Chapter 315
Women can be smarter than men and make more money than men.

But you absolutely must not listen to your own man.

Regarding Qing Wu's disobedient behavior, Li Xiao decided to ask her to pull over and stop the car to educate her.

On a peaceful night, only the dim streetlights shone down, making the whole car sink into the shadow of the branches and leaves of the trees on the side of the road.The cat passing by squatted on the branch, watching the rhythmic vibration of the car full of doubts, as if thinking about what stupid humans are doing.

With a click, the street lights in the middle of the night went out collectively.

The cat on the branch arched its body, stretched out its front paws and yawned, wanting to lie down and take a nap.

Suddenly, something pressed against the steering wheel, and the car horn blew.

The frightened wild cat jumped out and fled into the distance.

Human beings are so scary, it seems that I have heard some "miserable" cries.

The wild cat was so fast that it didn't dare to turn its head.

Just like a group of medical staff in white coats in a quarantine area in North America, they fled out of the ward without looking back.

The moment the door closed, there was a loud bang inside the room.

Through the glass of the door, it can be clearly seen that a white man with a dark complexion slammed his head against the door, scratched the door panel with his fingernails for a moment, foamed at the mouth and lay down on the ground, lifeless.

"Record, the third death case, male, 45 years old, the aggressive behavior lasted for 30 seconds before death, and the power burst was three times that of ordinary people. The vital signs disappeared, and there were no abnormal phenomena."

The leader in the white coat had a low voice.

The assistant next to him looked terrified, and took a pen to quickly record without delay.

This is a temporary isolation area in Mississippi, North America. More than 30 patients occupy a local hospital.Hundreds of medical experts from all over the world have gathered here to decipher the human-transmitted variant of the zombie deer virus for hundreds of days.

Below the floor where the death case just occurred, in front of the ward door at the corner of the corridor, a group of Chinese medical experts gathered, looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No, I still can't find a solution."

"Is there any progress in the country?"

"Not yet. The higher-ups have issued a death order. If there is no research and development results within a month, those of us, as well as all the people involved in the research and development in China, must be quarantined."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's face darkened.

The leading man frowned: "Everyone is frustrated. Everyone has signed the letter of commitment before coming here, so they should know what the result will be. If you have time to sigh and sigh, why not think about how to overcome the problem in front of you."

That angrily walked out into the ward, and the others also stopped communicating and returned to work.

An unknown disgusting virus is no longer a problem for a certain country, but a problem facing all mankind.

Extraordinary events, extraordinary measures to deal with.

Huaxia Chuannan Su Group's scientific research base, pharmaceutical product research area, when Su Manyu hurriedly arrived, a group of heavily armed soldiers had already surrounded the scientific research building.

The soldiers leading the team gave a polite military salute to Su Manyu, and said in a trembling voice: "Ms. Su, you have already known the order from your superiors. Please don't stay here to hinder our work. The blockade will last for a month at most. Please inform other people , you are not allowed to step into the blockade line for one month."

A soldier who takes military orders as his vocation does not care about the identity of the person he is facing.

Su Manyu froze in place. She really didn't expect the matter to be so serious that she didn't even give her a chance to communicate with the director of the scientific research department.

Although it is just a small building in front of you, the people inside are all the main medical experts of the pharmaceutical company under the Su Group. The document above is that if there is no progress in the research and development of the zombie deer virus within one month, all participants in the research All people must be gathered together and quarantined uniformly.

This is like taking the engine out of a car, even if the car's shell looks good, it is still a waste product.

This is simply a disaster!

Su Manyu took a breath, took a few steps back, and turned to look at the little bodyguard beside her.

"Yang Yang, inform the head office, clarify the situation here, and follow the requirements of the superior."

After explaining this sentence, she took out her mobile phone and immediately called the Institute of Medical Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A few minutes later, the face of the most beautiful woman in the Chinese business world was extremely gloomy.

At the same time, in the scientific research base of the Ning Group in the suburbs of Chang'an, Ning Xiaoxi frowned, with a serious expression, and she could not see the attitude of a wayward young lady at all.

After a long silence, she quickly raised her hand and patted the back of the driver's seat.

"Haoyuan, call Qinghe. The scientific research team of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical has been collectively transferred to Chang'an. The salaries of all current scientific research personnel regardless of their level will be tripled. Give me the shortest possible time to prop up the shelf of the medical department, and it must not collapse. "

Unlike others who are anxious to inquire about the situation, Ning Xiaoxi has already started to plan a solution to the problem.

Once things got so bad that it was irreversible and those medical experts were quarantined, the medical department of the Ning Group needed someone to support them.

After arranging this, she picked up the phone and called the Military Region General Hospital.

On this day, the top ten pharmaceutical companies in one of the four hospitals in Huaxia all encountered similar situations.

All the medical experts who arranged to participate in the study of zombie deer virus were all restricted in their freedom.

People in many places are in turmoil, and there is a faint sense of crisis that the cold winter of the pharmaceutical industry is coming.

But for this same pharmaceutical company, Li Xiao was surprisingly quiet.

The empty five-storey building was devoid of the bustling scene of the past. When you open a door at random, you can't even see a piece of office supplies.

Li Xiao, the boss, not only didn't feel sad, but sat happily in Zhou Zhenhua's big research room, chatting with Yuan Chenggong with a shy face.

"Dr. Yuan, I asked someone to find out that three people died at Laomei's side. Tell me, what should I do if something happens to you? Do you have any family members, or do you have any last words? Tell me in advance. Me, don't come to the end, it's too late to say."

Those words almost made Yuan Chenggong explode.

He is not really an emotionless person, he also has emotions, in order to help Li Xiao research a prescription for some difficult and miscellaneous disease, he even risked himself.

It's fine for Li Xiao not to say a few words of thanks, but he still has the mood to make sarcastic remarks here.

Yuan Chenggong lowered his head and fiddled with the traditional Chinese medicine stove, which was incompatible with the high-tech research equipment in the room, and snorted: "If I die, you may not live well. I told you, only I can cure your disease."

"Then you can treat me."

"Not in time."

Yuan Chenggong was too lazy to look at Li Xiao, so he stretched out his hand to pick up the jar of traditional Chinese medicine, slowly poured out a bowl of black liquid medicine, raised his nose and sniffed it, his eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to bring the medicine to Li Xiao: "Try it!" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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