The toughest man in the city

Chapter 278 The Soft Pillow

Chapter 278 The Soft Pillow

Fang Qing has been very tired at work recently.

A week ago, the results of the previous person in charge of the Qinghe City Development Zone came out, and many people were guessing who would fill such a vacancy.

When the appointment was announced, the eyeballs dropped in shock.

Even Fang Qing herself didn't expect that her superiors would let her go to Qinghe by airborne to focus on the work of the development zone.

Without any preparation, and in a short period of time, he had to clean up the mess left by his predecessor, and he had to seize the current opportunity to make some achievements.For a week, he almost crossed the sea from Wenshanhui.

According to the normal rhythm, this situation will take at least a month to stabilize.

Fang Qing wasn't sure if she could survive this stressful month. Fortunately, Chang'an Ning's family gave her a short break with a big feast.

She can meet up with her old man in Chang'an, come out to take a breath, and at the same time ask her grandfather what the meaning of the above is, and why she is pushed to the forefront.

I was thinking wildly in my head, and I couldn't read the documents anymore. The air conditioner in the plane was blowing, and I was covered with a blanket sent by the flight attendant.

Before I knew it, I fell into dreamland.

As the saying goes, think day by day and dream at night.

Even when she was asleep, Fang Qing's dream was reviewing a large number of documents in the office, and she was immersed in her work when she suddenly felt wet on her shoulders.

Looking up, why is the roof of the office still leaking?

After all, it is also a municipal office building, so the waterproof measures are so poor?

She reached out to grab the phone on the table, and wanted to call the secretary to question her.But that phone seemed to have grown legs, running around, but couldn't catch it.

Feeling more and more annoyed, he stood up and yelled for someone to come.

No one showed up, and the leak on the roof intensified, dripping water wherever she went.

Fang Qing panicked, her body couldn't stop shaking.

It just felt like something was pressing on her shoulders, as if it weighed a thousand catties, and she couldn't break free no matter what.

In the haze, there seemed to be a voice exploding in my ears: "Don't move."

"Ah, who?"

Fang Qing opened her eyes suddenly. After a moment of blankness, she finally realized that it was just a dream. She was on a plane, not a leaky office.

Wait, no.

And on my shoulders...

At that moment, Fang Qing almost exploded with anger.

A certain guy who had been staring at her shamelessly since she got on the plane, at this moment, actually used her shoulders as a pillow and fell into a deep sleep.

The saliva was drooling a lot and he didn't say anything, but he muttered from time to time: "Don't move, this pillow is too hard, is there any soft spot?"

Li Xiao muttered and his head slid down.

"Well, this is much softer. Boss, you have such a good pillow at home, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Can someone talk in sleep, speak so clearly?
Fang Qing didn't know, and she didn't hear a few people talking in her sleep. She just wanted to do one thing now, which was to raise her elbow and use all her strength to push away that stinky face that was trying to drill into her chest.

Bang it.

Li Xiao also wanted to curse.

Damn owner of the home furnishing store, why is there a spring hammer inside the pillows he sells, smashing my brain...


A scream spread throughout the cabin.

Li Xiao jumped up from the seat and hit his head on the luggage rack above his head, causing countless horrified looks.

The stewardess walked out of the rest area quickly and asked anxiously, "Sir, what do you need?"


Li Xiao just woke up, his mind was in a daze.

What do I need?
You tell me first, where am I?

"Sir, please sit tight and fasten your seat belt. The plane is about to encounter air turbulence and is slightly bumpy. In order to avoid..."

Rumbling, the fuselage shook violently for a while.

The stewardess grabbed the back of the seat beside her to keep her balance.

Li Xiao finally woke up at this time.

"Ah, thank you, thank you."

With the turbulence of the plane, he hurriedly sat back.

He scrambled to grab the seat belt.

When you grab it, why is it a blanket?

Second catch, it feels good to start with.


With a gloomy face, Fang Qing handed him the head of the seat belt directly.

Finally fixed his body, while Li Xiao let out a sigh of relief, he turned his head and wanted to thank him, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

Fang Qing closed her eyes, endured the violent turbulence of the plane, and didn't bother to tidy up the clothes that were wrinkled by someone. What's more obvious was that there was a large wet mark on her shoulders, which was eye-catching.

Li Xiao seemed to understand something.

There is no owner of a pillow shop, only the boss of a beautiful woman who he uses as a pillow.

What have I done?
When the plane passed through the turbulence zone, he immediately thought of apologizing.

As a result, Fang Qing moved faster, pulled off her seat belt, and got up quickly.

"Xiao Chang, let's change."

The little bodyguard with an evil expression sat next to Li Xiao. Even if Li Xiao twisted his neck hard, he couldn't see how ugly the beautiful leader looked at this moment.

But, it's okay, the beauty can't see his face, so she probably can't remember what he looks like.

Li Xiao scratched his head in embarrassment, moved his butt, tilted his head, and leaned against the plane window.

Chang'an, the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties.

It is said that this city has a special magical power. In the history of China, the most powerful dynasties were all formed because of the establishment of their capital here.A few decades ago, it was possible to dig up three layers of soil in any place and find something that was used by the imperial palace.

Li Xiao stood in the parking area of ​​the airport, stomping his feet on the cement and asphalt pavement.

I only regret that I was not born a hundred years earlier, so I could be a rich man with countless antiques from the dynasty.

"Mr. Li, you can rest at the Chang'an Hotel tonight, and I will pick you up early tomorrow morning to go to the Ning family's old house."

Ning Haoyuan, who once sent invitations to Li Xiao, became the person in charge of receiving Li Xiao.

Ning Haoyuan treated the only VIP personally invited by Miss Ning, while maintaining respect, he was also full of curiosity.

What is so special about this guy?

I have never seen the eldest lady show such concern for Ye Lingtian from the Jinghua Ye family, tomorrow's fiancé.

From time to time, he raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiao through the rearview mirror.

Li Xiao kept turning his head and looking out the window, pretending to be cold.

Ning Xiaoxi explained that he came here as a distinguished guest, so he must put away his foolish appearance before, and act like a successful person who has done great things.

If he dared to embarrass Miss Ning, he would die a terrible death.

The point is, Chang'an is so big, no one knows Lao Tzu, where can he throw him?

"Hey, by the way, Xiao Ning, there should be a lot of people coming to Ning's family this time, right? Those aristocratic sons and dignitaries who came early, are they all staying at the Chang'an Hotel?"

"No, some of the guests have real estate in Chang'an and will live in their own homes. Some of them have already gone to Ning's house and will stay there tonight. They are arranged to stay at the Chang'an Hotel. Ahem, very few."


Just say it directly, it’s fine for me to stay in the hotel alone.

Li Xiao curled his lips speechlessly.

This is the gap. Rich people have real estate all over the world, and they don’t have to worry about nowhere to live. That is to say, people like him still have to live in hotels.

When we have money, we will also buy houses, all over the country.

"Huh? Is that the Big Wild Goose Pagoda?"

When his mood was flying, Li Xiao's eyes lit up, and he raised his finger to point out the window.

(End of this chapter)

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