Chapter 257

Li Xiao still has self-knowledge.

I didn't know who Su Manyu was before, I just thought she was the vice president of a pharmaceutical company.

However, after chatting with Ma Dehan a few days ago, he learned that Su Manyu also had the status of being the apple of the eye of the Su family in southern Sichuan.

If you want to deal with such a character, you only need to move your little finger.

Among other things, it made Su Manyu unhappy. He hoped that Xiaolong Company, which was used to create a stable life for Sister Yi, would not be able to open it up.

Just pretending to be so strong just now is nothing more than to save a man's face.

They gave him enough face, how could he not know good from bad.

Of course, more importantly, it is also a unique enjoyment to see the beauty's different style of anger and embarrassment.

"President Su, don't be angry. I was really joking just now. I apologize. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Sitting in the car, Li Xiao had a hippie smile on his face.

Su Manyu really resisted the urge to scold him because of his good self-cultivation.

Forget it, if Li Xiao was a well-behaved and honest person, it would be impossible for her to think about it all day long.

Yang Yang stepped on the accelerator to speed up, Su Manyu kept his head silent, Li Xiao apologized with a smile on his face, got bored, and didn't open his mouth.

The car was surprisingly quiet, turned the corner and continued on.

It's just that from the corner of Li Xiao's eyes, he glanced at the side of the road, and saw the black car that was suspected of following Sister Yi just now.

He felt even more baffled, because the moment the two cars passed by, he could clearly see the person in that car cast an angry look towards him.

He doesn't know those people, where did they come from?
Li Xiao probably couldn't think of it without thinking about it, but he has already been regarded as a little boy who destroys the harmony of other people's families.

Long Zaicheng frowned, pinched the neck of the younger brother beside him, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and no one around him dared to shout the word "pain".

Damn the woman from the Su family, she left my brother behind and went to Qinghe to meet other men privately. If I hadn't been lucky, I might not have discovered this kind of adultery!
Do you want to tell Long Zicheng about this?
No, the disgrace of such a man would drive one crazy.

Long Zaicheng resisted the urge to call his brother immediately, gritted his teeth and patted the shoulder of the younger brother beside him.

"Didn't you say that you knew a few ruthless people in Qinghe? Did you see the person in the car just now? Follow them, beat the man to death, and guard the woman's face, beat the man to death. After the completion, everyone who contributes will receive 100 million yuan each, and I will arrange for you to go out to avoid the limelight."

Buying murder to kill, this seems to be a long-standing vocabulary.

But there is no denying that there are some people in this world who are desperate for money. Calling them killers is a bit flattering, but at best they can be regarded as desperadoes.

Coincidentally, Long Zaicheng's little follower knew several desperadoes.

"Master Cheng, just wait."

The little brother pushed the door and got out of the car, and ran away without a trace.

The viciousness in Long Zaicheng's eyes disappeared, and he returned to his carefree look: "Drive, find a flower shop, buy a carload of roses first, and then go find out the name of that beauty."

The black car started and drove away.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was a flood of traffic on the road, and the evening rush hour on weekdays was approaching.

In front of the gate of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, Chen Defa held his head high, watching Zhao Tingsong and his group walk out in disgrace, feeling indescribably refreshed in his heart.

A week ago, it was this person who made him lose the job he relied on for a living, and he went to work with a group of young people with an old face.Who could have imagined that a week later, he would be at his original job, watching the other person being driven away, and he would never be able to come back.

Feel elated.

However, Zhao Tingsong is not in the mood to pay attention to the looks others are looking at him.

He gingerly dialed a number and reported to Sister Chen how he suffered a disastrous defeat.

Chu Muchen on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and in the end he didn't know what kind of tone it was, he said the name "Cheng Cheng" several times, and then hung up the phone.

Of course Zhao Tingsong didn't know that Sister Chen had paid attention to Cheng Cheng a few days ago.

Shen Shilan's great interest in that girl, and the fact that Ouhuang Group was invited to solve the crisis of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, these two things are enough to make Sister Chen think about Ning Xiaoxi for a long time to come. What kind of hidden strength does the little secretary next to him have?

Maybe in the end she realized that Cheng Cheng was just an ignorant Xiaobai, the expression on his face must be very rich.

But that's for another day.

The point is that now, Zhao Tingsong felt hopeless, and sister Chen hung up the phone without saying anything, indicating that he had been abandoned by Chu Muchen.

From then on, he no longer had such a big tree as the Jiangbei Chu family to rely on, and his life fell directly to the bottom.

Those members of the operation team who didn't know that he had turned over and had no hope of turning over still flattered him as always, respectfully invited him to get in a rented car, and eagerly asked where he was going next.

Zhao Tingsong didn't know where they could go.

But the moment he looked up, he saw Cheng Cheng leading a group of little girls going out happily, an evil thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and he decided on something he had to do.

"Go, follow them!"

When the car started, Zhao Tingsong kept dispatching the people under his command for random reasons, but in the end only two confidantes were left by his side, and then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number again.

"Hello, Brother Dahua? My name is Zhao Tingsong, and I was introduced by Sister Chen. I heard that Brother Dahua has a lot of talents under his command. Can you lend a few to my brother? Don't worry, I won't treat Brother Dahua and him badly." Brothers."

As soon as the phone call ended, Zhao Tingsong's eyes flashed an evil light.

Tonight, he wants to "joy"!
Zhao Tingsong, who suddenly had evil thoughts, was not quite sure what he was going to do, but he must be targeting Cheng Cheng.

And things in this world don't develop in a single line. He wants to harm others, and some people are eyeing him.

When the car Zhao Tingsong was in was gradually moving away, at the corner of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical's office building, a gangster with yellow hair picked up his mobile phone and quickly dialed out.

"Hey, Brother Hu, we found out about Zhao Tingsong that Boss Fang asked us to keep an eye on. He was just fired by Jiangdong Pharmaceutical today. I don't know if he is going to run away. Alright, Brother Hu, let's keep an eye on him. "

The little gangster put down his phone, waved to stop a taxi, and followed him.

At the beginning, Li Xiao beat up the boss in Fangyuan Supermarket, and pretended to be Zhao Tingsong on a whim.At that time, it was nothing more than wanting to simply trick that guy.

But he didn't expect that this trap would really mess up Zhao Tingsong.

The beaten Boss Fang remembered Zhao Tingsong's name firmly, and also accumulated all his anger, preparing to vent it on that guy.

All kinds of people and things are mixed together tonight, just like the tide of the evening rush hour.

Only Sister Yi, who is still relatively clean, is the last person who should not have contact with these things. At this moment, she unexpectedly saw countless roses blocking the door of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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