The toughest man in the city

Chapter 195 The Dirty Deal

Chapter 195 The Dirty Deal

At the edge of the territorial waters of North Africa, dozens of assault boats rushed into the high seas immediately after receiving the order from Flying Fish.

The ship that was originally used to pick up the five wild beasts changed its mission to search for Ning Xiaoxi.

At the beginning of the search, a dilapidated small fishing boat slowly approached the side bottom hatch of the luxury cruise ship.

Someone who was here earlier opened the hatch, looked up and saw the middle-aged female bandit leader, and grinned: "Julis, how much have you gained this time, let me take a look, and feast my eyes."

"Everyone is disguised, how can you feast your eyes by looking at a photo? If you have this time, you might as well go to the upper floors to see those so-called celebrities. Don't talk nonsense, take me to see Mr. Paul, this time there is an unexpected harvest."

The female bandit leader Julis was not forgiving, but she still took out a few photos and stuffed them into the hands of the person opposite.

Everyone meets for transactions not once or twice, and they are very clear about the transaction process. Only when the person in charge feels that the "goods" are good, will he take her to see Paul to negotiate the price.

But if they can't even pass the current hurdle, then the "goods" can only be found by themselves.

Speaking of which, everyone belongs to the same organization and is under the jurisdiction of Mr. Paul. In fact, there is no strict hierarchy.

Paul is just a messenger, posting news about what kind of "goods" are needed, when, and where to trade.

All Julis had to do was to bring the goods, come and negotiate the price, in exchange for a reward.

The reason why I joined the organization was because of safety. At least in the years of trading with Paul, there have never been any accidents.

If they were to do it alone and find a market by themselves, they would have been beaten to pieces by the police from various countries.

While Julis was thinking wildly, the person in charge also saw the last photo, and suddenly opened his mouth wide in shock: "Chinese women? Didn't they say that there are only five White Russian women? Why is there an extra Chinese woman?"

"That's what I call a windfall. Let's go."

Julius walked forward impatiently, afraid that the person opposite would ask her if it was an "original product". A person who just picked it up from the sea just now has no time to do a detailed inspection.

Anyway, as long as the transaction is completed and the money is in hand, there is no need to worry about it later.

Who has heard that human traffickers also provide after-sales service.

The respondent was also unambiguous, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and led the way.

Passing through the long and narrow cabin corridor and entering a certain warehouse, Julis saw a man wearing a mask as soon as she looked up.

This is Mr. Paul who has dealt with her many times. He has been wearing a mask to hide his true colors before, so there is nothing strange about it.But the problem was that this time, the other party actually had one arm hanging in front of his chest with a plaster cast.

"Mr. Paul, are you injured?"

"It's okay, there was a little accident."

The voice coming from under the mask was a little muffled, and Julis couldn't ask any more questions, but her mind was spinning rapidly.

Julis has been paying attention to the situation here since she learned that the trading point is near the Sea of ​​Sol. Banglan Pirates organize frequent activities, and such a big event has long been on the TV news.

I vaguely remember that the Banglan organization hijacked Johnson & Johnson's transport ship for the first time, and also kidnapped a vice president named Paul.

When Paul, the vice president of Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, was rescued, he was interviewed in the same state as he was seeing.

This Paul, is that Paul?
I thought Paul was just a code name, but is it still his real name?
Julius was about to be shocked to death by the conjecture in her heart. A vice president of a well-known pharmaceutical company in the world had actually secretly done that kind of dirty deal with people like her for many years.

If this matter is told... probably not many people will believe it.

Julis's little heart was beating wildly.

On the opposite side, Paul was carefully looking at the photos of the trafficked girls, but he didn't notice the change in Julis's expression at all.

No one would believe that Paul, the vice president of Johnson & Johnson, secretly engaged in human trafficking. How many people would believe that Emily, the president of Johnson & Johnson, is actually the boss of a large human trafficking organization?
Back in the day, Paul was also a young talent of the generation. He graduated from a prestigious school with excellent conditions. He applied for a job in Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals and wanted to show off his talents.

Who would have imagined that after being valued by Emily, his life changed completely.

That cold-blooded, cruel woman was a nightmare that he could not get rid of all his life.

On the bright side, he was mentioned by Emily to the position of vice president, and he worked hard to become one of the top ten handsome men in the world.

Secretly, he was the spokesperson of that woman in some dark organization.

Paul thought about rebelling, but when Emily brutally killed a rebel in front of him, he didn't dare to think about rebelling anymore.

Otherwise, Emily just made a phone call before, how could he abandon his dignity and kneel in front of Li Xiao to beg for forgiveness.

Thinking of this, Paul's normal arm trembled slightly, he clenched his fist, and his palm turned white.

Shame, that is the shame of his life.

He hated Emily, hated Li Xiao, and even more hated Ning Xiao who humiliated him several times in public... Mmm!

"What's the matter with this woman?"

Paul's voice became sharp.

He couldn't believe his eyes, why the person in the photo in front of him was so similar to Ning Xiaoxi.

The sharp questioning tone brought Julis, who was wandering in her thoughts, back to reality. She had already guessed that she would be asked when the delivery was made. The rhetoric is straightforward.

It was nothing more than the fact that on the way to trade this time, they accidentally found two Chinese women who were traveling. They worked hard to catch one of them, and the other ran away.

Julius spoke in detail, and even described the details clearly.

But it was no wonder that Paul believed her nonsense.

If the woman in this photo is really Ning Xiaoxi, it would be really ridiculous for a few human traffickers to kidnap her.

Paul nodded calmly: "Take me to see this Chinese woman."

"Uh, Mr. Paul, the goods have been disguised, let's see..."

"I just took a look, without breaking the disguise. It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious."

Paul spoke, got up and walked out.

Julis was a little flustered. In the past, when she traded, she just glanced at the photos and started to negotiate the price. There was never a real inspection of the goods.This time, Mr. Paul behaved so strangely, so there must be no problem.

Even though he was uneasy, he still led the way.

After everyone came all the way to the dilapidated small fishing boat, Paul saw an old woman lying in a wheelchair in the cabin. He was slightly taken aback, and then his eyes sparkled.

That's right, this is Ning Xiaoxi!

(End of this chapter)

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