The toughest man in the city

Chapter 144 Money I Can't Take With Me

Chapter 144 Money I Can't Take With Me

Li Xiao came to the casino to make money for himself.

But by mistake, it was really unexpected to help Lao Cheng get back the money that was scammed.

That Wu Dafu was also considered sensible, no matter how much he made a move, he obediently transferred all the 200 million and one cent to Lao Cheng, and swore that he would never dare to take Cheng Cheng's idea again, even if he took a second look, Also gouged out two eyeballs to apologize.

After doing this, Li Xiao felt quite unfulfilled.

Before you put any effort into it, the other party is intimidated, and you say it's annoying.

After staring into Wu Dafu's eyes for a few seconds, and convinced that that guy had no guts to take revenge on Lao Cheng's family, he walked out of the private room on the second floor contentedly.

But before he could take a breath, an ominous premonition lingered all over his body in an instant.

Old Cheng is gone.

After Wu Dafu transferred the money to pay back the money just now, Li Xiao asked that guy to come out and wait outside, and now the entire corridor is empty.

What will happen to a gambler who is addicted to gambling, who is in a casino and has just received 200 million in arrears.

"Damn it, that old thing won't be gambling again. Can you still be a little bit human!"

Li Xiao was in a hurry.

It was entirely out of Cheng Cheng's face that he took the initiative to help the old guy get the money back.

Originally, he wanted to let him take the money home so that his wife and children could live a prosperous life, but he couldn't figure it out. Old Cheng couldn't wait for a few minutes, and wanted to be a money-scattering boy again.

You've already gotten to this point, why don't you change?
When he ran downstairs quickly and searched around, he saw Lao Cheng sitting in front of a video game device with a chip of 200 million in his hands, giggling. Fainted.

"Old Cheng!"

"Don't bother me, I'm rich today, win all the money in his casino!"

Cheng Yuliang said nothing without looking back, completely forgetting that it was Li Xiao who helped him get the money back.

As long as Li Xiao is willing, he can rush forward, pinch Lao Cheng by the neck, and force him to change the chips into money and leave here.He could even use coercive means to cut off Lao Cheng's source of money together with Cheng Cheng's mother and daughter, so that he would have no money to gamble.

But what's the point of doing that.

Lao Cheng was already terminally ill and had to borrow money to continue gambling.

In the end, it was nothing more than a usury to collect debts, and then let Cheng Cheng's family fall into a situation where they could never recover.

The only way to solve the problem is to make Lao Cheng dare not gamble or not want to gamble from the bottom of his heart, so that he will be afraid from the bottom of his heart when he encounters a gambling situation.

It's easy to say, but it's easy to do... In fact, it's also very easy.

Li Xiao looked at the back of Lao Cheng's head buried in the chips into the machine, smiled coldly, and retreated.

Today's visit to this casino is no longer just about making money, but also a task to help Lao Cheng quit gambling. Whether he can succeed or not depends on whether the owner of the casino is willing to cooperate.

He walked around the first floor for half a circle before finally finding an idle machine, sat down, spread his hands to look at the few remaining chips, and stuffed them into the coin box.

At the same time as he was betting, in the control room on the fifth floor of the casino, a group of people stood up and shouted: "Report, that guy who won seven hands in a row just now made another move."

"Huh? Focus on that kid and tell the first floor to get ready."


The people in the main control room are busy.

Li Xiao may have already guessed that the people in the casino would pay special attention to him, but he didn't realize how high the level of attention those people paid to him.

He just wanted to win 100 million as quickly as possible, and then started a plan to quit gambling for Lao Cheng, but he didn't expect that the people in the casino would not give him a chance to quit.

He just sat in front of that machine and won only one round before the staff of the casino found him.

There is no rude attitude, just use the aging of the machine and need maintenance as an excuse to ask him to change to another machine for entertainment.

What a high-sounding reason.

As if he couldn't tell, after he got up and left, four or five people looked as if they were going to dismantle the machine, carefully checking whether the thing had been tampered with.

It is obvious that he is suspected of playing tricks.

But the problem is that he wins money entirely by luck, how could he resort to such indecent means.

Forget it, there is no need to think so much about things that can be expected. Change the machine and continue.

In the end, after a round of victory, the same group of staff members showed up and asked him to transfer with the same reason.

After being driven to other places several times in a row, Li Xiao's temper also came up, he slapped the table and angrily said: "Where is the manager, call the manager of your casino!"

As soon as these words came out, a middle-aged man in a suit ran over quickly.

To the manager on the first floor of the casino, Li Xiao was like a bright light shining in the dark.Winning money with big odds seven times in a row, this has never happened a few times in the history of the casino since it opened. Who dares to say that this guy didn't tamper with the machine, anyone would believe it.

But when the manager was running, he made eye contact with a few technicians, and after getting a hint that everything was normal, he felt bad all over.

God knows what kind of psychological struggle he went through before he could face Li Xiao with a smile on his face, and nodded slightly: "Sir, I am the manager on the first floor of the casino, what do you need?"

"It's boring for me to play. Give me those chips and exchange them for money. I'm leaving."

Li Xiao lifted the basket of chips and shook it slightly.

Looking at it, there were almost a million of them, and the smile of the casino manager froze immediately.

"Sir, are you sure you want to exchange all these chips into money and take them away?"

The tone of the casino manager was a bit cold.

Just because I have worked here for so many years, it was the first time I saw someone who wanted to exchange more than 100 million cash.

"Why, you are such a big casino, do you still want to default?"

Li Xiao's tone was equally cold.

He no longer hides it, he firmly believes that the person who can open such a large casino will never care about a mere 100 million, and he is not greedy, all he wants is this money.

There is only one irreconcilable contradiction, that is, the 100 million was won back with only 100 yuan of principal.

How can there be any casino in the world that will watch a gambler make a huge profit of [-] to [-].

If it was someone else who did this, even if the casino was forced to exchange the chips for money and send them out under the watchful eyes of everyone, they would use various means afterwards to keep that person from staying 500 meters away from the casino.

But Li Xiao is not afraid of this trick.

As long as he leaves the gate of the casino, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu don't even try to stop him.

What he is worried about is that if he can't get the money now, then everything will be in vain.

He stared coldly at the casino manager in front of him, always ready to mobilize the emotions of the gamblers around him and put pressure on them.

After a moment of contemplation, the manager on the opposite side smiled again: "Sir, wait a moment, I'll go ask our boss for instructions."

After saying this, the manager turned his head and left.

As he left, four or five strong men stepped forward and blocked all of Li Xiao's ways.

(End of this chapter)

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