The toughest man in the city

Chapter 161 Matching You and Xue Ning

Chapter 161 Matching You and Xue Ning
"Li Xiao, is the person in the video you?"

"Yes, no, no. Uncle policeman, you can't wrong people. I'm the one in the hospital, but I'm definitely not the one who did those things. I'm not that boring. "

Facing Deputy Wang's harsh questioning, Li Xiao raised his hands and shouted for grievances.

He was most worried about the situation in front of him.

A video was circulated. No matter who looked at it, they would have the first impression that the guy who did those illegal and disciplined things was the same person who was lying on the hospital bed and was beaten.

All the main leaders of the Qinghe City Bureau went to the hospital to visit him that day.

Everyone knows that the person in the hospital is him, so of course he should be regarded as a dangerous element that endangers public order.

It's hard to argue, what he's talking about is his current situation.

I can't explain it, and I don't know how to explain it, but I can't admit it.

Deputy Wang frowned: "Li Xiao, those things are not a big deal. If you admit it voluntarily, at most it will endanger social public order and detain you for a period of time. But if you deliberately conceal it, the nature is different. You have to bear the responsibility." criminal responsibility, understand?"

"Uncle policeman, that's really not me."

"You are still stubborn! After technical comparison, the clothes worn by the people in the video are the same as yours. You are the only one in Qinghe with this kind of clothes. The evidence is solid, and you still argue?"

"I can't argue. You can't just judge me by the clothes. There is only one piece in the whole Qinghe, but there are more than one piece in the whole world. Even today, that Paul is also wearing this piece of clothing. Why don't you suspect that it is What did that foreigner do?"

Lao Wang didn't mention clothes, Li Xiao couldn't think of that much.

When it comes to clothes, of course he can't let go of that Paul.

No, it's not that he won't let anyone go, what Li Xiao said is the truth.

But the problem is, even if Paul has such clothes, how could a foreigner who just came to Qinghe today commit crimes in Qinghe continuously for half a month.

Lao Wang was so angry that he slapped the table and wanted to reprimand him.

Unexpectedly, the bureau leader sitting next to him suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled him down.

"Old Wang, go and bring that Mr. Paul too."

"Ah? Bureau leader, this..."

"Before the matter is clarified, all possibilities are not ruled out. Since the clothes are used as clues to solve the case, we must interrogate all the suspects if conditions permit. Go."

The bureau has orders, no matter how unwilling Lao Wang is, he can only follow them.

Only Li Xiao and the bureau leader were left in the room.

Li Xiao didn't feel relaxed at all, on the contrary, his heart was trembling, just because the bureau leader looked at him with a smile, with a cunning look, which made him feel like he took off his clothes and stood on the street in the winter, with the wind blowing and the wind blowing. .

"You just killed someone."


Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

It was the first time that bureau leader Zhang spoke to him since he came here, and he never expected that he was talking about this.

"Oh, my lord, I'm a commoner, how dare I kill someone. You're flattering me too much."

"The bodyguards of Huasheng Security Company helped the police solve seven commercial cases, three criminal cases, and one espionage case of stealing state information in the past year. Outsiders don't know about this kind of thing, but the high-level police have long It's not a secret."

The bureau leader stared into Li Xiao's eyes, and slowly narrated.

"Last month, Yu Qinghe, the royal princess of Western Europe who was lost in China, was found. It was Deng Ziling from Huasheng Security Company who requested the police to escort her. You are Deng Ziling's bodyguard."

"Tonight, two killers posing as Interpol committed crimes, targeting Ning Xiaoxi. They are dead. You are Ning Xiaoxi's bodyguard."

The bureau leader didn't talk much, and it sounded like the opposite.

But there is one thing that Li Xiao didn't do.

There are some things that can be hidden from the low-level people, but for these high-level people who know more secrets, as long as they make a little connection with the cause and effect, they can guess the general idea.

Li Xiao rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk anymore.

When things got to this point, what he said was in vain, and he could only see how Zhang Zhang made his decision.

"The child Xue Ning came from Jinghua. She could have a good home, but she didn't agree with it. She asked me for help, so I dragged her to Qinghe. I treat her like my own daughter, so I don't want to let her go." Hope to see anything harmful to her happen. You just say, is the person in that video really you."


Even though he didn't know what the cunning and cunning Zhang Bureau leader meant when he suddenly turned the topic back to Xue Ning.

But Li Xiao still wanted to emphasize that he didn't dare to admit those bad things.

totally unexpected……

"Okay, since you admit that you did it, that's fine. It's understandable for young people to do some drastic means in order to pursue someone they like. Fortunately, it didn't cause too much impact. You just need to treat Xue Ning is responsible.”

The bureau leader said something casually.

Li Xiao is completely stupid, okay?

"No, when did I admit it."

"When I see Xue Ning later, I will take the initiative to admit my mistakes. Of course, she may not be able to accept it for a while. I will help you persuade her. It is all right for men to marry when they are in college and girls to marry when they are in college."

Zhang Ju led the old god to go to the seat.

Li Xiao stood up in a hurry, wanting to rush up immediately and pry open the guy's head to see how much water was inside.


What I said, I have to take the initiative to admit my mistakes, and return to marriage as a boy, and marry a girl as a girl. Where is this going?
Li Xiao's thoughts were confused for a while, and he didn't know how to continue the topic.

And Zhang Juling didn't care about his feelings at all, and just wanted to make one thing real.

That was the video incident that Li Xiao created in order to pursue Xue Ning.

That's right, that's what Zhang Juling thinks.

Even though it was just a short video, before it spread widely, it was banned under Lao Wang's emergency response, but the content of the video has long been watched by people in the police system.

Li Xiao is indifferent.

But this kind of thing is a big disaster for a girl like Xue Ning.

Don't look at the fact that the bureau chiefs haven't fully grasped the situation yet, but when they just observed the attitudes of the ordinary policemen outside towards Xue Ning, it was obvious that many people were secretly guessing that Huofeng stripped him naked and threw him into the wilderness. Did policeman Xue Hua, like the others in the video, have left some mark on his body?

Once this trend takes shape, Xue Ning will definitely be unable to behave as a human being. A stubborn girl will most likely die to prove her innocence.

How could the bureau leader just watch, Xue Ning, whom he treated like his own daughter, lived in that ridiculous stain all his life.

Therefore, the video incident does not matter who did it.

At least at this moment, Li Xiao, as the leading actor, should undertake what a leading actor should do.

"Actually, you made money too. I will try my best to match you and Xue Ning."

Zhang Juling spoke lightly.

Li Xiao is going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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