The toughest man in the city

Chapter 1394 Small Gifts

Chapter 1394 Small Gifts

Just because those of the same kind felt the dangerous aura emanating from Li Xiao's body, they all escaped completely, and Xie Wanqing had a premonition that she would also suffer unimaginable pain because of it, and the only thing she could do in the end was to burst out all the rage. Strength, wanting to break free for a chance to survive, started a desperate contest with Li Xiao.

But if the evil spirit attached to Xie Wanqing's body were to do this before, it might cause a lot of trouble to Li Xiao, just because Li Xiao didn't understand what it looked like at all, so he didn't know how to solve it. , I can only completely control it by relying solely on my own blank mental power storm.

It can only be controlled but not resolved.

But it's different now, with that special antique book completely integrated into his body.

Then, the result was that his eyes suddenly brightened.

I don't know what happened, but a special message was transmitted to his mind.


A special vocabulary was formed in his mind, and then a special cyan power began to circle around his fingertips, gradually replacing his own spiritual power, and then the spiritual power that pulled him also turned into that cyan power. , something like the aura of heaven and earth, along the arms that he and Xie Wanqing were holding tightly together, began to swim around directly on Xie Wanqing's body.

This situation is as if, a few days ago, Li Xiao escaped from the ground and jumped out, passing the red warm flame on his body to the person he brought out.

And as this spiritual power was continuously transmitted to Xie Wanqing's body, one could see that Xie Wanqing's expression was sometimes calm and sometimes distorted.

And after that faint black-red aura swirled around Xie Wanqing's face for a few times, it disappeared in a flash, and went to nowhere.

It seems to be a kind of wandering all over his body, trying to avoid the bits of aura that Li Xiao inputted.

At a certain moment, Li Xiao felt a tingling sensation transmitted from his hand holding Xie Wanqing's arm to his heart, and he could feel the violence and special feeling deep in his heart. The feeling of wanting to kill arises spontaneously.

fine.Its own spiritual power is very strong, and it forcibly suppresses the feeling of deliberately arousing the violence in his heart within minutes.

But I have to say this kind of ghost.It's really quite powerful.

Although Guisha is not a human being, the other party can think of stimulating Li Xiao in this way, and it will produce a kind of self-help, which is enough to prove that this thing is still a bit intelligent.

But this kind of IQ is not enough in front of Li Xiao.

Because his behavior of stimulating Li Xiao's arm is completely suicidal.

It's not that Li Xiao can only transmit spiritual power to Xie Wanqing from his hands, his whole body, now because of the existence of that kind of classical book, has unknowingly transformed a part of his spiritual power into something like a blue aura of heaven and earth.

Everything surrounds you.

Taking advantage of that evil ghostly aura, when it came into contact with his arm, he suddenly rushed over.

There was a bang, I don't know if this sound was real or fake, but Li Xiao could hear it anyway.

And Xie Wanqing seemed to be hit hard on the head by that loud voice, her whole body swayed, and she couldn't help breaking free from Li Xiao's grasping hand, stepped back two steps, and bumped into a on a tree.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Li Xiao rushed forward and hugged Xie Wanqing in his arms.

After that, all the evil spirits were gone.

A gust of wind blew by, the leaves parted, and the bright moonlight shone down, lighting up the surrounding area.

But Li Xiao could clearly feel that even though Xie Wanqing's eyes are tightly closed now, there is a very gentle red aura on the top of her head, which looks very beautiful, reflecting her whole face is rosy, and it is unbelievably beautiful things.

It was also at this time that Li Xiao finally understood.

In fact, the evil spirit on Xie Wanqing's body is nothing more than a clone left by something or a separate imprint.

He can imagine that there is a person or an evil object that has scattered countless self-imprints throughout Qinghe University, imprinted on every person it wants to seize spiritual power, slowly absorbing the energy of these people, Then gather it on yourself.

So what is attached to Xie Wanqing's body is not the most fundamental thing, but only a small part.

The people who came here just now to rescue Xie Wanqing seemed to be controlled by those evil spirits, but they themselves didn't know it. Even for a long time afterwards, they might only feel weak physically and mentally. No, maybe they will never know that they are like a frog boiled in warm water, treated by some people as a delicacy that can be controlled and eaten bit by bit.

Fortunately, Li Xiao has saved Xie Wanqing.

But simple rescue is not enough, we must find a way to ensure that she will not be affected by any evil spirits again.

After thinking about it carefully, he stretched out his hand to pick up the small stone and held it in his hand for a while, and with a slight burst of energy, a special spiritual energy could completely envelop the small stone.

The wrapped pebbles had a round and crystal-clear feeling, and were slowly placed on Xie Wanqing's chest, just clinging to her body, slowly enveloping the aura.

Then carry out a spiritual attachment again.

It was also at this time that Xie Wanqing finally opened her eyes.

Seeing herself lying in Li Xiao's arms, she couldn't remember what happened before, but hurriedly pushed Li Xiao away in panic.

"You, what are you doing?"

Li Xiao shrugged pretending to be relaxed.

"Mr. Xie, you accidentally fell down just now, I helped you up, are you okay now?"

"I, I'm fine."

Xie Wanqing shook her head and looked around but saw no one. Thinking about what happened to her before, she couldn't remember it at all.

She only remembered that Li Xiao said that he had something to say to him in this grove.

Then it was like having a nightmare, her mind went blank, and when she opened her eyes again, it was Li Xiao who was helping her.

At this time, Li Xiao slowly stretched out his hand, and placed such a crystal clear bead in front of her.

"Mr. Xie, I actually have nothing else to do, just want to give you a small gift, please take it."

Xie Wanqing subconsciously took the small bead in her hand. She should not have accepted what Li Xiao sent her, but after the small bead fell on her hand, she felt a cool feeling spread throughout her body, making her The feeling of fatigue and poor mental state these days has completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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