The toughest man in the city

Chapter 198 Everything on board

Chapter 198 Everything on board

Paul has had enough of Emily's dominance over him and decides to rebel.

Of course, if it was just him, the possibility of success would be zero.

But if Zhaka, the actual controller of the ship, is added, and everyone reverses together, the result will definitely be different.

There are only three people in the world who know Emily's true identity, Paul, Zhaka, and the captain of another large cruise ship.

Paul is Emily's spokesperson, Zhaka and another captain are the executors, and the rest, even Emily's bodyguards, don't know what this woman is in control of.

As long as he joins forces with Zhaka to get rid of those bodyguards and control Emily, Paul will control half of the power of the entire organization.

If another captain is turned against him, everything about Emily will be returned to Paul.

Tonight is the only chance to do it. When the ship docks at dawn tomorrow, Paul will not be able to deal with Emily, and Zhaka will not dare to act rashly. Risking the loss of all sources of income, he will only take a cruise ship around the world. .

To put it bluntly, both of them wanted more than just the little money that Emily gave them from between her fingers.

Greed makes people forget about fear.

Paul touched his arm in plaster, and a look of cruelty flashed across his eyes.

"Zaka, send a few of your confidants to help me, I will control Emily, and you will clean up the other people on board."

"it is good!"

Xhaka's reply could not hide his excitement.

Paul picked up the satellite phone that Emily had left behind before, and strode towards the rest area above.

This phone is used to contact the Banglan Pirates. Paul doesn't know what Emily asked for from the pirates, but since he wants to rebel now, he must not allow a group of pirates to get involved.

While walking, I made a phone call.

As soon as the connection was made, without waiting for the other person to speak, Paul said directly: "The situation has changed, the transaction time has been postponed, keep the goods well, and wait for my further notice."

After saying this, hang up quickly.

More than ten nautical miles away, in the cockpit of the transport ship modified by the Banglan pirates, Feiyu and Manniu looked at each other.

"Did I hear you correctly? The person opposite asked us to keep the goods?"

"Uh, the other party probably doesn't know that we have destroyed this ship."

Man Niu replied in a muffled voice.

Feiyu rolled his eyes helplessly: "Brute bull, can you use your brain? The goods that the person on the other side mentioned must be Ning Xiaoxi, but now Ning Xiaoxi has been delivered to the ship, and the other side has notified us to keep it here Well, this means that they don't know that Ning Xiaoxi has arrived. Isn't it strange? Come on, let's join in the fun and be a pirate by the way."

After Feiyu finished speaking, he didn't expect any meaningful answer from the bull, so he turned his head and blew a sharp whistle towards the sea.

In the blink of an eye, several assault boats drove over, a dozen people jumped on board, and changed into members of the Banglan pirate organization as quickly as possible.

The transport ship that had stopped for a long time set sail again and headed straight for the luxury cruise ship in the distance.

Li Xiao didn't know that his brothers had already chased him up from behind, and he didn't even know what kind of big event was brewing on the cruise ship.

He is now focused on finding a "Paul" with a plaster cast on his arm.

After quietly lurking on the boat, he was lucky enough to catch a waiter who was alone, and easily asked for the information he wanted.But when he took off the other party's uniform and tried to pretend to be the waiter and entered the cabin, a pistol was found from that guy's body, which was too surprising.

On such a large cruise ship, I don’t know how many service staff there are, and they are even equipped with guns.

Is this a legitimate cruise ship?

So are pirates.

After entering the cabin, he felt even more confused.

Here on the first floor, the luxuriously decorated hall is bustling with people. There are singers who seem to come from a certain country singing in the middle of the stage, and bands from who knows where are getting ready to perform on stage.

People walking around the hall held wine glasses and talked politely.

Li Xiao walked around and eavesdropped on some conversations, all discussing which movie is worth investing in, or which internationally renowned company is going to set foot in the film and television industry to open up new markets, and many people gathered around a big The director talks about advertising investment.

He was stunned.

This can't be the wrong place.

Didn’t the Demon Snake say that this ship was a mobile fortress organized by human traffickers? How could there really be so-called film festival preparations?
His heart was full of doubts, until he wandered to the back of the banquet hall on the first floor, and saw two guys wearing weird masks, led by the people on board, to the second floor of the cabin, and finally guessed some possibilities.

The so-called film festival preparations are real, but it's just a cover for the dirty business on board.

The first floor is full of people who don't know the truth.

Those who can go to the second floor are the honored guests of this cruise ship. At this moment, almost three waves of people have gone to the second floor. They all wear weird masks and dare not show their true colors. .

Li Xiao pressed down the waiter's hat on his head and walked upstairs.

The two guys guarding the stairs just glanced at him slightly, but didn't take it seriously.

Their role is to prevent normal people on the first floor from rushing up, and they never guard against their own people.

After Li Xiao went upstairs, he opened the door to the second floor hall and took a quick look, and his head suddenly felt dizzy.

Sexy girls in scantily clad clothes can be seen everywhere, but all the men who look a bit successful, except for the masks covering their faces, don't even have a piece of cloth on their bodies, hugging left and right, so happy.There are even many people who start working directly in front of the public, without paying any attention to the eyes of the people around them.

What the hell is this smoky place?

What's even more frustrating is that after walking around the luxurious hall on the second floor of the cabin, Li Xiao found that all the staff on the ship were full of hostility, and they were all the kind of people who killed people. Bloody outlaws.

Ning Xiaoxi fell into this kind of place, can she still be good?

Li Xiao felt as if a big stone was pressing down on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

Several times he was stopped by some naked guys who asked him for drinks. He really used all his strength to suppress the urge to kill the opponent with a shot. He went to the bathroom with a smile and threw away the waiter uniform. .

This place needs a fart of camouflage.

Everyone is not clear-headed, as if only the fun of primitive impulse is left, how could they care about a stranger around them.

When Li Xiao walked out of the bathroom, he picked up a mask that someone had thrown in the corner, put it on his face, and blended into the smoky environment like a VIP who just arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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