The toughest man in the city

Chapter 282 The Protagonist Appears

Chapter 282 The Protagonist Appears
Li Xiao's impression of Chang'an taxi driver plummeted.

It's midnight, and there's not even a car behind or behind you. Why did you brake suddenly for no reason? Fortunately, we reacted quickly. If my head hits the windshield, are you responsible?
Feeling resentful in his heart, he turned to look at the driver viciously.

But after seeing the other party's fiery eyes through the aluminum alloy fence, Li Xiao panicked a little.

Guess, this guy doesn't have a problem with his orientation.

If it weren't for the fence, believe it or not, I would blow your eyes out with a fist?
God knows why Li Xiao was so worried, especially when he saw the driver staring at him. After swallowing hard, he reached out and grabbed the door handle, ready to jump out of the car at any time if something went wrong.


"Dude, can you, can you say again who you're looking for?"

"none of your business?"

"Off, really off, tell me, who are you looking for?"

"Yuan, Yuan Chenggong."

"Ah, it's you, I can count on you!"

Xiao Wang screamed strangely, and was about to jump up on the spot. Fortunately, the roof of the car prevented his urge to take off, and it also reminded him of what Dr. Yuan explained.

After picking up the person, rush back as fast as possible.

"Dude, sit down, I'll take you to find someone."

While speaking, Xiao Wang re-ignited the ignition, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. The old taxi flew out like an arrow from the string.

Li Xiao wanted to curse.

How can there be such a cool taxi driver? Is your taxi a modified one?

No, what about the red light ahead, did you force your way?
Do you want to jump out of the car? If this trend continues, the speed of the car will increase to [-] per minute. If you jump out of the car again at that time, what should you do if you get your clothes dirty?

Just as he was hesitating, the taxi suddenly turned right, and Li Xiao's shoulder hit the protective fence hard.

"Fuck! I said buddy, are you crazy? Where are you taking me?"

"Take you to find Dr. Yuan. Didn't you come to see Dr. Yuan? Dr. Yuan told me to pick you up and rush there as fast as possible."

What Xiao Wang said was inexplicable.

Li Xiao always had the illusion that his IQ was humiliated.

"No, who is Dr. Yuan you're talking about?"

"It's Yuan Chenggong you mentioned. Dr. Yuan saved my wife and children."

Talking without delaying the driving, when Xiao Wang opened his mouth, it started from the story two months ago, and following his narration, Li Xiao put down his hand that was about to open the door.

Among the country folk, Yuan Chenggong!
Li Xiao finally knew what the person he was looking for was doing.

But a simple local doctor will not appear in a top-secret document, and it is even more impossible to arrange a taxi driver to pick him up early like an out-of-world expert who has no prophecy.

"Xiao Wang, apart from telling you to come pick me up and save him, what did that doctor Yuan say?"

"No, I still don't know what Dr. Yuan is thinking."

"Okay, let's wait until we meet."

Li Xiao relaxed completely, watching the scenery outside the car window retreat rapidly, as if he didn't care about what he was going to face next.

Xiao Wang looked at him sideways, not knowing what to say.

In fact, some things, from God's point of view, I don't think so much.

But deep in it, it will be full of unknown tension.

Xiao Wang didn't know anything, so he was worried that Dr. Yuan was really in danger.

Others who had already made arrangements were a little confused about tonight's situation.

In the quiet mountain village, dozens of households are scattered here and there. Except for the dirt road at the entrance of the village, which extends outwards, all other directions are surrounded by mountains and forests.

Farther away, on the side of the mountain ring road halfway up the mountain, a black car turned off.

Chu Muchen sat in the car, watched the small mountain village with a telescope for a long time, and threw the telescope away with some boredom.

"It's dark, I can't see anything. Yunyun, ask Gangzi what's going on there, how many people have you seen?"

The female driver sitting in front immediately lowered her hair and messaged.

After a while, she turned around and said, "Sister Chen, Gangzi has already discovered that two groups of people are not from us."

"These guys are quite fast. They agreed not to cross the line. If they insist on meddling, they will find their own death."

Chu Muchen raised his hand and patted the seat in front: "Drive, let's go."

"Let's go? Sister Chen, where is Gangzi?"

"Don't say anything, cut off contact, and destroy all traces. During the day, the police are here to disperse the crowd. Such a big movement, how can it be beneficial to us."

It is estimated that there are not many men in this world who can act as decisively as Sister Chen. Knowing that things cannot be done, they immediately decide to give up.

The car started in the dark and left quickly, as if it had never been there.

Poor guy named Gangzi, who didn't know that he had been abandoned by Sister Chen for no reason.

In the bushes at the west end of the village, Gangzi shook his hard shoulders, turned his head and smiled at the people around him: "Cheer up, this time it's done, there will be a big reward from Sister Chen. Remember, the enemy can't move!" , I won’t move. Let’s go out after they bring the man out and the beating is almost done.”

"No problem, boss."

The two younger brothers responded with a smile.

Coincidentally, at the east end of the village a few hundred meters away, in a small forest.

An authentic London accent sounded in English: "Calm down, look at the situation over there. If you have a chance, rush over and snatch someone. If you don't have a chance... Andy, it's up to you. Make sure you get a headshot and don't leave a job. Give it to Huaxia."


Andy, holding a portable sniper rifle, said no problem.

In contrast, the few West Asians on the hillside in the north of the village obviously couldn't hold their breath.

"Grove, we have been squatting here for two hours. Are you going to get on or not? The boss is waiting for news."

"What a ghost. Can't you see that there are other people around?"

"What's wrong with someone. Didn't the boss say that it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies? If you want me to see, just rush over and kill the old guy with one shot. It's all over. It's the most troublesome thing to take a living person away."

"Shut up and wait, someone will definitely act before us."

Grove suppressed his companion with a low growl, his eyes stretched out, and jumped to the direction of the village entrance to the south.

In the garbage pit on the roadside at the end of the village, few people could be seen, and no one spoke, but this forbearance was definitely several times better than in the other three places.

No one would have imagined that so many villains would gather in a small mountain village.

Of course, no one expected that there was also a tiger army lurking in the village.

In another house opposite Yuan Chenggong's house, Guo Lin moved a small bench and sat by the window, staring at the opposite side with a pair of tiger eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Has everything been arranged in the village?"

"Report to Team Guo that the nearby people have been evacuated, and only the target remains at home."

"Hey, that Yuan Chenggong clearly knew the danger and wanted to stay. What was he thinking?"

Guo Lin sighed, and then his eyes froze: "Notify everyone, wait another 10 minutes, if there is no movement after 10 minutes, take the target away by force, and kill them if they are blocked, and ensure the safety of the target."


Team Guo's order was conveyed.

10 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Guo Lin clenched the gun tightly and said in a deep voice, "Everyone get ready."

At the same time, Grove stood up abruptly in the north of the village: "Wait no more."

In the small woods at the east end of the village, Andy set up his sniper rifle and loaded the bullet.

Gangzi from the west of the village gritted his teeth: "Can't you get in touch with Sister Chen yet? No matter, act!"

In the garbage pit at the head of the village, debris was turned over, and there were only a few people.

All of a sudden, there was a surge of wind and clouds, and everyone was ready to go.

At this moment, two car lights pierced through the darkness, and a taxi crazily drove into the village and stopped at the door of Yuan Chenggong's house, startling everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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