better if he could seize this opportunity and torture Chu Muchen again.

She leisurely leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette casually, and said with a sneer, "Mu Chen, you need to have a begging attitude when you ask for help. If you want Li Xiao to live, you have to expect me to operate on him right away." But your current attitude makes me very dissatisfied. Then I will not operate on him, you take him away and see how he is now, can he live long enough for you to find other people to save his life. "

Chu Muchen didn't know that Li Xiao couldn't die, he really believed Duan Rong's nonsense, suppressed his anger with a tangled face, and lowered his posture.

"Sister-in-law three, please do your best to save Li Xiao."

"Ah? What are you talking about, speak louder, I can't hear you. Are you asking me, please say something, let me listen."

It is rare for Duan Rong to be arrogant once, grabbing Chu Muchen's "lifeline", and never giving up until her special pleasure is satisfied.

If possible, she hoped that Chu Muchen would kneel in front of her and beg her, and then let the other party watch Li Xiao die and completely collapse.

It's just that she had a wonderful idea, but the reality didn't develop in the direction she expected at all.

Chu Muchen, who was originally in a low posture, suddenly straightened up, shook his head with a strange expression, turned and left.

"No, Chu Muchen, what do you mean by that?"

"It's nothing interesting. Li Xiao gave it to you. You can do it however you like."

Chu Muchen's tone was relaxed.

Duan Rong was not used to it for a while, the attitude of the other party changed no matter what.

"Chu Muchen, stop, you really don't care about Li Xiao's life?"

"Love to death, love to death, that's all your business, don't ask me."

Chu Muchen dropped these words without looking back.

Duan Rong was annoyed: "Okay, you will regret it!"

After the words fell, he turned around and kicked open the door of the operating room.

"Prepare for the operation and change the patient's heart!"

A shout resounded throughout the operating room, and Li Xiao's hands and feet went cold.

(End of this chapter)

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