The toughest man in the city

Chapter 249 Knight Li Xiao

Chapter 249 Knight Li Xiao
Seeing Cheng Yuliang's shock to the point where he couldn't even close his jaw, Li Xiao was satisfied, left his company, and went straight to Jiangdong Pharmaceutical opposite.

As a boss, of course, you must have real strength in order to convince your employees.

Li Xiao firmly believed that after this time, Lao Cheng would not dare to run on him as blatantly as before.

Because Madhan is very capable, he helps him develop the company almost at any cost.

Although Lao Ma always said that this was to repay the kindness of saving his life, Li Xiao still didn't want to accept it calmly. After all, he gave up Huazhong Pharmaceutical, a pharmaceutical giant with the same strength, and chose his unknown small workshop.

Thinking with your toes, you can also know how much loss Ma Dehan has suffered.

There is no way to pay back the money, it can only be repaid as a debt of favor.

But the debt of favor is the hardest to repay.

When he was thinking wildly, he had already arrived at Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Defa head-on.

Lao Chen is not very motivated to work recently, and he does not stand guard at the gate of the company every day. He is nestled in the security lounge like a foreign worker, not knowing what to think.

Perhaps, being fired some time ago caused him a lot of psychological trauma.

However, when Li Xiao showed up, Lao Chen still ran out of the lounge very actively, and said in a nervous voice: "Li Ban, why did you come here? Secretary Cheng is in trouble, and the higher-ups are in a meeting. It is said that Secretary Cheng will be fired after the meeting is over."

Lao Chen spoke without hesitation.

Li Xiao slapped his thigh fiercely.

Damn, how could I forget such an important thing, the big international order that I helped Cheng Cheng find is still unclear.

"Thank you, Old Chen."

Before he finished speaking, he rushed into the elevator like wind, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Yesterday, he was still hesitant, but today he had no time to hesitate at all.

The elevator stopped on the tenth floor, and the moment the door opened, the phone was connected.

"It's me. Well, you know who I am."

Li Xiao swore that if he received a phone call and the other person introduced himself like this, he would definitely be confused.

However, Princess Kelly opposite didn't hesitate at all and burst into excited shouts: "You came to see me?"

"Uh, no, I called you because I wanted to ask you for help, and I asked you to borrow some money by the way."

No matter how thick-skinned Li Xiao was, he was still too embarrassed to say such things as asking a woman to borrow money.

However, since he had already spoken, fortunately he said all he wanted.

Back then, the little princess Kaili ran away from home and ran all over the world looking for Prince Charming, and was finally rescued by Li Xiao from a professional killer.At that time, some people offered a reward of [-] million US dollars to find Kelly.

It's just that the person sent it back, but the reward was rejected.

Li Xiao was jealous of the money, but he didn't think he could get it without paying more.

Therefore, he wisely chose to forget about that incident and turned to another way to try to get Kelly's help.

An international order only for Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, a casual loan of 800 million yuan, this is his request.

The order is a win-win thing, and the borrowed money must be repaid. The only thing that is owed is Kaili's favor. It should be possible to use the previous life-saving grace to pay off the debt.

He treats feelings as a transaction.

But Kelly didn't think so, and she didn't even consider the issue of favor. She only cared about one thing.

"Who is Chengcheng, the order broker you named? Is it your woman? Little Kaili doesn't like you having other women. If you come to Western Europe, I will make you my exclusive knight!"

As soon as Kaili said these words, Li Xiao almost rolled his eyes to death.

This princess, does she still live in a fairy tale? Knight, what a ridiculous title.

Well, it seems that the modern Western European royal family still has this kind of title, it's just an honorary title, it's not like in a fairy tale, wearing armor, stepping on a white horse, holding an epee, and shouting " For the glory of the knight".

"I'll just be a knight for you. If you have time, come to China and I'll stay with you for three days."

"No, you stay with me for the rest of your life."

"Then I will accompany you for a day, whether you like it or not."

"You wait, I will find you soon."

"Hey, don't hang up, what about the order I just said?"

"At most half an hour, someone will go to the Jiangdong Pharmaceutical you mentioned. Remember, little Kaili doesn't like Cheng Cheng. When I go to Huaxia, don't let me see her."

With a clicking sound, the phone hangs up.

Li Xiao touched the tip of his nose silently.

If he had known that this would be the result, there was nothing to worry about. Originally, he only wanted to raise some start-up funds for his company, so he set his sights on Kaili. The trouble Cheng Cheng encountered was just a side note.

Of course, this sentence is very important.

Among the connections he currently wants to use, Kaili is the only one. With just one sentence, Cheng Cheng can become the most important person in Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, second only to the president.

"I hope that woman won't let her slip at the critical moment."

Talking to himself, he put away his phone and walked towards the conference room.

I don’t know how long the Jiangdong Pharmaceutical’s sales department staff meeting has been going on. When Li Xiao was standing at the door, he heard Qing Wu say in a cold tone: “The company is a collective. As sales staff, everyone should become a team. Collectively, contribute to the development of the company together.”

"But the collective does not mean that everyone can enjoy the shade under the big tree, without any performance, and stay here to get a high salary."

Qing Wu is not a professional enterprise manager, but following and protecting Ning Guanming for many years, she can still handle small matters in an enterprise.

It's hard to say whether her current behavior is imitating that Director Ning.

Anyway, it is enough to be able to frighten so many Jiangdong Pharmaceutical employees around.

The performance evaluation form of the sales department in the last ten days was made into a set and posted on the wall of the meeting room.

Qing Wu directly named those who wanted to leave based on their performance. Except for some sales staff who were always at the bottom, Cheng Cheng and her group of little sisters were among them.

Even though I knew this would be the result, when the facts were presented in front of me, it was unbearable. Those with a slightly weaker mental quality had already started to sob in a low voice, feeling sad that they were about to become jobless.

"Okay, that's the end of the meeting. Those who were named just now, go to the HR department to go through the resignation procedures in the afternoon. In addition, I would like to remind Assistant Zhao that you are an elite operation team hired by the company with a high salary. Not as good as the original sales staff of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical. If this situation continues, you will be the next to leave."

Qingwu waved her hand and announced the adjournment of the meeting.

But as soon as she finished speaking, two shouts from different directions suddenly sounded together.

"and many more!"

Everyone in the meeting room was stunned.

Li Xiao also frowned and looked at Zhao Tingsong, who was shouting with him.

(End of this chapter)

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