Chapter 1589 Shock
It was also during this period of time that Zhou Xinruo was also a little exhausted. She was finally about to achieve No. [-], so she was ready to run. The special training department hit the No. [-] in the Nine Parts, which has never been seen before or since. Who would have imagined a strange bird that suddenly appeared? Son.

Breaking his No. [-] in eight films, by the way, shattered her dream of No. [-] in nine films, and even her remaining No. [-] in seven films kept disappearing.

What she has to do every day, in addition to the normal practice of alchemy, she even has to try her best to learn those basic knowledge, and then keep improving her score to ensure that her purple gold jade bottle is still ranked first on other stone tablets a location.

It can be said that Zhou Xinruo has never been so tired since she came to Linghe Manor.

As time went by, this place became more and more lively. Even those who had never studied alchemy in other parts of the Third Academy planned to come and join in the fun. Even the First Academy and the Second Academy had some of their favorites, Coming here, I have a strong interest in the special assessment here.

I wanted to test how high a score I could get here.

There are more and more people, and it is also here that makes this place very lively.

With more people, it naturally became a place for some information exchange. At the beginning, everyone communicated with each other, about the basic knowledge of elixir, and later about some big and small things inside the manor, everyone began to talk to each other.

In the end, more and more gossip circulated.

When Li Xiao came here, he saw a long queue lined up in front of the second stele, and he just stood there quietly waiting.

I don't know how much time has passed, but if I tilt my ears, I can hear a few formal students lining up in front of me. At this moment, the things they are talking about seem to be about himself.

"Did you hear about it? A big thing happened in the past few days, and it was a very strange thing. Someone dared to steal jade sperms. And it is said that more than 100 of them have been lost."

"How can there be hundreds of them? I heard that the jade spirits in the breeding place are almost gone."

"I'm afraid you don't know that those jade essences were actually captured by Dean Li Qinghe and the deans of the three major colleges. I think it was Dean Li Qinghe who thought this jade essence was quite valuable at the beginning. , they caught it and raised it inside. You know they spent a lot of effort at that time. And they have been like babies all these years, and it is of great use to raise them."

"In the end, no one knows who stole it."

"That's right, those people at the breeding place have gone crazy, and even stopped talking everywhere, don't let them catch the guy who stole the rabbit. Otherwise, they will definitely chop him up."

"It's not just the people in the breeding department. I heard that the deans of the three major colleges also gave orders before they left. They must investigate this matter strictly and punish those who are caught."

"Do you think it's strange? Recently, our Third Academy has also been in a state of turmoil. Many strange things have happened. First, there was the special bird that could suppress Zhou Xinruo's beautiful woman, and now a rabbit thief came out. Guess these two people will Could it be the same person?"

Those people said more and more outrageous, but Li Xiao felt a little guilty.

Shrinking his neck.

Youdao is a fearsome word, even if you don't know the truth at all, sometimes you can gradually guess some real situations through guessing.

He didn't even understand why such a big commotion was caused by just stealing some rare birds and animals from the breeding place to eat back?
Everyone seems to know it, and when it comes to the thief who stole the rabbit, it looks like a common enemy.

Especially when I heard that those jade spirits played a very important role in the end, and seemed to be what Li Qinghe was most concerned about, now Li Xiao couldn't calm down even more.

Li Qinghe had always been someone he had difficulty facing head-on.

He didn't know what powerful abilities that guy had, and he didn't even know if this person had already surpassed the scope of normal people's comprehension.

Possess that kind of omniscient, omnipotent ability.

In case he stole the other party's rabbit and really annoyed the other party, all the good impressions left before will be gone.

Of course, the thing that made Li Xiao angry the most was that there were hundreds of jade spirits inside, but he didn't actually steal many at all.

Even if so much time has passed, there are actually only a few dozen of them, because he has clearly calculated before that if he wants to completely train the second Xiaozhou of Fengwu Nine Heavens, he only needs fifty. Rabbits will suffice.

What's more, in order to avoid making too much trouble, he even accumulated some spiritual rice through alchemy to supplement his own consumption.

Basically, it may take less than fifty rabbits to fully shape your second little week.

Now someone said that hundreds of rabbits have been lost over there, how is this possible?

While he was thinking about these questions, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from behind him.

"Where did you come from, little girl, don't you know how to line up? Why worry!"

Someone yelled loudly, and then a familiar voice could be heard angrily responding.

"I, Su Xiaomei, have never had the habit of queuing. Get out of the way and don't block my way."

Li Xiao followed the voice and saw a little elf girl pushing away the person blocking her and walking straight forward.

Someone stood in his way, and she even looked at him without fear. Although she was short in stature, she looked like a Xiaojiabiyu, but she was not at all timid when facing tall and strong men.

Su Xiaomei, that's right, this is the first person who paid a lot of money to buy a formal student quota from him.

Li Xiao just called out the name subconsciously, never expecting that that Su Xiaomei's ears are quite good.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw Li Xiao's side, his haughty expression turned into incomparable surprise for a moment, and he ran over quickly.

"Brother Li Xiao, it turns out you are here!"

Li Xiao was dumbfounded at the time, everyone seemed to have only met once, and only said a few words.

When did I become your brother Li Xiao?

Seeing Su Xiaomei's nimble figure quickly approaching, Li Xiao swallowed hard and took a step back without leaving a trace. Although the girl looked very cute, he knew that this Su Xiaomei definitely didn't show it. Then She is so innocent and innocent, maybe she is another black-bellied girl.

He knew a lot about this kind of person, and the agile look that Su Xiaomei showed just now made many male students around her look dull.

(End of this chapter)

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