The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1569 Start Learning

Chapter 1569 Start Learning

"Fatty Nine starts today, and the nine of us will be on duty in turn. Remember your duty time. If you can't come because of something, please let us know in advance."

In this way, everyone in the canteen was unable to stay here regularly because they became official students. This resulted in them having to be separated, and a rotating duty system was implemented.

Everyone needs to work in their practice, which is simply exhausting.

Especially for people other than Li Xiao, it is very likely that in the last few days, all the time wasted in the previous ten or even decades and the joyful feeling after practicing have been replenished. .

Painful, quite painful.

Li Xiao was a little distressed, and always felt that his arrival might have brought such a special change to everyone.

But in any case, if these people are not worthy of everyone to change them, maybe there will be no such result.

If it weren't for the deans of the three colleges.Seeing that everyone in the small cafeteria is malleable, they won't spend so much time doing so many things.

Li Xiao secretly remembered when he was going to be on duty, and then turned around and rushed back to the residence at the special training office.

Speaking of practicing secret methods, the separate place over there is simpler and more convenient!

After all, there is a room that automatically filters the air, and there is a relatively quiet environment. Even if you make any special actions, you will not be affected by others.

When I returned to my residence, it was already very late, in the Lingshi room.

After Li Xiao meditated.

Taking a deep breath, he took out the book Feng Wu Nine Heavens, and began to carefully operate the aura in his body according to the above records.

The practice secrets of Fengwu Jiutian kept appearing in his mind.

After about an hour, Li Xiao slowly opened his eyes, looking thoughtful.

The secret method of Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens is indeed just a fragment as the old man said before.

At the very beginning of the above, I have already introduced the practice secrets of Fengwu Nine Heavens divided into nine levels.

Internally practice the spirit, externally practice the muscles, bones and skin, and practice the heaven, earth and people together.

That's it, there are nine levels. But in front of him, the book he got seems to only have the first level of skin cultivation method.

And I feel that the content recorded above must be very difficult if you really practice according to the process in it.

Another point is that it is clearly mentioned above that if you want to practice Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens, the biggest problem is consumption.

Just because it will consume too much internal energy, and if the internal energy is consumed too much, it needs to be replenished, so many pills to replenish internal energy are needed.There is also spiritual power that absorbs the aura of heaven and earth even more.

This also means that practicing the Phoenix Dance for Nine Heavens is also a matter of energy and money.

Fortunately, at present, it seems that Li Xiao doesn't pay much attention to these cultivation resources. After all, he has a special training office, a monthly fixed salary here, and extra meals that may be provided at any time in the small cafeteria.

Anyway, I have already obtained this book, and I have decided to continue practicing no matter how difficult it is.

What pleased him just now was that the Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens mentioned above is just a cultivation method equivalent to inner strength and mental method, and there are also some records of external processing. For example, one of the most important ones is also the one that surprised Li Xiao the most. The recording method is the final word.

This final name sounds really weird.

But also because of this weird name.

It can be easily understood what the above-mentioned secret method of outsiders looks like, that is, the fist is used as a hammer to attack outwards.

It only takes one shot to complete a one-hit kill for everyone.

And the above records seem to be a bit exaggerated, that is, once the final word is cultivated to the extreme, then it can be said that everything is invincible and can be smashed easily.

I feel very puzzled, I really don't understand how this thing is recorded in Fengwu Jiutian.

In his impression, any event related to the phoenix is ​​full of magical colors, but this final decision is too vulgar.

But after reconfirming that the book's name was indeed Feng Wu Jiu Tian, ​​his eyes were filled with determination.

I decided to practice step by step according to the contents memorized in it, never letting go of a single bit.

According to Feng Wu Jiutian's starting style, first of all, he should practice a kind of cultivation on his own skin, and the initial method of this cultivation is to slap his whole body continuously.

Li Xiao is a very persistent person.

From the fact that he was able to be caught by others a long time ago, he stabbed himself with a hundred and eight knives to get relief. It can be seen that Li Xiao is definitely not such a person who easily surrenders, but a ruthless person.

It is precisely because of his ruthless attitude that he has been able to live until now.

So no matter how much pain he endured, he would not give up easily. He practiced in this special way for a whole night. On the second day, he felt that there was no pain in his body.

Even fidgeting.

For Li Xiao, this is simply an unimaginable situation. You must know that he has not had this special feeling for many years, especially the first time he had such a feeling. When I was forced to exercise myself, I ran a full [-] kilometers of mountain roads all day, and when I finally climbed home, I felt like this the next day.

It can be imagined that he has practiced cultivation and reached the point where he has been completely reborn. It is no longer the normal situation in the past. It can even be said that he is no longer an ordinary person, but he can have that kind of ordinary person. Yes, I feel pain all over my body.

What does this prove?
This proves that he himself is undergoing another special transformation, and this transformation comes entirely from the practice of Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens.

But even if it is so painful, wait until he goes to the small cafeteria.Still insisted on finishing the work this morning.

As soon as the work was over, he immediately returned to his own domicile, and continued to practice Fengwu Jiutian. At this time, he seemed to have difficulty even standing, and he didn't know how to do it, but he had to force it I actually jumped in the open space.

This is also the practice method recorded in Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens.

That is to carry out a method equivalent to anaerobic exercise to accelerate the blood all over your body when you are the most painful.

A special impact on the skin all over the body, from which again even better results occur.

(End of this chapter)

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