Chapter 36
Li Xiao fought back.

Facing a group of gamblers who couldn't afford to lose, he wouldn't show mercy.

When he played tens of millions of dollars in Alaska, he didn't even think about playing tricks. Today, he played a small game of 80 yuan here, and he was wronged.

If he endured this, then I'm sorry for his gambling skills that have nowhere to rest.

Wherever the fist went, the professional drivers who beat them ran away with their heads in their arms, knocked down everyone in the blink of an eye, and stomped on the overturned table.Pulling off the shirt on his upper body, a large area of ​​colorful and green tattoos was revealed.

"Who else is unconvinced, keep fighting. Do you know what kind of fool I was back then, blinded your eyes, dare to play rough with me!"

At this moment, Li Xiao's aura was completely different from the Wei Nuo Nuo when he just entered the door.

On the other hand, those drivers lay on the ground covering their faces and howling in pain, regretting to death in their hearts.

It's not terrible to be beaten, what's terrible is that people can't get up in front of such a group of beautiful women, it's really embarrassing to lose face.

The black-faced man with a bruised nose and swollen face finally realized that he had been kicked on an iron plate. He raised his head and glanced at Li Xiao with half-opened eyes: "Who the hell are you?"

"Heh, it's only now that I think of asking who I am, you really deserve a beating. That who, tell him who I am!"

Li Xiao pointed at Song Ming back.

Director Song's brain is about to explode.

There are so many people in the entire driver class, who is not related to the company's executives, and there is also his mother-in-law's third cousin's brother-in-law.What's more, Song Ming never dared to say a word of unkindness before that black-faced man had an iron-clad relationship with Deputy Qi of the company.

As a result, he is here today, and if he wanted to give Li Xiao a boost, wouldn't that force him to offend more people?

Song Ming stood where he was, hesitating.

Li Xiao stared fiercely: "Why, I'm not good at speaking, is it?"

"No, it's easy to use. Wang Chao, don't make trouble. This is Li Xiao, the new leader of your driver's class, and the full-time driver of President Ning."

"Wrong, I missed a word."

"Ah? Which sentence?"

"Li is the suave Li, and Xiao is Xiao from Yushu Linfeng, Li Xiao!"

Li Xiao introduced himself seriously, sat down with his hands behind his back, and looked back at those beautiful secretary candidates who were already full of little stars. This mood is not to mention how good it is.

Looking at the drivers in the room, their faces were ashen, and even the black-faced men softened.

Mr. Ning's queen driver, is that an ordinary person?

Casually speaking a word into Mr. Ning's ears, it will make it difficult for anyone to keep it.

How arrogant this group of people used to be, now they see others being arrogant to them.

OK, admit it.

A group of people were dejected, but Li Xiao didn't seem to plan to let them go. He looked up at Song Ming's group outside the door, and his eyes finally fell on Cheng Cheng.

"You, Cheng Cheng, beat them up."


Everyone was stunned.

Cheng Cheng pointed at himself in disbelief: "I, I hit them?"

"Yes, beat them up and vent your anger, and I'll let you be the president's secretary. Don't doubt my words, I'm here today to help President Ning choose a secretary."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Song Ming in unison.

Director Song's complexion couldn't be described normally, he closed his eyes and nodded vigorously.

This acquiescence, in exchange for the five beautiful secretary candidates standing up straight.

I didn't know how to participate in the final round of assessment of the president's secretary today, but now I understand that the real examiner is here.

The beauties tried their best, and the small eyes kept releasing strange electric arcs towards Li Xiao, as if they wanted to rush up and beat up the group of confused drivers to win Li Xiao's favor.

But Li Xiao didn't even look at the group of people, and only looked at Cheng Cheng.

"Comrade Cheng Cheng, don't you understand what I said? Just help me vent my anger, and I promise to convince Mr. Ning to accept you as the president's secretary. Don't worry, if this group of people dare not fight back, just hit them."

When it comes to this, a fool should know what to do.

The five candidates for the beautiful secretary were full of envy and hatred, and they only wondered how this little girl who appeared out of nowhere got such a good opportunity.

But no one expected that Cheng Cheng just froze for a moment, then shook his head violently: "I won't fight!"

"Huh? Don't you want to be the president's secretary?"

"I think, but you can't hit people! In order to get a promotion and a raise, trample on other people's dignity. What is the difference between this and a villain? If the selection criteria of President Ning are the same, then I don't want to be in this company." I have to stay longer. Director Song, I want to resign!"

Cheng Cheng turned his head and said these words to Song Ming righteously.

No one could have imagined that Cheng Cheng, who had never complained no matter how much he was wronged in order to complete his work, would be so firm on the principle of right and wrong.

Not only did she reject Li Xiao's unreasonable request, she also directly resigned and insisted on her kind heart.

"Hehe, idiot."

Not knowing who it was, he muttered in a low voice.

Li Xiao could hear it, but he didn't care who said this at all, he raised his hand and pointed at Cheng Cheng: "Okay, it's you, come with me to see President Ning!"

Li Xiao finally showed a happy smile on his face and strode forward. When passing by Song Ming, he said casually: "Director Song, prepare to send out personnel announcements to the secretary to the president of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Group, Cheng Cheng. Huh? Cheng Cheng, you Why are you still standing there, do you want Mr. Ning to pick you up in person?"

While speaking, he strode forward.

Cheng Cheng was completely subconscious, and stepped forward to follow, completely unaware of the meaning of what had just happened.

When the two of them walked away, the people in front of the driver's lounge finally came to their senses, and the five beauties surrounded Song Ming in unison.

"Director Song, what is this? As you said before, the president's secretary is selected from among us."

"Ah, don't make any noise at all. It's not that simple. I don't believe that Ning will always let a driver mess around!"

Song Ming frowned, very dissatisfied with Li Xiaoyue acting as his substitute and dictating the personnel department.

The black-faced driver next to him also responded loudly: "Yes, Mr. Ning will definitely not let that guy mess around."

Everyone has the same hatred.

But will reality really develop according to their ideas?

in the president's office.

Li Xiaogong respectfully served a cup of coffee and put it on the desk, with a flattering smile on his face: "Mr. Ning, please take a look, this is the secretary I selected for you. You can't be lewd if you are rich or poor, and you can't be moved if you are poor or poor. Unyielding Comrade Cheng Cheng, yes."

Ning Xiaoxi looked up at the timid young girl opposite, and couldn't help frowning: "Why did you choose her?"

(End of this chapter)

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