The toughest man in the city

Chapter 322 Special Fear

Chapter 322 Special Fear

"You still don't listen."

With a straight face, Li Xiao stretched out his hand to lightly pinch Qing Wu's white and smooth leg, which immediately provoked the beauty to reprimand: "Take it easy, I, I'm driving."

"Then pull over."

Unquestionable words, followed by the pinching hand directly opened, and gently comforted the painful place just now.

Qing Wu trembled all over, and hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road, looked over with pitiful eyes, very resentful: "I helped you so much, and you still blame me?"

"If you help me, of course I will reward you."

That dishonest hand grabbed the sexy dance skirt that Qing Wu hadn't had time to change, and lifted it upwards.

"But you don't listen to me, do things privately, and even dress like this and dance for other men to see, then you should be punished!"

"Then, can't my merits and demerits be offset?"

Qing Wu was a little flustered, she didn't know whether she was going to face a storm or a warm sun.

Li Xiao was smiling all over his face, pushed the car seat and lay down on his back, pretending to be serious and said: "It's impossible to equalize merits and demerits, I want to do both kindness and power."

In Li Xiao's view, the best reward a man can give a woman is what he does now, and the same is true for a man's punishment to a woman, why can't he give both grace and power?

When our ancestors created Chinese, they should have had rich life experiences to create such classic sentences.

Qing Wu was speechless.

If you can't beat this little villain, and you can't say no to him, then it can only be what he asks, so that's it.

The street lamps on the street were extinguished at this moment very cooperatively, as if it was specially created for someone's convenience.

But at the moment when Li Xiao twisted his body and left the passenger seat, a chill hit his whole body, and a strong sense of crisis came over him, which made him no longer care about the kindness and power. He raised his foot and kicked the car door, holding light Wu directly got out of the car.

There was a soft bang, and the bullets fired by anger penetrated the passenger's window and sank into the seat.

No one would have imagined that at such a peaceful and harmonious moment, someone would try to kill Li Xiao.

On the way of rolling on the spot, Qing Wu also came to her senses, and then she turned pale with fright, and tightly hugged Li Xiao's waist.

"Let's go, it's the king's people. The king really knows that I'm still alive this time, and they have something that can avoid my induction."

Qing Wu's words have no beginning and no end, it is really hard to understand.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that when Shilan tried to kill her before, she had already prepared herself before she did it.This time, people were killing her before her eyes, and she didn't feel any sense at all. It could only be that the king gave some special items to the people who came to deal with her this time.

It's a bit mysterious to say, but from Qing Wu's point of view, any mysterious and strange things may happen after the king's participation.

If it had been a month ago, Qing Wu would have thrown Li Xiao down, said "Stop those people, if you die, I will run to Huangquan Road to chase you", and then disappear like the wind.

But now, she just pushed Li Xiao hard to let him go quickly, but... didn't push.

Li Xiao held Qing Wu tightly and hid on the other side of the car.

The special existence in his body kept sending him early warnings, telling him that if he showed his head a little, he might be shot to death.

To be honest, he was still not used to this situation.

In his impression, he has only seen two of the king's subordinates, one is Qingwu, and the other is the one he met in the villa last time. The feeling given to him by these two people is that the king's subordinates will be a little strange Weird methods, likes to fight people close to each other and kill people with cold weapons.

Unexpectedly, one suddenly appeared today, and it turned out to be ready to snipe him from a long distance.

There was no sign at all, and it could almost kill him on the spot.

If you don't attach great importance to a certain king at this time, then he won't know how to die in the future.

"Who is here this time?"

He turned his head to look at Qing Wu, and solemnly asked this sentence.

Qing Wu was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook her head.

Li Xiao frowned: "I don't know, or you don't want to tell me?"

Qing Wu continued to shake her head.

Li Xiao was completely helpless.

This woman wants to keep a secret for the king when she is about to die. Could it be that I really need to turn into a corpse before I will tell the truth.

Forget it, continuing this kind of meaningless interrogation is nothing compared to directly catching the killer outside.

If the king himself came, it happened to be a one-off decision.If not, then all the wings of the opponent will be eradicated, and sooner or later the opponent will be forced to show up.

"Stay here and don't move."

While Li Xiao was talking, he pulled Qing Wu's hand away from him, and it flew out from the side of the sports car like an arrow from the string.

The person was still in mid-air, yet he made a movement of twisting his body, his outstretched limbs retracted instantly, and the twisting of his neck drove the whole person to rotate in mid-air.

In the dark night, the firelight flashed away, and the bullet with the strong smell of gunpowder smoke almost flew past his forehead and nailed the tree trunk behind him with a bang.

In the dark, it seems to be able to hear a light whisper from afar.

Presumably the person who fired the gun couldn't believe it. He could be killed with one shot, but in the end it failed.

After a moment of confusion, the opportunity to fire a second shot was lost.

Li Xiao was like a ghost walking in the dark, drawing a curve and moving forward rapidly, heading straight for the location where the fire just broke out.

It was the roof of a high-rise building with a height of more than ten floors. For the highly skilled Huofeng, it was not a problem at all. The air-conditioning unit installed outside the building was a shortcut for him to climb to the top.

He is confident that as long as he climbs to the top of the building, no matter where he runs in the opposite direction, he will not be able to escape his pursuit.

However, reality always brings surprises.

The moment he turned over and jumped onto the solid flat ground on the roof, before he could see the situation in front of him clearly, an extremely strong sense of fear lingered all over his body.

It wasn't that he was afraid, but that special existence in his body trembled violently, transmitting the emotion of fear to him.


A special voice in his heart warned him.

This was the first time in his life that he heard that special existence make a sound, or it wasn't a sound, but the other party conveyed his mind to him.

At that moment, Li Xiao felt his scalp go numb.

Far more frightening than someone planning to kill him.

How could the special existence in his body still have thoughts?

How does "it" know to be afraid?
Could it be that one day in the future, "it" will replace him and make him a different person?

God knows why Li Xiao would have such complicated psychological activities at such a critical moment. In short, everything happened only in an instant.

A moment later, a white shadow covered his head and face towards him.

Li Xiao's only reaction was to raise his hand to block it, grasping the white shadow firmly with the will beyond ordinary people, and tearing it to pieces with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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