Chapter 159

"Dear distinguished guests, welcome to this welcome ball."

At the same time when the lights in the audience were turned off, a spotlight illuminated the center of the stage, and the host of the ball gave the opening remarks.

After everyone was slightly stunned, they felt bored and turned their attention back to the previous incident.

As a result, Ning Xiaoxi turned her head and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Where's Li Xiao?"

Li Xiao, who was supposed to be sitting next to Ning Xiaoxi, disappeared without a trace. Of course, there was also the waitress who "served enthusiastically" here just now.

In the corridor leading to the back kitchen, Li Xiao firmly held Xue Ning's hands.

"Captain Xue, calm down. I know I deserve death, but I really don't know anything about that video. Don't get angry, tell me what you are doing here first."

Li Xiao really tried his best to pull Xue Ning here quietly.

But now Xue Ning is not in the mood to listen to any explanation from him.

"Asshole, let me go."

"If you promise not to do anything, I will let you go."

"Let me go and I'll kill you."

"Fuck, you said it so bluntly, how can I let you go."

Li Xiao was very helpless and annoyed. He also really wanted to know who was going to put him to death and put that kind of video on the Internet.

Maybe others don't know who the male and female protagonists who have not shown their faces in the video are, but the Qinghe City Bureau Chief and others who visited him in the hospital know clearly. In order to protect the face of Xue Ning and the entire Qinghe Police, the Bureau Chief Those people will not be spared him.

What's even more frightening is that they were all stolen and photographed, and he didn't even know about it.

This kind of mistake is simply fatal to people who are often on the line of life and death.

"Captain Xue, listen to me. No matter who the person who shot and made the video is targeting, they don't want us to have an easy time. If you can think about it calmly, you should understand that now is not the time to deal with me. You should find the person who shot the video." The video guy is right.”

Li Xiao tossed and tossed for a long time, that is to say, this sentence finally hit the point.

Xue Ning, who struggled hard but couldn't break free, calmed down a little bit, closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before opening them abruptly.

"Let me go, I came today to catch Huofeng. When I catch the real Huofeng, all misunderstandings will be resolved naturally. Then I will deal with you!"

As expected of an excellent criminal investigator, Xue Ning calmed down her anger in a short period of time, and realized that it was not time to pay attention to personal grievances, and there were more important tasks for her to do.

But Li Xiao was dumbfounded.

The Qinghe Criminal Investigation Brigade dispatched collectively, disguised as the service staff of the entire hotel, and came here to arrest Huofeng?
It's ridiculous no matter how you hear it.

"Captain Xue, are you saying that you are here to arrest the person in the video?"

"The person in the video is you. Do I still need to go to such trouble to catch him? The real Huofeng is going to assassinate Paul, and now he may get mixed up with the dance crowd outside. You better be careful, Li Xiao, if I won't care if the real Huofeng finds out you're pretending to be her and kills you!"

While speaking, Xue Ning violently raised his foot and hit Li Xiao's vitals.

Li Xiao drew back and retreated, dodging the blow.

But my heart was still filled with infinite doubts. Where did this come from? Who said that I was going to kill Paul.

Protecting Ning Xiaoxi these days, using Huofeng's name to frighten those who don't open their eyes, not only didn't frighten them, but also made people worse, using his name to cause trouble everywhere.

The more Li Xiao thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt, and he wanted to hold Xue Ning to ask him.

Unexpectedly, Xue Ning pointed his gun at him suddenly, and shouted sharply: "Stay away from me from now on, and I will deal with you after I finish my business. You can run, but if you run to the ends of the world, I will chase you to the ends of the world."

After the words fell, Xue Ning turned around angrily, and put one hand on the walkie-talkie next to his ear.

Not sure what the other person said, Xue Ning's expression suddenly changed.

"Security to the monitoring room, and report to me at any time if there is any new situation. Where is the first team, immediately gather at the hotel entrance."

Xue Ning strode away.

Li Xiao raised his legs, but instead of following, he turned around and walked towards the hotel monitoring room.

Even though he couldn't hear what Xue Ning said on the walkie-talkie just now, he vaguely heard a foreign language.

May I ask, can the members of the Qinghe Criminal Investigation Brigade speak foreign languages?

of course not.

The person who spoke could only be Chris who pretended to be Interpol.

In the monitoring room, Lao Wang put down the walkie-talkie, turned his head to look at Chris, pondered for a moment, and smiled, "Mr. Chris, I really didn't expect you to have such strong observation skills. You spotted that suspicious-looking woman as soon as she appeared. .But why do I feel like you already knew she would be there?"

As soon as this question came out, the temperature in the monitoring room seemed to drop a few degrees suddenly.

Just 1 minute ago, the three Qinghe criminal investigation team members present, including Lao Wang, were all focused on the surveillance video, but they didn't find any clues. But it was this Chris who suddenly pointed at a suspicious foreign woman. .

Lao Wang didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately reported to Team Xue.

But after the report, he realized that something was wrong. This Chris was acting too suspicious, so he used words to test the other party.

Chris's face became much colder, but he still smiled and said, "Maybe, I'm oversensitive to certain things. It's like when I was in the police station today, I drew my gun and faced your team Xue. I'm still worrying about that matter." I regret it."

With a simple explanation, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the big monitoring screen: "Look, there is another suspicious person here."

Lao Wang and the other two team members did not suspect him, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at the big screen.

The attention was slightly shifted, and no one saw that Chris had drawn out the pistol with the silencer installed.

At this time, Chris felt that he didn't need to continue to pretend.

As long as the three people in front of him are dealt with, he can go downstairs unimpeded to join Lilia, and then go straight to the mission target Ning Xiaoxi.

He firmly believes that no one can stop him from joining forces with Lilia, and the only uncertain factor is that Huofeng who has been secretly protecting Ning Xiaoxi.

But now, the entire hotel is full of Huaxia police who want to catch Huofeng. As long as there is enough chaos, even that Huofeng has three heads and six arms, he can't even try to protect Ning Xiaoxi under the pursuit of Huaxia police.

This is the overall plan of their Nordic Double Eagles, and all the thinking is not incomplete.

A sneer appeared on Chris's face, and he had already foreseen the scene of the three of Lao Wang lying in a pool of blood.

But why can't the hand holding the gun pull the trigger?

Chris seemed to have seen the weirdest scene in his life. His hand and the gun fell together, and then the three Lao Wang who were staring at the big monitoring screen were knocked out on the monitoring platform.

(End of this chapter)

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