Chapter 1487

It was this sentence that shook Pang Tong's firm mind. He finally understood Li Xiao's meaning, which was to assign a person to deal with that Han Fei.

As long as they can hit the opponent, then this side of the printing pad will naturally become an ownerless thing, and it is impossible to pose any threat to them.

"Go, I'll stand here."

"Stop talking nonsense, no one is the same! Go!"

Li Xiao suddenly shouted loudly and used the evil secret ability that he had never wanted to use before.

You know, he has already begun to plan to completely abolish these evil secrets and practice the orthodox secrets here, just because he has a very deep understanding of Longteng Manor. There is a big difference, but he believes that everything here must be the best thing that can be found in the world.

If he doesn't even learn the best things, then what else does he want to learn?

But at the moment before him, he had no choice but to use the secret method he had learned before.

Just because once used, these evil secrets will reveal his own secrets on the one hand, and on the other hand will make his previous abolition efforts come to naught.

Because every time you use it, you deepen your cultivation memory.

And once the practice is strengthened, it will take more time to abolish it.

But compared to the preservation of life, the wasted time is somewhat insignificant.

Pang Tong also felt it at this time, the pressure on his arm was slightly relieved, he glanced at Li Xiao in astonishment, and finally realized that the ability of the guy beside him was much greater than he imagined.

Since Li Xiao can persist for a while, why should he hesitate any more.

At that time, he slammed on the ground, and then the whole person rushed out directly along the gap between the printing pad above and the ground.

For any normal person, it is simply impossible to move freely while half buried below the ground.

But for Pang Tong, he could easily lift and fly a thousand gold boulder, let alone such a small self-action in front of him.

It was also with him completely breaking away from the original place, leaving the area covered by the printing pad.

Hearing a loud bang from behind, the printing pad shook slightly for a few times, and finally fell down completely, directly leveling with the ground.

But Li Xiao's whole body was completely crushed to the ground.

Pang Tong turned his eyes slightly, and was terrified when he saw this scene.

The whole person's speed was extremely fast, and he rushed towards Han Fei like a bull. He didn't even make any special movements, just stretched out his arms and hugged Han Fei directly, his hands were like a pair of pliers , grabbed the opponent's throat.

Even if Han Fei was killed, one of the two people who had been completely suppressed by him would rush out, throw him to the ground in an instant, and choke him tightly.

His breathing stopped, and Han Fei felt quite frightened.

After all, no one has ever fought against him in this way before.

All he could do was to struggle hard, and he also broke out all his strength to resist Pang Tong.

Obviously, Han Fei was not as strong as Pang Tong.

But after all, the realm of his cultivation is far higher than that of everyone around him.

At this moment, he mobilized all the spiritual energy resources in his body, placed layers of barriers around his body, and forced away Pang Tong's hands that were grabbing his neck.

Time is very slow, but it has a fairly effective effect.

Pang Tong just felt a force that couldn't be pitted anywhere, and stretched his hands, forcing him to move away from Han Fei little by little.

But he still felt annoyed in his heart. Even if he was about to be knocked away by some irresistible force, he still waved his fist and smashed it hard at Han Fei's head.

You must know that those so-called aura barriers can resist everything around them, but they cannot produce any effective resistance to an ordinary physical attack method.

Especially that special vibration.

Even if Pang Tong hits his face with another punch, it will not cause any external damage to his face, but it can shake his brain as if being shaken by something vigorously, the whole brain is shaken very painful.

It didn't take long, and Pang Tong had no idea how many fists he had punched, but Han Fei's mouth was dripping with blood.

There was no other way, Han Fei couldn't take it anymore, that was to take back all his mental power, and at the same time set up a barrier around himself, he used his own refining method to directly move a huge stone not far away towards Pang Tong's Hit the back of the head.

It has been said before that these qi refiners can move objects in the air, and what they can do is naturally attract some external objects and use them as props that can impact others.

Han Fei's ability is far stronger than those young people Li Xiao and Pang Tong faced before.

It is precisely because of this strength that he was able to make the most correct choice in a short period of time. Even if Pang Tong wanted to beat Han Fei until he was completely killed, he still couldn't help feeling a kind of The sense of crisis is completely subconscious and sideways avoidance.

As he dodged, a huge boulder flew past where his head was just now and hit a big tree not far away. The tree, which was as thick as two people could hug each other, was completely knocked down. It broke apart and fell to the ground.

At this point, everything that happened in front of them was beyond the cognition of everyone present.

No one expected that the situation would become so bad, and even produce such a powerful destructive force, but one thing is certain, whether it is Han Fei or Li Xiao and Pang Tong.The abilities possessed by these few people are definitely not comparable to them.

After all, under such circumstances, no matter who was in the position of those three people, they would have died long ago, but they still had the strength to fight.

And the next moment something that shocked them even more happened.

As Pang Tong dodged, Han Fei got up from the ground, took a big breath of fresh air, and recovered his strength.

The ground trembled again, and the printing pad that Han Fei had used just now trembled twice, randomly flew up from the ground, and smashed hard at where Han Fei was.

Some people thought that it was Han Fei himself who was pulling the printing pad back to his side.

But Han Fei knew very well in his heart that he didn't have the strength to direct these foreign things now.

So what's the real result?
Naturally, it was Li Xiao's action.

(End of this chapter)

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