The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1580 Special blessing

Chapter 1580 Special blessing

Come to think of it, Zhou Xinruo has been here for several years, and has such potential. He can become the number one, not a perfect score, but close to it.

Who would have imagined that he completely overwhelmed Zhou Xinruo now.

Doesn't this mean that he has slowly started to get in touch with the special treatment that Zhou Xinruo would have.

Thinking of this, his own mood gradually became agitated.

But seeing the people around him slowly starting to retreat, Zhou Xinruo was getting ready to leave. He couldn't help but become anxious. He blinked and suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Look, everyone, look at the ranking on the first stone tablet." The No.1 person, why isn’t Zhou Meimei? It seems to have changed.”

It was this sentence that instantly made everyone who was still in excitement turn their heads.

Especially Zhou Xinruo looked at the first stele with disbelief.

It was also just as some people looked at it at the beginning, it was better to exclaim in unison, so that more and more people also discovered the problem.

The entire assessment office, which had been tending to be quiet, now became noisy again.

"The first stele has been replaced, and there is still someone who can surpass Miss Zhou. How is this possible?"

"The first one created by Meili Zhou was actually three years ago. No one could surpass Meili Zhou for three whole years. Why did it suddenly become like this today?"

"No, when did that number one appear? Does anyone know!"

"Who went there for the assessment just now?"

"No, no, now I'm thinking about a question, is beauty Zhou Xinruo the real number one in the eight movies?"

More and more people have discovered the problem.

The discussion became louder and louder, even surpassing the cheers that erupted when Zhou Xinruo won the first place in the eight films.

After all, everyone has never imagined this kind of thing before them.

It's just because Zhou Xinruo's achievements here have already reached the level that everyone can't even imagine. No one thinks that anyone can surpass Zhou Xinruo, and even think that one day in the future, after Zhou Xinruo has become the top alchemist , in order to find a new alchemy wizard and create new achievements.

Perhaps, there are quite a few people who think that if Zhou Xinruo has achieved what he is now, he is already an unprecedented latecomer, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to surpass him.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing that appeared in front of them really surprised everyone.

Li Xiaozhan was in the crowd.

In fact, he was very excited. He decided to think of a suitable way to reveal his identity when everyone had fully started to pay attention to the pattern of the fire phoenix. However, it was difficult to do this kind of thing.

After all, voluntarily admitting that you are a fire phoenix will easily arouse everyone's anger, and it is even possible that you will not be believed after voluntarily admitting.

In short, not only must he admit that he is a fire phoenix, but also he must be worshiped by everyone.

This is quite difficult to do, and you have to think carefully about how to succeed.

While Li Xiao was thinking about these issues, Zhou Xinruo, who was about to leave, stood there and stared blankly at the first stone tablet over there, and also saw Huo Feng, who was ranked above him.

She frowned slightly at first, but soon relaxed her brows again.

It seems that there is no wave in the heart.

After all, the number one on the first stone tablet was created three years ago, when she just came to Linghe Manor.

It is also the first time to participate in such an assessment, and I did not expect to get the first place.

Later, the knowledge I learned became deeper and deeper, so I didn’t think about changing my first priority. I just felt that the more profound the knowledge, the more important it was. No one would relearn the simplest basic knowledge. , and there is no need to refresh your own results.

And no one can surpass his results in three years.

She naturally wouldn't think about it that much.

But it's different now.

Someone even surpassed her.

I don't know what she was thinking, but she just nodded with a smile, and said softly: "It seems that a new alchemist with extraordinary abilities has appeared in our special training department. It must be a good seed."

Zhou Meimei opened her mouth slowly and said these words softly, obviously she had considerable admiration for the student represented by Huofeng.

Li Xiao was very happy, this was the kind of result he wanted.

But he never expected that right after Zhou Xinruo's words fell, this beautiful woman suddenly rushed to the first assessment training room.

Now Li Xiao was stunned.

What a competitive woman, she talks about praising others, but she really wants to continue to fight for the first place herself.

The situation changed a bit. It was also when Zhou Xinruo rushed into the first assessment training ground, the surroundings became restless again, and everyone slowly moved back.

Someone even moved the small bench directly, sat on the spot and began to seriously look at the first one, which was the quilt.

Some people are extremely excited.

"We may be about to witness a miracle. We must know that the number one in the first stele was created by Meimei Zhou three years ago. No one has been able to surpass it in the past three years. That strange-looking bird can surpass it." Meimei Zhou three years ago was also very powerful, but I believe that Meimei Zhou can easily surpass him with her current strength."

"Miss Zhou's strength must be very strong, no one can match it, I just want to know, who is that special bird?"

"Don't let me see that person dare to destroy it. Zhou Meimei's eight first, let Zhou Meimei's mood turn bad, I will never spare him."

As soon as this person's words came out, it immediately aroused the indignation of countless people around him.

"That's right, we must find that special bird, who dares to destroy the No. [-] in the eight parts of the Chinese beauty, we will never spare him."

The kind of worship that Li Xiao imagined does not exist.

Not even a compliment.

What he attracted turned out to be endless hostility from others.

Fortunately, he was not so anxious to reveal his identity just now, nor did he tell others that he was Huofeng.

Otherwise, he would have already been surrounded by everyone, and he would have endless accusations against him.

Sure enough, the treatment of this beauty is different. If her things are taken away legitimately, she will also be accused by others.

Li Xiao finally discovered such an important problem.

That is, even he has won the first place in the eight parts. Under the circumstances, it seems impossible to get that special blessing of heaven, just because everyone is here for beautiful women, and they don't care who is the first. , I just found a reason to praise my daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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