The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1619 The Secret of Defense

Chapter 1619 The Secret of Defense

On the other side was a master from the First Academy, who soared into the air and landed on the ring.

The two sides stood facing each other, and the person on the opposite side looked at Li Xiao, looked at each other up and down, and seemed to be very indifferent.

He sneered and said, "Student, it's unlucky for you to meet me. It's still too late to admit defeat now. Otherwise, after the real competition starts later, if I hurt you, I won't play to ensure that you can bear the pain."

In fact, the other party was quite arrogant, but the words he said were quite pertinent.

After all, being injured here is a very long sword situation. Although there are pills that can make up for the injury, the pain is definitely not something that ordinary people are willing to bear.

What's more important is that this person's own ability has already been shown in the previous knockout rounds, and it belongs to the realm of illusion.

He is also a relatively powerful figure in the First Academy.

But there are forty people here, Li Xiao's goal is to get the top five, how could he bow his head and admit defeat just because of the other party's casual words.

Li Xiao didn't even think about responding to the other party, but stood there and suddenly yelled.

This roar was full of energy, and the sound shook the sky, scaring many people around.

The master of the first academy on the opposite side was also shocked, subconsciously took a few steps back, stared at Li Xiao's position with wide eyes, and froze in place.

He thought that Li Xiao was about to unleash some powerful power, but he discovered that what Li Xiao did was to take out a special jade pendant after roaring.

Most people don't recognize this jade pendant, but many students in the materials department among the crowd of spectators can recognize it at a glance. It is the protective jade pendant that the elder professor often wears on himself.

After all, the elder professor often goes outside to collect genius treasures, and often encounters some powerful rare birds and animals.

For the elder professor, it is completely meaningless to fight those strange beasts, and it will waste his time, so he will use these jade pendants to protect himself from any influence, and sometimes even stand still, letting those rare birds Even if the beast hits him, it won't cause the slightest vibration to him.

No one expected that Li Xiao had obtained the promise from the elder professor before, that he could choose several unique resources from the elder professor. He never expected that the first thing Li Xiao chose was this jade pendant worn by the elder professor. .

This is the protective energy of the jade pendant that even rare birds and beasts cannot destroy. How can a student who has just reached the first-rank realm of illusion have a way.

Of course, the jade pendant is actually a dead thing.

How much energy can be exerted by the so-called magic weapon depends entirely on the level of the person.

With the elder professor's state that is about to become an immortal, he can naturally withstand many powerful attacks. Li Xiao has such a good magic weapon, but his own state is limited and his spiritual power is limited, so naturally he cannot exert too much power. Power.

But even so, the shield he generates is strong enough.

While everyone was surprised, they also understood how powerful Li Xiao's defense was.

With such a strong protection, Li Xiao actually grabbed a lot of talisman papers from the storage bag and pasted them on his body.

Most people don't know about these talismans, but those who have known Li Xiao will definitely recognize them at a glance. Isn't this the same talisman that was carved on them after they came to this plane?

In the entire Linghe Academy, no one actually made these things at all, but Li Xiao used the knowledge imprinted in his mind before to make these things.

And all the talisman papers made this time are things that can be used to protect themselves.

In an instant, more than a dozen pieces of paper were patted on my body, and every time I patted, there would be a flash of brilliant light.

A moment later, with more than a dozen rays of light, a powerful protective force appeared around him.

The power of protection is as wide as half a meter.

For everyone, this is simply an unimaginable situation. After all, what everyone used to protect themselves was only a thin layer.

Who would have imagined that what Li Xiao did was a half-meter-thick protective shield, what's the difference between this and covering himself with a huge iron can?
Many people were stunned in amazement when they saw this scene, but Li Xiao stood inside these protective light curtains and shouted loudly towards the opposite side.

"bring it on!"

With such a thick protective light curtain blocking him, his voice was very dull.

But no matter how dull it is, it can't change the feeling in everyone's heart.

Especially the master from the First Academy on the opposite side was completely stunned at this moment.

Not only were the masters from the First Academy on the stage dumbfounded on the spot, but everyone around watching the competition, including those who participated in the competition, were all dumbfounded.

It's not just once or twice that they have experienced this kind of competition. After so many times, this is the first time they have seen someone achieve such an extreme degree of protection.

Even Li Qinghe in the stands couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

Of course, everyone's attention was on Li Xiao, but one person's attention was slightly shifted.

That person was Yu Ziang, and he happened to see Li Qinghe's expression at that time, and he was even more sure that the relationship between Li Qinghe and Li Xiao must be extraordinary.

Based on this point, when you have the opportunity to meet Li Xiao, you must definitely consider not to be ruthless.

But now he couldn't help but think about a question. Suppose he was standing on the stage now, face to face with Li Xiao.

Even if he is ruthless, can he really hurt Li Xiao?
Not only Yu Ziang, but everyone who entered the final circle fell into a state of deep contemplation at this moment.

And Li Xiao stood on the stage and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, is it still a comparison? If you don't compare, then you lose."

Following Li Xiao's words, even though the master from the No. [-] academy on the opposite side felt that something was wrong, he still bravely swung his long sword and rushed over.

There is no way, the matter has reached such a point, if you don't make a move, no one can predict the final result.

More importantly, he felt that his realm was much stronger than that of his opponent.

Isn't it just some protection, it may not be impossible to break through.

You know, after reaching a higher realm, anyone's attack methods will be infinitely strengthened.

There is always a state of oppression in the face of those with low realms, and the defense methods that the opponent can use must be judged according to their own realm.

(End of this chapter)

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