Chapter 1514
Among all Li Xiao's previous trainings, his training was actually the most powerful, so much so that his physical strength was able to surpass many people without activating any secret techniques at all.

On the other hand, Dean Wu and those people should have come to Longteng Manor a long time ago, and they have been studying all the time. Those special secret methods rarely exercise their own physique, at most they just eat some natural materials Dibao, after realizing their own rebirth, did not achieve the kind of real physical strengthening in the fundamental sense, which caused them to spend more energy when dealing with those special objects.

From this point of view, Han Dongjian, who was the weakest among them, was the one who really couldn't bear this situation.

Han Dongjian's already extremely pale face became even paler now, but the other party still insisted on standing where he was, without moving, as if he was thinking about what actions to take in the various processes that followed.

In fact, Han Dongjian has been waiting for such an opportunity for a long, long time, and he knows his own situation best.

It is precisely because of the unimaginable damage to his body due to the wrong way of practice for a long time in the past, so he transformed from real practice to alchemy, and he wanted to refine a special kind of elixir , to help him recover completely.

It's just that this kind of process requires a long, long period of preparation, but what Han Dongjian lacks is time.

Fortunately, the situation has not reached the worst point, at least it is so close to here, he can come here every day to look for those natural treasures that can be used by him, and it can be seen that he met the giant before. When it was a python, he didn't care about any special influence at all, but he did not hesitate to use methods on that giant python. In fact, he took a fancy to the snake gall on the giant python's body and the horn on the top of its head.

Its purpose is to achieve what he wants, the most powerful elixir refined by Tiancaidibao to help his vitality recover.

If we say that the snake gall and horns of the giant python are already considered rare treasures.

So in his eyes, the rare birds and animals appearing here at this moment are also countless times more powerful than the giant python, and are also many times more valuable, and are more valuable materials for making elixirs.

Of course, these rare birds and beasts may not be something he can look up to.

Just by looking at his current expression, one can guess that the special vibration inside the volcano and the source of this vibration are what he wants most.

Maybe that kind of thing is what he can really find, and it is also an excellent item that can help him recover to his peak state in a short time.

While Li Xiao was observing the surroundings and thinking about various special situations.

Bang, bang, three muffled bangs in succession.

The time interval this time was very short, and at the same time, the magma erupted from the crater became more turbulent, and blazing rays of light rushed into the sky, directly dispersing the entire dim sky, and were covered by endless red. shrouded in light.

After a while, hot magma water began to slowly flow down from the crater, along the hard ground towards the surrounding ancient buildings, washing over and over again.

Also with the ravages of these magma waters, some ruined buildings that were still left gradually collapsed, but only the ancient buildings that were robbed by those rare animals and Dean Wu and others, in the raging water of speeches, Can last for a long time.

Li Xiao felt very surprised, because in his cognition, as long as it is something that humans can build, and the materials that can be imagined, nothing can resist such hot magma.

However, the materials used in these ancient buildings seem to have a special effect in the magma, completely resisting the hot rock burning.

Then, convert it into energy for fixed assets.

It is hard to imagine that even this kind of building can produce an energy transformation.

It has to be said that the civilization and knowledge reserves of those humans who once lived here have surpassed the existing humans.It has to be said that there are so many miraculous sights in ancient times that are difficult to explain with science.

Of course, it doesn't seem very real now that those ancient buildings can withstand the hot magma water.

What really stunned Li Xiao was the strange scene that erupted from the crater again.

As the endless magma water flows down, a special building gradually emerges above the crater.

It seems that a pavilion that had been immersed in the interior of the volcano and completely melted, unexpectedly emerged slowly with the flow of magma when the magma water continued to flow outward.

A special sight.

In addition to this strange scene, there is more of a special breath of life that can be clearly felt, which is slowly emanating from the ancient pavilions and pavilions, and continues to spread to the surroundings.

All the rare birds and beasts breathed fiercely, what they wanted was this special breath of life to stimulate the growth of their achievements.

While watching Dean Wu's side, everyone sat cross-legged, completely ignoring the others, and began to absorb the aura of life.

Especially that Han Dongjian, he almost rushed up to the pavilion and swallowed it up.

Fortunately, the other party, even though he was a little crazy, still maintained his rationality. He didn't make such impulsive actions, but quietly suppressed his inner thoughts, sat on the spot and began to violently absorb all the breath of life. As he absorbed the white hairs that appeared on the top of his head, they slowly dissipated at a speed that could be clearly seen, and transformed into the normal black that should have been before.

When everyone was absorbing this life information, something else appeared again in the distant sky directly above the crater.

The first thing Li Xiao saw was the captain of Longteng Manor, and the other four deans of real rank.

At this moment, these five special people were glowing with gorgeous light all over their bodies, and they were slowly approaching the crater.

On the other side, several high-level rare birds and beasts that were obviously looking like monsters completely transformed into human forms. They stepped forward at the same time and slowly approached the special building in the crater from another direction.

All the people and objects kept their eyes unblinking, staring at the special ancient building floating on the edge of the crater, not daring to relax at all.

(End of this chapter)

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