Chapter 266
Qing Wu has reached its limit.

Ever since she saw Shi Lan, who is also the queen's envoy, at the western restaurant, she hasn't had a good night's sleep these days.

In the dead of night, fear would surround her.

To this day, her sixth sense as a woman has become more and more clear that someone will come to kill her.

So, without hesitation at all, I found Li Xiao and came directly to this villa.

She felt that this villa was quite secretive, at least some time ago, she always stayed in Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, which would give those who wanted to kill her the illusion that they would not find it so quickly.

A slightly safer place, with a man by her side who can make her feel a little at ease.

The exhaustion accumulated over the past few days struck instantly, causing her to quickly fall asleep before finishing her sentence.

The faint moonlight that spilled through the gaps in the curtains could not illuminate the bottom of the bed.

Li Xiao couldn't see what state Qing Wu was in, he just kept his whole body on guard, sensing everything around him, and for the first time decided to believe Qing Wu's words, and was on guard against any possible life threat.

And then...he fell asleep too.

Where is the threat? When I wake up tomorrow, if nothing happens, Qing Wu will have to pay for it.

A man and a woman are holding hands, they don't sleep on the bed, one is lying on the ground, and the other is directly under the bed, this scene is ridiculous to the extreme.

But Shi Lan, who lives on the hillside outside the villa, is vaguely aware of the possible scenes in the house, so she can't laugh at all.

She came to kill Qingwu.

Since meeting Qing Wu last time, she had thought hard for a long time, and finally decided to kill the woman who had the same fate as her.

In fact, according to the normal rhythm, the first time she found Qing Wu, she should report it to the king.But Li Xiao was present at the time, and her selfish desire to find out what was special about Li Xiao made her miss the best time to report to the king in time.

In order to hide Li Xiao, and then hide Qing Wu.

How long can you hide it?

Only when Qing Wu dies can she have exclusive access to Li Xiao's secret, and then she will have enough room for explanation when facing the king in the future.

Qingwu thought she could escape Shilan's pursuit, but she didn't know that she had already been targeted by Shilan when she left Jiangdong Pharmaceutical.

But Shilan couldn't find a suitable opportunity to do it, just because Li Xiao was still there.

She can't easily show up in front of Li Xiao, even if she wants to have the last conversation with Qing Wu in her life, she can't be heard by that guy.

"Did Qing Wu keep that guy by her side on purpose, or did she really regard him as her lifelong reliance?"

Shi Lan was talking to herself, her frown slowly eased.

One turned and jumped, landed on the soft grass, like a stray cat, casually retreated to the distance, and took out the phone.

"Hey, help me scare someone."

Shi Lan made this call, and when she put down the phone again, she sat on the floor leisurely, as if she was sure that someone would leave in a few minutes.

No wonder she is so determined, the main reason is that Li Xiao has too many worries, and he can easily be caught in his weaknesses.

In a neighborhood in the city center, there was a rush of knocking on the bedroom window on the eighth floor.

Cheng Cheng, who was a little drunk, had just drank a cup of hangover tea and was about to fall asleep when he heard a strange sound and looked towards the window.

A pale human face paused in front of the window, like a ghost knocking on the door in the middle of the night, making a wicked smile at her.


"Cheng Cheng, what's wrong?"

"Dad, there are ghosts outside!"

Cheng Cheng screamed, and any old Cheng and his wife rushed into their daughter's room. It was just a so-called ghost...

"Silly girl, you are so old, you still believe in ghosts. I told you not to drink, little girl, but you just don't listen."

"Okay, don't you see that my daughter is terrified, and she is still teaching people here. Go out, go out, I will sleep with my daughter tonight."

Cheng's mother drove away Lao Cheng with frowning eyes, and lay on the bed with her daughter in her arms.

He said he was going to sleep with his daughter, but within a few minutes, she was already snoring like thunder, which made Cheng Cheng unable to sleep even more.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, he subconsciously glanced at the window again. This time, the originally drawn curtains were lifted directly, and the pale grimace seemed to get into the window.

Cheng Cheng was so frightened that he didn't even have the energy to scream.

In a blink of an eye, the grimace disappeared, and she covered her mouth hard. At that moment, she inexplicably thought of Li Xiao.

Don't let your parents see that thing, they will be terrified too.

It would be great if Li Xiao could come, he would definitely not be afraid.

Trembling, Cheng Cheng took out his phone and dialed a number.

Jingling bell rang, Li Xiaomeng opened his eyes, and immediately grabbed the phone.


"Li Xiao, I, I'm scared. There's a ghost outside my window. No, it feels like a human being. I don't know what it is. Can you come and help me take a look."

Cheng Cheng's intermittent words came into his ears, and Li Xiao felt dumbfounded after listening for a long time.

What time is this, Cheng Cheng's silly girl still believes in ghosts.

"Okay, you get into bed and cover your head. I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiao got up... eh?

At some point, Qing Wu rolled out from under the bed, curled up like a baby, as if terrified to the extreme, even when she was sleeping, she frowned tightly.

More importantly, she was still holding on to Li Xiao's hand.

The faint moonlight poured down through the entire window glass, allowing Li Xiao to clearly see the scene in front of him.

Not knowing what to say, he looked at Qingwu for a long time, sighed slightly, and pulled his hand out.

"You are quite pitiful. If I can get rid of the bad habit of trying to ruin me, I really don't mind taking good care of you. Go to sleep and bring you breakfast tomorrow."

Li Xiao was tender for a rare time, grabbed a blanket and covered Qing Wu's body, slowed down to go out, and then sped up and ran towards the gate of the villa area.

After his figure completely disappeared under the night.

Shi Lan finally came out from the shadows.

"Unexpectedly, this guy is still a passionate seed. If there is a man who is willing to prepare breakfast for me, maybe I may also be moved to betray the king."

I don’t know what Shilan was thinking.

The man who wanted to prepare breakfast for this beautiful woman could queue up for a whole year. If it was true as she said, then the conditions for betraying the king would be too cheap.

"The key still depends on who that man is."

In the midst of a chuckle, Shi Lan climbed onto the window lattice outside the villa wall, jumped up one by one, pushed open the uncritical window, and jumped into the bedroom.

Holding a cold dagger in his hand, he aimed at Qing Wu's heart and swung it down suddenly.

The sword was very strong, but when it was about to pierce Qing Wu's clothes, her hand stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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