Chapter 1602

It was also from this day that Li Xiao lived in the place where Fatty Liu was for a long period of time, and the two of them worked day and night.

It was also from this day that various news came out frequently, and everyone gradually began to know that there were also cases of missing rabbits on the side of the First Academy and the Second Academy.

It's just that after the people from the Third Academy heard about this incident, they all became much more relaxed.

The rabbit thief finally knew not to catch a sheep and pluck its hair hard, and finally he was able to go to other places to do something.

In addition, some people think that since that guy dared to go to the First Academy and the Second Academy to steal rabbits, it fully proves that the guy's strength level is comparable to a high wall. From this point of view, then a master becomes a thief. The people of the Third Academy on the border have not yet reached that high level of cultivation, so it is reasonable that they could not catch the thief.

Just like this, the whole incident, because of the reversal of the wind direction, made the Third Academy's side the safest place.

It's just that Li Xiao and Liu Dapang didn't dare to make things too absolute.

After all, although the people over there don't care, no matter who they are, they are good-faced.

Once there are too many rabbits lost, the people over there will also put them on it, so it is not bad to do one thing every now and then.

What's more important is that Li Xiao is still a little selfish. He doesn't want to make things too absolute. After all, the second small week of Fengwu Jiutian is still in the immersion stage. When this quiet period is over, the third decimal point will begin. When he was practicing, that was when he needed those rabbits the most.

In this way, the whole incident completely subsided, and it seemed to have become a past event, and no one would bring it up again.

But few people knew about Li Xiao's separate residence, which was actually surrounded by a fence and kept several jade birds.

And she is still the kind of Jade Rao who is about to reproduce.

Maybe Li Xiao decided.

It is not advisable to kill chickens to obtain eggs. Raising chickens to eat eggs is the most effective method.

The Third College, which had been noisy for a long time, returned to the tranquility of the past. On this day, Li Xiao's residence was turbulent.

Li Xiao sat in the middle of the yard with a serious face, and a fiery light radiated from his whole body.

Regardless of the powerful aura, it is constantly wandering around his outer skin, as if he is undergoing a radical change in his whole being.

No one can imagine how powerful he is suffering at this moment.

You must know that this is the combination of the endless pain and hunger before.Finally, the current collective outbreak was formed.

And all the hard work finally needs to be reaped at this moment. Apart from enduring all kinds of powerful shocks, he is waiting with a very excited mood.

You know, the training of Fengwu Jiutian's second small week is actually to infuse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his skin.

This is far more than twice as powerful as the simple exercise at the beginning.

At this moment, when he is immersed in the final stage and is about to achieve the result, he can feel that various spiritual energies are no longer running in his body, but are constantly coming in and out of the outer skin.

And after this situation continues, it will give him an unimaginable kind of outer skin exercise.

Explosions of aura time and time again made muffled noises like lightning and thunder all over his body, and every explosion contained endless aura.

The aura calmed down as if it belonged to his own skin.

The whole body exudes a blazing light. If anyone can see Li Xiao at this moment, they will be shocked to find that Li Xiao is not like a normal person at all. The kind of tin man who does exercise.

That burst of aura continued. Li Xiao sat there motionless, and he couldn't even feel his breathing too much.

Time flew by, and three days passed in a blink of an eye, but Li Xiao was still there.

No sound could be heard from outside. Even if someone walked by the door of Li Xiao's residence, they would not feel that anyone was living inside.

But the feeling of eating filled the surroundings of Li Xiao's residence.

What is more clearly visible is that the original skin on Li Xiao's body had some small cracks. After the cracks dispersed, some spiritual energy swam out and instantly transferred back to repair his skin.

Sensing the emergence of this situation, Li Xiao couldn't help frowning deeply.

Sure enough, the most dangerous situation had occurred. In fact, it was recorded in Feng Wu Jiutian's secret cultivation method.

Once you start practicing, you still need it, and beware of a special situation that is Phoenix Nirvana.

It is necessary to break down and then build up, but few people can really break down and then build up.

After all, a phoenix can have an infinite life, but a human has only one life. Once an accident occurs during the cultivation process, causing the skin to break, it proves that the exercise of the outer skin has undergone a special change. If there is no timely replenishment during this process, it will cause the spiritual energy of the person to radiate out, the whole person's skin will be torn, and even the life will be dissipated directly.

If there is a powerful zero-element supplement, then life can be replaced without dissipating the outer skin.

If the spiritual energy cannot be replenished, the direct result will be complete death and disappearance again.

Of course, resources are very important in this whole process.

Fortunately, Li Xiao had made all kinds of preparations. He had three pills in his hand that had been successfully refined three times.

There is also a pill that Zhou Xinruo gave him, who has successfully refined the spirit twice.

The spiritual energy filled in these three pills is enough to bring him back even if it makes him die several times.

The key is how long this process will last. He has no idea how long it will take. He just feels that the spiritual energy is wandering around him for a long time.

If his guess is correct, then these auras need to go through 81 times, that is, to break his own skin, and heal 81 times before he can truly realize the success of the second small cycle.

Roughly speaking, there may be less than ten times left.

But it is also very dangerous.

Obvious.At a certain moment, he finally stopped motionless and suddenly picked up an ordinary pill that had not been successfully refined three times, and opened his mouth to put it in his mouth.

After the elixir entered the body, all the aura instantly evaporated.

He didn't need his own urging at all, just let all the aura directly hit his skin under the senior effect of Feng Wu Jiutian's secret method.

(End of this chapter)

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