The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1412 A Different Life

Chapter 1412 A Different Life

The Great Elder bowed his head solemnly and said: "It seems that I can only use all my strength. I don't know what kind of impact this will cause. After all, it is what I have learned all my life. Using it will definitely produce some spiritual stances. application, or even cause some unpredictable changes in the situation. You must be careful. Survival is not difficult, the key is how to continue to live normally is the most difficult thing?"

Li Xiao didn't quite understand what the Great Elder's words meant.

But now I can only pin all my hopes on this old man. After all, I said earlier that when I met this evil woman, the Great Elder slapped her down casually, but Li Xiao exhausted all his strength. None of them had the slightest impact on that thing, which is enough to show that the Great Elder's ability is greater.

Everyone sat together, facing each other, and the four of them sat cross-legged on the ground, always in a state of four-dimensional protection.

Even the great Zhaoyang King looked serious at this moment. Of course, seriousness is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he looked at the baby in his arms with an obviously loving expression, with a kind of expression on his face. A loving smile.

It's hard to imagine that people who have been alone for so many years, and who have inherited energy for thousands of years and are in a special state of mind, can still show the same emotions as ordinary people at this time.

Li Xiao was stunned, but after he was stunned, he shook his head vigorously.

How long has this been, are you still thinking about this?

"Use all the strength of your body to resist the surroundings. I can feel your strength, and then I will induce these forces to cause some impact. Remember, no matter what happens afterwards, don't forget who you are! "

When the Great Elder said these words aloud, Li Xiao didn't care about anything else, he was able to release all the mental power he had mobilized.

The darkness covered the sky and the sun, as if a gust of wind had blown up from the ground, sweeping away the entire old man Wang's house.

In an instant, everything around him disappeared.

Li Xiao felt that his whole body was completely in a spinning state. Even with his strong physical quality, he couldn't calm down for a moment in this spinning state.

Slowly, I felt that I had completely lost consciousness, and when I opened my eyes again, I felt a rather big difference lingering around me.

This is quite a scary thing, Li Xiao was obviously attacked by evil spirits and suffered unusual mental damage.

He himself didn't know how terrifying what he encountered was that others used ordinary power, but he used all his spiritual power.

When there is a special existence in his body to help him get rid of all difficulties, he has never paid special attention to his own safety, just because if his life is really in danger, he will never have the opportunity to do those things. put yourself in danger.

Unexpectedly, this time is different, the danger may not necessarily be aimed at life, but may also be aimed at spiritual power.

It's a pity that Li Xiao didn't realize these problems at all, he always felt that there was no danger and he was still alive.

Since there is no danger, it might be a good opportunity.

It's just that at the beginning of the development of things, Li Xiao didn't know if these were real opportunities. He only knew that when she woke up again, she found herself lying on a hard object, surrounded by a large area of ​​darkness.

what happened?

where is this?
He was a little panicked and wanted to sit up, but just as he straightened his body, his head hit a thick wooden board above his head.

The pain is not very painful, but it is quite speechless.

But it was also this collision that made him soberly aware of where he might exist.

"This can't be inside the coffin, could it be that I accidentally fell into the coffin? Someone put the lid on the coffin again?"

Li Xiao muttered to himself thinking about these questions, and stretched out his hands to explore everything around him.

The top, bottom, left and right are all made of wood, and all signs show that he is indeed in a coffin, but this coffin is completely different from the one he saw before.

Just because they were all stone coffins before, but at this moment they have become wood.

Is it possible that there is such a saying as shifting shape and changing position?

He felt very baffled.

After being inexplicable, at a certain moment, a special voice kept echoing in her ears.

"You are still you, but everything you experience may not be everything you will experience."

Who is speaking?

Li Xiao turned his head and looked around, but he couldn't see anyone at all.

"You are, Great Elder?"

He tentatively asked, but the voice didn't give him any response at all, and continued.

"Actually, you are a fool."

"You are the fool!"

"You have been suffering from madness since you were three years old. Sometimes you will go crazy, and sometimes you will be sober. The time when you are sober is exactly the same as the time when you are crazy. You have lived like this for more than ten years. Suffering from this special illness. Until one day you did something wrong and were beaten to death with sticks. That’s how all this happened.”

Li Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, even though he didn't know who said the words in his ear, and he didn't even know where the voices came from, he still had a rather speechless expression.

I just want to reply, you are the lunatic, and the whole family is lunatic, what are you kidding, can such a weird thing happen?
He complained in his heart, but the voice next to his ear continued.

"There are people and events that you can't imagine here, but all events will boil down to one point, that is, you belong to the lowest end of existence here. Before you did a very stupid thing, that is to fight Broken the family heirloom that the Li family has kept for a long time. You smashed the priceless things for no reason, and the current patriarch of the Li family will only hold a meeting to punish you if you offend the current patriarch. I was going to beat you 100 sticks Throw it out of the house and ignore it, but in the end, who knows that you didn't even survive 50 sticks, so you died."

Things became more and more outrageous, and Li Xiao just wanted to curse people at that time.

Why is the Li family, why they were beaten with a stick and died, isn't this alive?

There was no way, he only felt that he might have encountered evil spirits or had some kind of hallucination.

But no matter what, no matter how much that voice said, it was not as important as one thing, and that was his life.

He has to leave this ghost place temporarily.

Thinking of this, he looked left and right with a sneering smile on the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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