The toughest man in the city

Chapter 205 Exciting Escape

Chapter 205 Exciting Escape
"Master Zhaka, there is a boat coming outside."

In the lobby on the first floor of the cabin of the luxury cruise ship, Zhaka, who was smiling and watching those celebrities transfer a huge amount of ransom to his account, suddenly heard the report from his subordinates, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

"Is it the police? Which country's police came so quickly?"

"Report, it's not the police, it seems, it seems to be a ship of the Panglan Pirates Organization."

The younger brother who reported the news gave the answer somewhat uncertainly.

Xhaka almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He robbed a lot of rich people here, and he didn't attract an official army to suppress him. Will he be hijacked by a group of pirates?
Black eat black?
"Take a team of people to guard outside and prevent Banglan's ship from approaching. Report the situation to me every minute."


The younger brother responded and left, taking away seven or eight gangsters.

Zaka paced back and forth in the cabin, feeling irritable. He grabbed the gun at his waist and suddenly pulled the trigger at the ceiling.

The sound of gunshots caused countless screams. Zaka's scarlet eyes widened and he shouted sternly: "I'll give you 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, anyone who hasn't paid the ransom will all die!"

Just this one sentence caused those celebrities to rush to beg the gangsters to return their mobile phones so that they could transfer the money quickly.

A huge sum of money was transferred into the account, and Zhaka calmed down a little. He turned to look at the other confidantes: "Go to the third floor and bring Paul down. That guy should be a bit conscious of using it as a shield."

"You, take a few people to the bottom floor and bring those women over. The rest rush outside to fend off the pirates at any time."

"And you, take people to the stern of the ship to lower the assault boat and prepare for evacuation."

A series of orders were issued, and the power around Zaka suddenly lost more than half, but his mood became much more relaxed.

The members of the Banglan Pirates organization are all poor and clanging, even if the number is the same, the equipment is not as good as them.What's more, only one ship came this time, and more than two dozen pirates, the cannon fodder in the cargo hold on the bottom floor alone can stop the opponent, so I'm afraid of a bird.

With confidence, the smile returns to my face.

But only 3 minutes had passed, and the dazzling searchlight light shone in from outside and swept it away.

Xhaka's eyeballs almost popped out.

Didn't you let those people organize the other party to get closer? This is almost coming to your face. What do the people sent out do?
He grabbed the walkie-talkie on the table and yelled and questioned, but after shouting for a long time, there was no response at all.

Not only the people who were sent out in the first wave, but also those confidantes who went up to the third floor, the bottom floor, and the stern of the ship in the next few waves, all lost news.

Zhaka panicked, raised his head suddenly, and nodded at a few people.

"You guys, go outside and see what's going on."

How dare the younger brothers disobey the boss's order, rushed out with guns in hand, quickly dispersed, and went to various parts of the cruise ship.

Then there was no more news.

Zhaka yelled for a long time, smashed the walkie-talkie, and when he looked up again, he could see that the ship of the Banglan Pirates was close to him, and he could clearly see what the pirates on board looked like.

Someone standing on the bow of the boat raised a gun and shouted loudly: "Pay the money, pay the woman, and spare your life!"

When Xhaka heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This is his famous quote, how could the pirates steal his lines.

At the same time, in a corner of the first floor of the cabin, Li Xiao kicked a corpse away from his feet, rolled his eyes, and said to himself, Feiyu guy is free, let them come to pick him up, they would be better off directly Pretending to be a pirate.

However, this is good, at least it can attract everyone's attention, making it easier for him to lurk into the banquet hall on the first floor.

Step lightly, like a raccoon cat, approach the back door of the banquet hall, gently push the heavy wooden door open a crack, and everyone in the eye is facing away from him and facing the window.

The two bandits closest to this side were less than five meters apart. Li Xiao thought for a moment, then looked back at a small remote-controlled aircraft hovering beside him.

"Tell Feiyu to make some noise."

After the words fell, he dodged down and entered the door.

The saber in his hand was like lightning, stabbing into the back of one of the people's heads. Without pulling out the knife, he tapped his toes on the ground and instantly moved out to hug the other person's head and twist it hard.

The two of them were eliminated in an instant. At the same time as the bodies fell to the ground, the searchlights on the pirate ship outside suddenly turned to this side, and the whole hall was illuminated like daylight. At the same time, the flying fish standing on the bow deck suddenly pulled the trigger. Fired a few shots into the sky.

The gunfire scared the hostages into screaming, covering up the sound of the two corpses falling to the ground.

Li Xiao hugged his head and squatted with the hostages.

It was also at this time that Xhaka frowned, turned around and shouted: "Ready to fight!"

The situation was extremely tense. All the gangsters in the banquet hall held guns and pushed the tables and chairs as cover, and gathered near the window. Only two guys were left, hitting many hostages with their rifle butts, and roaring at them to be quiet.

Li Xiao folded his head and mixed in the crowd, seeing a few guys nearby staring at him with terrified eyes, he grinned.

"Shh, I'm here to save you."

As soon as these words came out, those people hurriedly covered their mouths, not daring to make any sound.

Especially the female singer who sang on stage before, when she raised her hand to cover her mouth, she completely forgot that the tube top was torn apart by those gangsters, exposing the waves on her chest.

Li Xiao swallowed hard, and said to himself, beauty, this is not an assist, but a crime.

After thinking about it, he didn't stop. While the chaos was not over, he moved a little laterally and suddenly made a violent move. He grabbed the neck of a gangster with his left hand, and pulled out the saber from the man's waist with his right hand and threw it outward.

The saber turned into lightning and pierced another man's throat.

The screams broke out again.

Just as Zhaka was about to turn around, there was a loud bang, and a bullet hit the person on the opposite pirate ship, smashing the window glass, scratching his scalp and flying somewhere.

"Damn it, fight back!"

Zhaka didn't care how chaotic the hostages were behind him, roared angrily, and shot back.

The gunshots were continuous, but all the people on the pirate ship on the opposite side shrank into the bunker, and no one came forward.

"Haha, the Banglan pirates are all a bunch of cowards. Beat them, beat them hard, until they are scared."

Xhaka laughed wildly and pulled the trigger.

In the rear, Li Xiao curled his lips, cast a pitiful look at that guy, lowered his head and waved at all the hostages.

"Follow me, there will be someone behind to meet you."

After saying this, he crouched down and moved back carefully. The others followed suit and also moved towards the back door of the banquet hall.

A group of business celebrities, directors and stars have never been so excited in their lives. More than 20 gangsters behind them shot and killed, and they were able to escape quietly under the eyes of the other party.

The distance from the hall to the back door was only a dozen meters, and everyone felt as if they had walked squatting for a century.

Suddenly, Zhaka by the window raised his hand and shouted: "Stop!"

Li Xiao's hairs started to rise, he saw the ass of a certain bearded director who landed at the end, and kicked him out.

(End of this chapter)

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