The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1577 Strange Exam

Chapter 1577 Strange Exam
Only those special patterns are in his eyes, and he has to stitch the correct patterns together completely, and he is definitely thinking that since they have been stitched together, why not write clearly the functions of those plants, so he has been constantly After the splicing is completed, write down the functions of those plants as quickly as possible.

The whole process was extremely fast, and his figure became grotesque in this illusory small space.

Any ordinary person can't see his figure clearly, where he is floating.

If the scene in front of them was seen by outsiders, everyone would gasp in disbelief that such a thing would happen, because they felt that the assessment in front of them had reached a heinous level.

Everyone only needs to choose those things that are relatively easy and can be found quickly, and splice them together with the correct name as quickly as possible. That is enough.

One thousand copies seems like a lot, but in fact, as long as the speed is fast enough, and the understanding is good enough, and a bit of luck, it can actually be completed within half an hour, but few people think about it. The effect is also completely written out.

After all, it is too late for everyone to just look for things, who has time to write?

But Li Xiao just did that, just because he used all his experience for a whole month to memorize the contents of the booklet, and even every punctuation mark clearly.

Now that you have come to participate in the assessment, why not do it like this?
As time passed, Li Xiao's speed became faster and faster, and all the spiritual energy in his whole body burst out directly, urging his speed to become extremely alert.

It is also fortunate that he is a practitioner now and has a strong spiritual energy supplement. Otherwise, with the physical condition of an ordinary person before, he would not be able to support such high-intensity activities like him.

In fact, he doesn't know how long it has passed, and even feels that his speed is not fast enough, there must not be much time left, and the sense of urgency in his heart is getting more and more, so he forgot to check how much he has successfully spliced ​​for the first time .

All in all, it's a rather peculiar process.

During this process, Li Xiao seemed to be completely immersed in it, and he also enjoyed the knowledge of alchemy.

In fact, in the past, it was just memorizing the knowledge in the books, which did not improve him at all, but now it is different, because the circular graphics around him actually have the real feeling of real plants, so he reached out to touch them.

By observing the illusory plant shapes in a three-dimensional way, he can also have a very intuitive understanding.

If he is allowed to go to the outside world to find these Chinese herbal medicines at this time.

He can definitely recognize the names and functions of those things at the first time, and he can even think of the way of having an ID card to make a plant that can be seen everywhere around him a very beneficial thing for him.

Just when Li Xiao was completely immersed in it, seeing that there were not many broken figures left in front of him.

All of a sudden, his eyes froze for a moment, and then he returned to the previous training room.

He was still sitting on that futon, with the display screen in front of him.

The numbers on the screen were changing rapidly, and everything around was silent and silent. Li Xiao hadn't regained his normal mind from the rapid activities, but there was a soft bang, and suddenly a special sight.

That is, some ribbon tidbits broke out on the display screen in front of him.

Then a score is clearly written on it, 18888 points.

Li Xiao wondered how the score was calculated.

But what is certain is that this score can guarantee that he will pass the assessment this time.

It's a pity that I couldn't completely assemble the few remaining plants, otherwise I might have been able to get full marks.

After all, Li Xiao is a person who pursues perfection.

It's a pity that since this assessment was successful, he didn't need to waste time here. With a soft click, the booklet he had placed on the screen appeared again and returned to his hands.

And the word qualified has been stamped on it.

It is with these two words that he can guarantee that when he goes to get the second quiz, he will not be rejected at all.

Just like that, he walked out of the test room happily, and before he had time to see how many people he had ranked, he was suddenly shocked by the strong cheers erupting outside.

Take advantage of the trend and look in the direction of the sound explosion.You can see the crowded places over there.

Zhou Xinruo walked out of the sixth room in the animal chapter without knowing when.

And looking at the first symbol on the stone tablet next to the room, it turned out to be the purple gold jade bottle.

As expected of someone who is regarded as a peerless alchemy genius, he became number one this time around.

Li Xiao was also full of admiration for that woman, while Zhou Xinruo seemed to be very dissatisfied with what she had done, as if getting the first place was not what he wanted, but a higher grade was what she wanted.

After the other party shook his head, he turned around and went to the next room.

It seems that this time I came here to directly pass the third booklet of the chapter on animals.

At this time, Li Xiao discovered a rather big problem.

Why was Zhou Xinruo able to complete three assessments at once?
It doesn't mean that you can only get the small book later if you succeed in the previous assessment, but the fifth stele does not have the symbol represented by Zhou Xinruo on it.

That fully proves that she hasn't passed the sixth test. Since she didn't pass, how can she still have the chance to turn around and go directly to the seventh?

Li Xiao, with such doubts, looked around, found the classmate in the assessment office, and opened his mouth to ask the doubts in his heart.

In the end, it was replaced by an unknown number of people around, looking at him like a monster.

"What's the matter with you? Do you know what a peerless genius is?"

"If Zhou Xin is here with us, everyone will hold it in their hands. What does she want? Even Li Qinghe, Dean Li, will go to help arrange it in person."

"That's an excellent treatment for a super-genius."

"Of course others have to pass one of the assessments before they have the next one, but Meimei Zhou is different. She has already got all the basic knowledge manuals from the first day of her arrival. There are no assessment restrictions on her at all. To put it bluntly What's more, Zhou Xinruo didn't come here to participate in the assessment at all."

(End of this chapter)

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