The toughest man in the city

Chapter 274 Zombie Deer

Chapter 274 Zombie Deer

Zhou Gong is the nickname given to that medical researcher Zhou Zhenhua by everyone in Xiaolong Company.

Not an honorific title, but a nickname.

It's just because everyone in the company thinks that Mr. Zhou Zhenhua, like Duke Zhou, can only hear his name, but never see where the other person is.

It is said that it is the founding meritorious service of Xiaolong Company, but I have never seen that person who managed anything in the company.

Although Li Xiao is a hands-off shopkeeper, he still shows his face from time to time.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhenhua stayed in the laboratory all day long. The longest record was that he didn't step out of the laboratory for three whole days. fail!

Coincidentally, Li Xiao wasn't in the company those few days, so he didn't see Lao Zhou's crazy appearance.

But today, he also caught up.

As soon as I came outside the research room specially opened for Zhou Zhenhua, I could clearly hear the old Zhou's hysterical roar: "Get out, get out. What's the use of you! What is written on the resumes of medical students? , I asked you to decompose a gene chain, and you can’t decompose it well. Get out, I will do it myself!"

Accompanied by angry yells, the door of the research room slammed open, and three young men in white coats all walked out with dark faces.

As soon as they looked up, they saw Li Xiao, all of them had distorted expressions, and they opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

As the boss, Li Xiao couldn't just stand still, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Go upstairs to find Vice President Cheng, and see if we can arrange individual jobs for you. Don't worry about it, I'll educate him over there."

"thank you boss."

The complexions of the three young men finally improved a lot, they thanked Li Xiao, and went upstairs.

Li Xiao also sighed helplessly.

Thinking back to when the company was recruiting people, Cheng Yuliang praised the three young people in front of him, all of them were the kind of talents who gave up their high-paying careers and wanted to come to Xiaolong Company to make a fortune together.

Li Xiao, who has already deeply understood the importance of talents, of course can't just be scolded by Lao Zhou for looking at three rising stars who may rise in the medical field.

But then again, Lao Zhou is not a grumpy person, so why is he acting like a lunatic now?
"Bottleneck, boss, do you know what a bottleneck is? My research is now at the bottleneck. As long as this difficulty is overcome, the world's most mature T drug will be born in my hands. You know what this means What? More than 1000 million new patients with malignant tumors every year will find hope from us. The medical institutions that want to cooperate with us can line up around the earth."

"But as a result, look at the people you recruited for me, what are they? Is this how you do things? My research has stagnated because of your mistakes."

"Boss, I need talents, the kind of real talents, people who can help me and fully understand my intentions. Also, I need funds, and I need to buy a new batch of virus samples. With money and people, I can You are a miracle.

Zhou Zhenhua swelled.

Li Xiao was sure that he hadn't beaten Lao Zhou well in the past few months, which made this guy's temper grow.

Dare to point the boss's nose and reprimand him for not being able to do things.

"Okay, Lao Zhou, you want money and people, right?"


"Well, take your briefcase and go out and ask for it yourself."

Li Xiao threw an old briefcase over with his hands. It was the one that Lao Zhou always held like a baby when he begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to invest.

Many people have been desperate for a little hope.

But once you have a way to realize your hope, you will lose yourself and forget your original intention.

Lao Zhou did not forget his original intention, but he forgot his original situation.

Back then, he was alone, and without any funding, he was able to perfect his research project purely by thinking and analyzing.Now that I have everything, I have not made any progress in a few months, and I still blame others.

This is not a good sign.

Li Xiao is an ordinary person who doesn't understand too many principles.But it is also clear that if Lao Zhou is allowed to develop like this, he will never succeed in his life.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhenhua was not too outrageous. Looking at the briefcase in his hand, his eyes gradually regained a little clarity.

When the person is awake, then what Li Xiao wants to say can also be said.

"Zhou Gong, have you ever thought about doing some other drug research projects and letting go of your T drug for a while?"

"Let's put it aside? I've spent half my life on this research, and now you're telling me... Uh, boss, what do you want me to study?"

Lao Zhou wanted to get angry again, but the moment he raised his head and looked at Li Xiao, his momentum immediately weakened.

Li Xiao sighed helplessly, if he didn't only know Zhou Zhenhua as a medical expert, he wouldn't come here to talk about things like a boss.

It seems that the matter of recruiting senior medical experts that both Su Manyu and Deng Ziling mentioned before really needs to be carefully considered.

Do you want to go to another company and poach corners?
But he is such a small broken company that can't even compare to a pharmaceutical workshop, no matter how much money is given, he may not be willing to come.

Or, you can also try to see if you can decrypt the USB flash drive that came by hand.

In case, there is a list of medical experts from all over the world in the data on the USB flash drive, maybe it is.

Li Xiao's thoughts drifted a little.

Zhou Zhenhua was very confused, why did you misfire after you said this at the beginning?

"Boss, boss?"


"You just said, let me study what?"

"Oh, I, no, it's you, do you know zombie deer?"

A very strange term was uttered, but Zhou Zhenhua was not surprised at all, and nodded naturally.

Zombie deer, he knows that a deer infected with chronic wasting disease virus, the clinical manifestations are decreased physical function, drooling, white eyes, and aggressiveness, just like the zombies in the movies. name.

But the problem is, why did Li Xiaoping ask this for no reason?
"Old Zhou, can you develop a vaccine for the zombie deer virus?"

"Eh? Boss, I'm a researcher. I'm an expert doctor in a hospital. I'm saving people, not a veterinarian. Zombie deer virus only spreads in deer. Why do you want me to study that thing?"

"Well, that was before. Now, the virus is spreading among people too."

Li Xiao's very natural words.

But Lao Zhou was frightened by these words and sat down on the ground, unable to recover for a long time.

Real doctors will understand how terrible it would be for a new type of virus to transfer from animals to humans and begin to spread contagiously.

But for pharmaceutical merchants, this is also a huge business opportunity.

A new type of virus appears, and no one else can do anything about it, but you are the only one who holds the special drug to crack the virus, what does that mean?

(End of this chapter)

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