The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1584 Qualified Chapter 1

Chapter 1584 Qualified first
Moreover, Li Xiao also gradually understood that in the assessment of the first chapter, the results he obtained were unstoppable by anyone.

No one can easily surpass him.

But he also knew that Zhou Xinruo was trying his best to find an opportunity to complete the first recapture of the first stele.

In fact, he himself was very stressed.

To be honest, not getting full marks is also a matter of brooding for him.

You know, at that time, he was in a state where he didn't understand the real situation at all, and he reached such a high score by relying on his own ability.

But for him, there are still a lot of herbs left that have not been spliced. This is completely different from the previous situation. Once the splicing is completed, it proves that he fully understands all the knowledge content of the first chapter, and then writes down those The characteristics of plants, this is a comprehensive understanding of knowledge.

Li Xiao didn't do the first step and the second step, and got the first place. This is definitely not the first place he thinks is qualified.

Thinking about these in my heart, I started to practice with my eyes closed, feeling the changes in my body.

The reason why he has been putting all the emphasis on learning the knowledge of plants and trees this month is because his phoenix dance for nine days is still in a stage of immersion, but this silent stage is about to end soon.

That's two days at most.

Two days later, when the first silent stage is over, according to the record of Feng Wu Jiutian, his own changes will definitely produce quite special circumstances.

It sounds slow, but in fact, a day passes in the blink of an eye.

These few days Li Xiao was as usual, when he kept practicing there, he suddenly felt a sudden tremor in his body, and then there was a sound like a phoenix call, ringing continuously in his body.

The peculiar pain that had been present on the skin these days suddenly disappeared.

He knew that this was the final stage of his Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens achievement stage.

It seemed that there was an endless stream of heat erupting from his body, constantly lingering on his skin, making his whole body extremely red as if being burned by fire.

Because of his presence, the relatively gloomy and cold air around instantly sent out a faint heat wave to the surroundings.

There is even some special water vapor that condenses on the nearby stone ground.

I don't know how long it took, but the fiery feeling in Li Xiao slowly dissipated.

He was extremely excited, and looked down at his body, and immediately found that the outer layer of the skin, which was originally a normal complexion, was actually covered with a faint red halo.

This halo seemed to be seen only by himself, and it was completely absent when he looked in the mirror.

Perhaps this is a special effect of Fengwu Jiutian, which is to change people's physique without causing unacceptable changes.

He tentatively raised his hand and poked his arm. As soon as he poked it with his finger, he felt that the skin that was supposed to be soft had turned a little hard, like the special feeling of kraft paper.

This discovery filled his eyes with a golden light, and after moving his muscles and bones, he felt that his body was much lighter.

Suddenly use the aura in your body.

It was as if there were flames constantly surrounding him, and most importantly, his whole body flew into the air.

It's just that the flying distance is not particularly high, and the duration is only a few short breaths.

But it was like this that made him fully see the hope for the future.

The so-called phoenix dances for nine days, the literal meaning is very clear, that is, you can go to heaven.

On the one hand, it is to improve one's own ability for one's own growth and changes, on the other hand, it is to strengthen one's own cultivation, and on the other hand, it is to realize a special secret method, that is, to be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

Although it is only the first successful practice and the first small week of the first chapter has been completed, it can already allow him to swim in mid-air for a few breaths, which is enough to prove that his choice is Nothing wrong with that at all.

This is also Li Xiao's favorite thing.

At that time, without any hesitation, he began to follow the practice secret of Fengwu Jiutian again, the second operation of the small week.

In fact, what he did was not much different from before, except that before, he just slapped his own skin, but now he needs to add a certain amount of spiritual power, just like the situation of refining spirits.

With a kind of spiritual power in his hand, he slapped it on his skin, making the spiritual power into a compressed state, fully presenting on the skin.

This situation is like refining your own spirit.

That terrible state of pain is unbearable for most people.

However, Li Xiao suppressed all the pain with a kind of excitement and a state of happiness about his own growth.

However, just this time he endured all his pain and slapped every corner of his body for the first time, his eyes began to turn black.

The pain is very painful, but what really makes him feel dizzy is definitely not the pain, but the hunger.

He may have also imagined that this training method is to concentrate all of his own energy on the outer skin, as if he has emptied his inner body and put it on the outer skin.

If there is no timely supplement, he may be starved to death by his own consumption.

His eyes were dim and he looked around in private.

But in such an ordinary training place, it was not a canteen at all. How could he easily find something to eat there?

That is to say, when he saw the towering bamboos in the yard, he ran over and bit them, but it was a pity that the bite did not relieve his hunger, but made him feel It is even more painful, just because those bamboos are really too bitter.

Not anymore!
He couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to eat.

With this strong belief, he pulled up his last strength and ran towards the small cafeteria.

All the people in the Third Academy along the way saw a rather strange situation, that is, a figure with a big gray ditch on his back, galloping outward at an extremely fast speed as if his butt was on fire.

Everyone was taken aback, and they didn't even have time to see who that person was.

This way down the mountain.Go straight to the canteen.

He didn't even want to waste the time to open the door, so he jumped over the courtyard wall outside the small cafeteria and jumped in.

At this moment, Zhang Sanpang and Seven Fatty Eight Fatty are the ones who are on duty in the small cafeteria.

At this time, there is a pot of rice soup that has just been boiled.

(End of this chapter)

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