Chapter 1410
He must also have his own growth process, and he was in danger before the expected date of delivery. Besides, King Zhaoyang continued to perform various Chinese medicine techniques and brewed various rather strong medicines, all of which were fed to him. The eldest daughter-in-law of the old man Wang's family ate it.

The end result is that no one knows what kind of baby will come out.

However, the baby's own absorption ability is still quite poor.

Therefore, after such a long time, he still could not fully absorb the nutrients provided by the king.

This led to a complete delay in the birth of the baby. No one knows how long this delay will last, but after such a long time, even the king is not sure whether it can be guaranteed to be normal born.

Once she can't guarantee it, then everything she has done before will be in vain.

That's why, when she and the First Elder saw that special woman appear, they immediately chased her out.

In the final analysis, the problem must be solved based on the real reason why the baby came into this world, so that the matter can be solved perfectly.

It's just that at present, it is difficult to get the answer she wants from a woman who is alive or not.

So after bringing the person back, he had to do some painstaking research.

However, with such a special guy like Li Xiao by his side, King Zhaoyang became more confident and calm.

Because who is Li Xiao?

That's a fire phoenix!

Every drop of blood on his body has a powerful self-healing ability. Once any danger arises, just inject a part of Li Xiao's blood into the baby, which will naturally ensure that the baby will not have any life crisis.

Li Xiao didn't know that he accidentally appeared here and was regarded by King Zhaoyang as a human-shaped blood transfusion machine.

If he had known this was happening, he would have quit.

None of the three said anything, and continued to walk towards the village. Before reaching the entrance of the village, they saw Old Man Wang and his eldest son standing at the entrance of the village waiting for a long time.

The old fairy ran out just now, and even disappeared with his little granddaughter, which made old man Wang feel quite a lot of mental pressure.

He was really very worried, what would he do if the old fairy left directly and no longer cared about their family's life and death.

In fact, he should have called someone to send their daughter-in-law to the hospital when the matter was just beginning to emerge, but this old man knew deeply what he had done before, what kind of consequences could be caused, and put everything The hope of survival is completely placed on the Great Elder, which has also caused him to not consider any modern medical treatment at all.

As long as the Great Elder doesn't leave, he won't leave either.

In fact, this behavior cannot be regarded as normal behavior at all in the eyes of today's young people.

Old man Wang's eldest son has asked his wife to be sent to the hospital countless times, but old man Wang always slaps him in the face and scolds him for being useless.

The development of the matter has far exceeded everyone's imagination. The old man Wang has no way to tell everyone the truth, and he has been holding his breath in his heart these days, only waiting for when his grandson will be born safe and sound. The truth of the matter is fully told to everyone.

In fact, the Great Elder and King Zhaoyang are not stupid. It is obvious that this old man Wang has a secret of his own.

But what exactly this secret is, it is not convenient for them to ask more now.

In short, after arriving here, King Zhaoyang no longer concealed his whereabouts, and Xiao Zhao, the person pretending to be Shen Qingwu, became a little cheerful at this moment. After all, he could be with Li Xiao Together, it can really make everyone who cares about him feel better.

Xiao Zhao stepped forward, looked at Old Man Wang's eldest son, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Has the medicine I asked you to boil come out? Those ants are extraordinary things, and if you don't use a little I can’t guarantee what kind of danger you will encounter.”

Xiao Zhao approached and said these two simple words, scaring old man Wang's eldest son out of his wits.

There is no way, they have experienced too many strange scenes here these days, and they really can't believe how the special combination of an old man and two granddaughters in front of them can make things evolve into something that normal people can't understand the point.

Especially the countless ants that night, climbing back and forth in the whole yard, had already scared people out of their wits.

If Old Man Wang hadn't thought about having a grandson to cheer up his wife, maybe everyone wouldn't be able to eat normally these days.

The small courtyard was also full of people. Old man Wang's elder son looked at Li Xiao who was standing there with a woman on his shoulders, and he didn't know what to say, so he quietly hid in his bedroom. inside the room.

To be honest, he was really scared, he didn't want to contact these people, he didn't even care about anyone's life or death, he just wanted to get out of here early and leave completely.

Not many people here care about that person's thoughts.

While Li Xiao looked at everything around him, he didn't quite understand what happened here, and always felt that it was a wrong choice to come back with the First Elder and the others.

"Put people here."

Zhaoyang Wang's cold words reached Li Xiao's ears, obviously asking Li Xiao to put the woman on his back directly in the middle of the yard.

But Li Xiao would not be happy yet.

"That won't work, this person is obviously a very important person, how could he just throw it in the yard casually. I said great king, where is your room? I will send him directly to live with you Can not be done?"

Li Xiao's face was full of laughter.

King Zhaoyang also had a sneer on his face, pointed to one of the rooms casually, and said, "It's over there, or you can send people there."

Li Xiao did not doubt other problems and walked forward directly. While opening the door, he turned back to see what kind of reaction King Zhaoyang and the Great Elder had.

Just as he turned around, the woman on his back just faced the door head-on. At the same time, the door opened with a sound of Zhiga, and the old man Wang's wife came out, and when he raised his eyes, he hit the woman. Facing him, he screamed in fright, and took several steps back in pain.

"That's right, it's her, it's her!"

Li Xiao was a little dumbfounded and didn't understand why there was an old lady here.

Of course, what matters is not the old lady, but what the old lady said.

Who is it?

I've never been here before, and I don't know anyone here.

(End of this chapter)

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