The toughest man in the city

Chapter 335 here, here

Chapter 335 here, here

During the earlier trip to Chang'an, Chu Muchen spent a lot of energy trying to control Yuan Chenggong.

Not to mention the failure in the end, Yuan Chenggong seemed to have evaporated from the world, completely disappeared in Chang'an, and never appeared again.

Sister Chen once thought that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine was taken away by the military.

Unexpectedly, a zombie deer virus incident shocked her to find that Yuan Chenggong had appeared in Qinghe, and was still in Li Xiao's company, helping to develop the formula for understanding the medicine.

She couldn't believe how a little bodyguard was able to take away Yuan Chenggong, who was so concerned by so many people, and let that guy work for him.

For this reason, she studied all the materials about Li Xiao in her hand over and over again, but she couldn't find anything special.

Cautiously, she decided to observe for a period of time, at least see clearly what cards Li Xiao has, and then consider whether to snatch Yuan Chenggong.

Unexpectedly, another golden opportunity came to her.

A dignitary from a department in North America came forward and asked Sister Chen to provide assistance to them in a secret operation against Li Xiao in China, and she agreed without even thinking about it.

After studying abroad in North America for five years, she knew that a certain department was very clever and dealing with Li Xiao shouldn't be a problem, but why now she began to feel that the other party couldn't get things done.

When he was thinking wildly, Charlie behind him raised his mobile phone and smiled: "Miss Chu, we got it, see you tomorrow."

After saying this, Charlie opened the door and got out of the car.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Chu Muchen frowned and said to himself: "Is it that simple? It's not scientific."

It's unscientific, as Sister Chen said, it definitely doesn't count.

Anyway, some self-righteous guys always think that they are the guardians of the world order, and what they do is "science".

In the meeting room of a certain department in North America, Charles, the executive, patted the table with a smile, and looked at the "think tank" who proposed to him to kill Li Xiao.

"It's done, the damned person is already dead. Inform the major media and prepare to release news. The headline of the news, um, there are gimmicks in Huaxia Chinese medicine, and the failure of the test medicine will kill your life. How about it, isn't it very rhyming style of Huaxia?" .”

Charles expected that those around him would praise him greatly.

However, that Mr. Think Tank slowly shook his head: "There is no need to be so anxious to announce the news to the public, wait until tomorrow..."

"I can't wait until tomorrow. Anyway, the facts are already like this. It's the same if it's early or late. The main thing is to stabilize the current situation."

Charles had had enough.

Li Xiao's previous public opinion offensive put him, the main person in charge of the virus incident, under pressure from all parties. Now that he has finally solved the problem, he is going to use the same public opinion method to transfer the pressure away.

An order was sent from Charles, and all the major media in the United States received news that made them unsure whether it was true or not.

Some people decided to wait and see, but there were also many people who directly followed the above requirements and started publicizing it.

It also takes time for the news to spread. By the time it reaches China, no one has time to be shocked. They have already seen the live broadcast of the auction site on various live broadcast websites.

"Hello, everyone. I am the live broadcast reporter of Now I am in front of the Qinghe Convention and Exhibition Center, and I will bring you a special live broadcast."

Even those who did not arrive at the scene can feel the warm atmosphere of the scene through the video screen.

Countless domestic and foreign journalists gathered, and the event was unprecedented.


"There are a lot of reporters present, but so far, I haven't seen any person in charge of domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies appear. An auction is full of gimmicks, but if no one comes to participate in the auction, what will be the result? ?”

Of course, it's only five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still some time before the auction starts, so it's too early to say anything.

"However, our reporter got news earlier that more than ten mainstream media in North America have confirmed that Li Xiao, the general manager of Qinghe Xiaolong Company who tried the medicine that day, died of the virus outbreak. And so far, We haven't seen Li Xiao's figure yet, so we are really not sure if this news is true."

Journalists are always better informed than ordinary people, but they only know some information, and no one dares to assert the facts.

The only thing that was certain was that Li Xiao, who was supposed to come to the scene earlier, never showed up.

Inside the exhibition center, Sister Yi anxiously grabbed Cheng Yuliang: "Vice President Cheng, haven't you contacted Xiao Zi yet? Where did he go?"

"I don't know. The boss took Dr. Yuan out last night, and he hasn't come back yet. Don't worry, Mr. Qin. Lao Chen and Dahua have already gone looking for it. Don't trust those foreigners, the boss won't die. .”

Lao Cheng was also so anxious that he was sweating profusely, thinking to himself, why is the boss so unreliable, he can't come, at least he should say hello in advance.

"Ah, Mr. Qin, do you think the boss is afraid of shame and dare not come?"

God knows what Lao Cheng was thinking, to ask such a question.

Sister Yi rolled her eyes and didn't know how to answer, but there was a voice from behind that was filled with resentment: "Li Xiao, that stinky and shameless person, is probably capable of doing such a thing."

Ning Xiaoxi walked up to her as she spoke. Without looking at anyone else, she gently grabbed Sister Yi's hand: "Sister Yi, Li Xiao must know that his medicine can't be sold, so he doesn't dare to come. Don't do it for him either." It’s shameful here, sell me the medicine now, I’ll pay a high price.”


Sister Yi was forced to smile bitterly by Ning Xiaoxi, she could clearly see that Miss Ning was here to take advantage of the fire, so why did she only feel like laughing, but couldn't feel any resentment at all.

"Xiao Xi, why don't you go sit at the venue first?"

"If I don't sit, I won't be stupid. I'm still cheering for that guy at a time like this."

Ning Xiaoxi is here, but she will definitely not participate in the auction.

Sister Yi couldn't hold on, she could only wait for Li Xiao to appear quickly.

But as time passed, Li Xiao was not seen, but Su Manyu and Ma Dehan sneaked into the venue through the back door of the exhibition center.

"Where is Li Xiao? There are rumors everywhere that he has died of illness, don't really die."

As soon as the old horse opened his mouth, he drew several stares.

Su Manyu was calmer, and gently grabbed Sister Yi's hand, and said slowly: "Sister Anyi, let Li Xiao come out. No matter whether the auction is successful or not, at least he has to prove that your medicine is real. If he doesn't come out, it will not only affect the reputation of your Xiaolong company, understand."

"President Su, I understand. But the problem is, I can't contact Xiao Zi, and I don't even know where he is."


Sister Yi's words made Su Manyu a little flustered.

She knew what kind of danger Li Xiao would encounter, and she had warned that guy, but he hasn't shown up until now, so nothing really happened.

Tension began to spread in everyone's hearts.

Suddenly, Chen Defa's shout came from outside the door: "Come, come!"

Just this sentence made everyone feel relieved, but the next moment...

"Chen Jiuge is here, get ready to sign."

Everyone wanted to tear Lao Chen to pieces. What time is this? If you are still chasing stars, the key is where Li Xiao is!

(End of this chapter)

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