The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1586 Hungry Red Eyes

Chapter 1586 Hungry Red Eyes
It's just that none of the rabbits I saw at that time was alive.

Finally, today I met those living Yuluojing, who could always sense the danger and easily escaped his arrest.

After all, this is the place where the Third Academy raises rare animals. Li Xiao dare not make too much noise. Otherwise, if other rare animals are disturbed, they will make noises and attract those guarding students. It will be difficult for him to explain. Why are you here.

Do you want to say that you are really hungry and ran here to catch rabbits to eat?

He might be beaten to death.

You can't make enemies, you can only outwit them.

Thinking of this, he remembered that Fatty Liu had told him clearly before that what these rabbits like to eat most is a special spiritual herb.

That kind of spiritual grass can be seen everywhere, but if you want to process it into Yu Rao Jing, which is your favorite method, you still need to go down the mountain to buy it.

In order to be able to succeed once, Li Xiao didn't attract others' attention. He could only suppress the hunger in his heart, and went down the mountain as fast as he could to buy those special fresh leaves.

He rushed back at a very fast speed.

He quietly hid outside the breeding place and observed carefully, then shook his head helplessly, and returned to his residence.

In fact, everything he did before has fully proved that he intends to steal the rabbit and eat it, but it is really not suitable for anyone to know in this way.

After all, there are special guards over there, and God knows if there will be that special thing that can be used as a monitor to monitor everything that happens around.

Before, Li Xiao was so hungry that his eyes were dizzy, and he rushed directly into the breeding place.

He regretted it a little, but fortunately he didn't alarm anyone at that time, and his speed was fast enough that no one would notice.

But it is impossible to catch the rabbit and run out, so the rabbit can only come out and fall into his hands.

As for how to get the rabbit into his own hands, this is actually quite a test.

It's a bit ugly to say stealing rabbits, it's better to say it's fishing rabbits.

The so-called fishing naturally requires some tools.

Back to my residence, I saw those bamboos that had turned into towering trees.With a slight smile, he picked off some bamboo knots as quickly as possible to weave a bamboo basket, then found the corresponding rope, and after testing the strength, he confirmed that the tools he made were completely fine.

Only then did he quickly run towards the breeding place.

"I want to eat rabbits."

Running all the way, I only felt my stomach growling, and a special shouting sound in my heart kept lingering in my mind.

This is definitely a state of extreme hunger.

But no matter how hungry you are, you must find a way to ensure your own safety.

Lurking in the feeding area, after carefully observing the surroundings for a while, I found that those who guarded the feeding area had already passed the feeding time at this moment, and all returned to their residences and began to practice.

It's just that those people also adjusted it, and placed a tall display screen in front of the feeding axis.

Obviously, the function of that display screen is to monitor everything that happens here. Once there is a problem, it can give an immediate warning and leave various evidences.

Li Xiao was very glad that his arrival and departure did not cause much change, and no one noticed that he had been there. Now that his head is clear, the only thing he wants to do is to let the rabbit escape from the breeding place by itself. Come out and run into his hands.

With a thought, he directly found something to cover his head and face.

Taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, he rushed to the fence next to the breeding ground in an instant, and cut out a hole enough for those jade spirits to escape as quickly as possible.

Then he ran back quickly, and in a relatively safe place, gently placed a few processed spirit grasses on the ground, and then set up the heaven and earth bamboo basket that he had woven before.

After taking a few steps back, he just waited quietly.

After many years of captivity in the breeding place, there are actually hundreds of Yuluojing.

At this moment, these jade spirits were already full, and most of them lay motionless on the spot, and some walked back and forth looking particularly proud.

Also quite fat.

Not long after, one of the rabbits suddenly turned its head.

The two long ears moved, and at a glance, they saw a few spiritual grasses swaying in the wind not far away.

The special fragrance communicated with the rabbit jumped forward a few times.

Originally, there was a fence gate blocking him and he couldn't escape at all.

But it is different now, there is a hole in the fence in front of him, enough for him to run out, and there is no obstacle in front of him.

Of course he didn't hesitate, he jumped up and down.

Jump and jump.

Finally arrived in front of the spirit grass, without any hesitation, he lowered his head and opened his mouth to eat it. It was also the moment when the jade essence bit the spirit grass, Li Xiao suddenly pulled the rope in his hand.

Without making a sound, the bamboo basket made a light sound and dunked the rabbit inside.

The rabbit was disturbed and wanted to jump and run away, but Li Xiao seized such an opportunity, how could he let him escape easily.

Suddenly pulling the rope in his hand, the bamboo basket made of Tiandi Bamboo has a strong force, directly holding the whole rabbit, and rushing back with Li Xiao's strength.

In a blink of an eye, the basket fell to the ground, and Li Xiao grabbed the rabbit.

No matter how hard this jade spirit struggles, it won't be able to make a single sound.

Body Yurao Jing is not the kind of rare birds and beasts that are good at howling.

Now Li Xiao grabbed the neck again, especially with his current cultivation base, coupled with the hard outer skin tempered by Feng Wu for nine days, only one rabbit could easily escape his control.

Without saying a word and quickly stuff the rabbit into his storage bag.

Then lightly tapped the ground.

While stepping backwards, he pulled another rope to drag back the few spirit grasses and bamboo basket sticks that had been left on the ground before.

Nothing was left, only a snow-white rabbit fur fell to the ground.

Of course, this is not the end.

While Li Xiao was retreating, he quickly looked for the surrounding ground, and finally found a suitable stone, kicked the stone lightly with his feet and flew back at a fast speed.

Just right, just before it landed, the hole in the fence he opened blocked the hole tightly.

At this moment everything is over, no one has noticed that the Yuluo Jing they raised has disappeared without a trace, and when Li Xiao returns to his residence, he doesn't think about other things at all.

(End of this chapter)

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